The RED FLAGS are waving inches from our faces. How many even notice them?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Our economic engine relys on China far too much. From production to resources to our stock market and even mass transportation. And our ENTIRE government doesn't really seem to care.
This virus, that some argue is insignificant while others claim is the final days, is wrecking havoc on too many industries.
One could argue that this virus is an intentional incident based on the facts around its origin. Not to mention if anyone was paying attention they would notice an alarming pattern of viruses originating in China.
So how long are we going to allow our entire lives to hang on Chinas ability to sell us what we already know how to make/supply for ourselves? Why is it "okay" for an American company to make the majority of it's products for the American people in China just so they can maximize their profit margin? Is our national security worth the sacrifice so board executives can play McScrooge in a pile of money?
Think about it. Look at the chaos this seemingly minor virus is causing. Now imagine that on a "serious" scale. All that risk so some board members and the Chinese government can get rich...

Now I know some of you will try to spin this as me hating the rich (which is laughable) or maybe you'll single in on me minimizing the impact of the virus. Either way that is not the point of this thread. This thread is about American prosperity & security vs our Chinese overlords.

Personally I think it's past time for Congress to act so we can regain control of our own future. I don't pretend to know the solution as that's what we elect our leaders to solve. Having said that I will toss out an idea.
I believe that congress should enact a law that says something to the effect of the following....

No American based company should be allowed to import goods manufactured by them in another country that exceed the exact same amount of goods they produce HERE. Any imports exceeding that amount should be taxed at such a rate as the make the viability of such actions unfeasible.

In other words if you make 10 widgets here and import 11 from China, the 11th widget will be taxed out of feasibility.

I support my country first and foremost. Political ideology should take a back seat when it comes to our national security.
That's not feasible. The global economy doesn't work that way.

The reason why we buy more from abroad than foreigners buy from us is because we don't save enough. Because we don't save enough, we have to import capital from abroad. This means that foreign currency floods into the country to finance our consumption and spending. Americans, or more accurately American financial institutions, now hold foreign currencies. Those foreign currencies are useless to Americans if they aren't spent. So they are spent on the goods and services from that country. The reason why we have a trade deficit with China, Germany et al is because those countries save more than they spend and export their capital abroad. We spend more than we save, so we need to import capital to finance our consumption.

Countries which have excess savings have a trade surplus. Countries which do not have enough savings have a trade deficit. If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports, the economy would collapse because we would have to curtail our spending. The only way for us to exactly balance our trade is if we exactly balanced our savings with our consumption. So the only way for us to have a balanced trade account is if Americans saved more or spent less.

As for the virus, even if we did zero trade with China, it would still affect us. The problem now isn't supply chains. The problem now is demand. If more people are getting sick and more people are scared of human contact, that will curtail demand.
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Our economic engine relys on China far too much. From production to resources to our stock market and even mass transportation. And our ENTIRE government doesn't really seem to care.
This virus, that some argue is insignificant while others claim is the final days, is wrecking havoc on too many industries.
One could argue that this virus is an intentional incident based on the facts around its origin. Not to mention if anyone was paying attention they would notice an alarming pattern of viruses originating in China.
So how long are we going to allow our entire lives to hang on Chinas ability to sell us what we already know how to make/supply for ourselves? Why is it "okay" for an American company to make the majority of it's products for the American people in China just so they can maximize their profit margin? Is our national security worth the sacrifice so board executives can play McScrooge in a pile of money?
Think about it. Look at the chaos this seemingly minor virus is causing. Now imagine that on a "serious" scale. All that risk so some board members and the Chinese government can get rich...

Now I know some of you will try to spin this as me hating the rich (which is laughable) or maybe you'll single in on me minimizing the impact of the virus. Either way that is not the point of this thread. This thread is about American prosperity & security vs our Chinese overlords.

Personally I think it's past time for Congress to act so we can regain control of our own future. I don't pretend to know the solution as that's what we elect our leaders to solve. Having said that I will toss out an idea.
I believe that congress should enact a law that says something to the effect of the following....

No American based company should be allowed to import goods manufactured by them in another country that exceed the exact same amount of goods they produce HERE. Any imports exceeding that amount should be taxed at such a rate as the make the viability of such actions unfeasible.

In other words if you make 10 widgets here and import 11 from China, the 11th widget will be taxed out of feasibility.

I support my country first and foremost. Political ideology should take a back seat when it comes to our national security.

I did not realize you were such an anti-capitalist.

You ask..."Why is it "okay" for an American company to make the majority of it's products for the American people in China just so they can maximize their profit margin?"

The answer is simple, it is the capitalistic thing to do, it is the nature of the free market.

The law you are suggesting is the opposite of freedom or capitalism.

You cannot save freedom by removing freedom.
If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports
That wasn't really what I was suggesting. Maybe I just wasn't articulate enough.
My overall point is that we need to curtail the desire of American companies to use chinese labor for production. We need to produce goods here. Not limiting exports to imports. Limiting imports of AMERICAN products if they can be made here.
If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports
That wasn't really what I was suggesting. Maybe I just wasn't articulate enough.
My overall point is that we need to curtail the desire of American companies to use chinese labor for production. We need to produce goods here. Not limiting exports to imports. Limiting imports of AMERICAN products if they can be made here.

That would still crash the economy, as the prices for everything would go up, and not just by a little bit.
If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports
That wasn't really what I was suggesting. Maybe I just wasn't articulate enough.
My overall point is that we need to curtail the desire of American companies to use chinese labor for production. We need to produce goods here. Not limiting exports to imports. Limiting imports of AMERICAN products if they can be made here.

The way to do that is to change the behavior of Americans, not just American companies. The fundamental problem is that we want to consume more than we earn. To do that, we have to be net importers of capital. That means we will run a trade deficit. And if we chose to spend more than we make, then we will run a trade deficit. That's just mathematics.

Boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to maximize profits for shareholders. That is the law. It is their responsibility to maximize profit margins.
Our economic engine relys on China far too much. From production to resources to our stock market and even mass transportation. And our ENTIRE government doesn't really seem to care.
This virus, that some argue is insignificant while others claim is the final days, is wrecking havoc on too many industries.
One could argue that this virus is an intentional incident based on the facts around its origin. Not to mention if anyone was paying attention they would notice an alarming pattern of viruses originating in China.
So how long are we going to allow our entire lives to hang on Chinas ability to sell us what we already know how to make/supply for ourselves? Why is it "okay" for an American company to make the majority of it's products for the American people in China just so they can maximize their profit margin? Is our national security worth the sacrifice so board executives can play McScrooge in a pile of money?
Think about it. Look at the chaos this seemingly minor virus is causing. Now imagine that on a "serious" scale. All that risk so some board members and the Chinese government can get rich...

Now I know some of you will try to spin this as me hating the rich (which is laughable) or maybe you'll single in on me minimizing the impact of the virus. Either way that is not the point of this thread. This thread is about American prosperity & security vs our Chinese overlords.

Personally I think it's past time for Congress to act so we can regain control of our own future. I don't pretend to know the solution as that's what we elect our leaders to solve. Having said that I will toss out an idea.
I believe that congress should enact a law that says something to the effect of the following....

No American based company should be allowed to import goods manufactured by them in another country that exceed the exact same amount of goods they produce HERE. Any imports exceeding that amount should be taxed at such a rate as the make the viability of such actions unfeasible.

In other words if you make 10 widgets here and import 11 from China, the 11th widget will be taxed out of feasibility.

I support my country first and foremost. Political ideology should take a back seat when it comes to our national security.
Sounds good on paper but the genie has left the bottle.

China is too entrenched in manufacturing at all levels to break the bond. Even if manufacturing were to move, it would probably go to India
I simply avoid the China label whenever possible. Not an easy task.
China makes inferior products, especially auto parts. Pure garbage.

Saying no to China starts with Americans themselves.
If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports
That wasn't really what I was suggesting. Maybe I just wasn't articulate enough.
My overall point is that we need to curtail the desire of American companies to use chinese labor for production. We need to produce goods here. Not limiting exports to imports. Limiting imports of AMERICAN products if they can be made here.

The way to do that is to change the behavior of Americans, not just American companies. The fundamental problem is that we want to consume more than we earn. To do that, we have to be net importers of capital. That means we will run a trade deficit. And if we chose to spend more than we make, then we will run a trade deficit. That's just mathematics.

Boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to maximize profits for shareholders. That is the law. It is their responsibility to maximize profit margins.
Your first paragraph is beyond my comprehension. As I stated in the op I leave this issue to those brighter than me.
For the record I NEVER spend more than I make. After my first divorce I destroyed all my credit cards and have not had one since. EVERYTHING I buy is paid in full the day I buy it.

Your second paragraph is common sense and I have no problem with it.
I simply avoid the China label whenever possible. Not an easy task.
China makes inferior products, especially auto parts. Pure garbage.

Saying no to China starts with Americans themselves.

Some products China makes are inferior, some are the best to be found.

Sometimes buying American is the right thing to do, but I am not going to buy American when it is not the best deal.

For example over the last two years I bought two new cars. The first we wanted a small sedan type that got good mileage. We ended up with a Kia, nothing any US car company made came close to the combination of value and price. Then the next purchase we wanted something big enough to travel comfortably in, including the dog. We got a Ford mid-sized SUV, far and away the best deal we could find.

If an American company wants me to buy their product they have to do better than merely stamping "made in America" on it.
Your first paragraph is beyond my comprehension. As I stated in the op I leave this issue to those brighter than me.
For the record I NEVER spend more than I make. After my first divorce I destroyed all my credit cards and have not had one since. EVERYTHING I buy is paid in full the day I buy it.

you are the outlier when it comes to spending then. Consumer debt is rising as fast as our national debt is.

And the problem is to reign in spending would crash the is a catch 22
If you passed a law which tried to balance imports with exports
That wasn't really what I was suggesting. Maybe I just wasn't articulate enough.
My overall point is that we need to curtail the desire of American companies to use chinese labor for production. We need to produce goods here. Not limiting exports to imports. Limiting imports of AMERICAN products if they can be made here.

The way to do that is to change the behavior of Americans, not just American companies. The fundamental problem is that we want to consume more than we earn. To do that, we have to be net importers of capital. That means we will run a trade deficit. And if we chose to spend more than we make, then we will run a trade deficit. That's just mathematics.

Boards of directors have a fiduciary duty to maximize profits for shareholders. That is the law. It is their responsibility to maximize profit margins.
Your first paragraph is beyond my comprehension. As I stated in the op I leave this issue to those brighter than me.
For the record I NEVER spend more than I make. After my first divorce I destroyed all my credit cards and have not had one since. EVERYTHING I buy is paid in full the day I buy it.

Your second paragraph is common sense and I have no problem with it.

You're rare then.

Americans consume more than they earn. And by "Americans," I mean American people, American companies, American organizations and American governments. American households are net savers, but American governments and American companies are not. You add all those up and Americans consume more than they save.
You're rare then.

Americans consume more than they earn. And by "Americans," I mean American people, American companies, American organizations and American governments. American households are net savers, but American governments and American companies are not. You add all those up and Americans consume more than they save.

American households are net savers,

I do not think this is accurate.
Our economic engine relys on China far too much. From production to resources to our stock market and even mass transportation. And our ENTIRE government doesn't really seem to care.
This virus, that some argue is insignificant while others claim is the final days, is wrecking havoc on too many industries.
One could argue that this virus is an intentional incident based on the facts around its origin. Not to mention if anyone was paying attention they would notice an alarming pattern of viruses originating in China.
So how long are we going to allow our entire lives to hang on Chinas ability to sell us what we already know how to make/supply for ourselves? Why is it "okay" for an American company to make the majority of it's products for the American people in China just so they can maximize their profit margin? Is our national security worth the sacrifice so board executives can play McScrooge in a pile of money?
Think about it. Look at the chaos this seemingly minor virus is causing. Now imagine that on a "serious" scale. All that risk so some board members and the Chinese government can get rich...

Now I know some of you will try to spin this as me hating the rich (which is laughable) or maybe you'll single in on me minimizing the impact of the virus. Either way that is not the point of this thread. This thread is about American prosperity & security vs our Chinese overlords.

Personally I think it's past time for Congress to act so we can regain control of our own future. I don't pretend to know the solution as that's what we elect our leaders to solve. Having said that I will toss out an idea.
I believe that congress should enact a law that says something to the effect of the following....

No American based company should be allowed to import goods manufactured by them in another country that exceed the exact same amount of goods they produce HERE. Any imports exceeding that amount should be taxed at such a rate as the make the viability of such actions unfeasible.

In other words if you make 10 widgets here and import 11 from China, the 11th widget will be taxed out of feasibility.

I support my country first and foremost. Political ideology should take a back seat when it comes to our national security.

Proudly made by American Union workers too at 3 times the cost of non-Union and 10 times the cost of overseas
Hey, if we replaced China with Central and South America as our primary trading partner, we'd not only not have to worry about this shit, we'd have FAR more control, and we'd stop feeding & financing one of our primary adversaries.

Again, Stormy, no one thinks that's a good idea.

What we need to do is make our own industries competitive through investment in infrastructure and education. Not just find a new bunch of brown people for the One Percent to exploit.
Not all of the products we buy need to be made in America, but we should not be too dependent on specific foreign sources. Balanced dollar trade agreements should be the norm, with specific exceptions relating to national security. Targeted tariffs are one of the most effective ways of enforcing these agreements.
Hey, if we replaced China with Central and South America as our primary trading partner, we'd not only not have to worry about this shit, we'd have FAR more control, and we'd stop feeding & financing one of our primary adversaries.

Again, Stormy, no one thinks that's a good idea.

What we need to do is make our own industries competitive through investment in infrastructure and education. Not just find a new bunch of brown people for the One Percent to exploit.

To make our own industries competitive we would need to lower our salaries to match theirs...are you up for a pay cut?

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