The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

I figured out who Carlin reminds me of. Most of you leftwingers never went to college, so you probably can't relate.....

But Carlin reminds me of the guy from the 1970s in everybody's freshman English class. He's 27 to everybody else's 19. Maybe he was in the army for awhile, but he never amounted to much, so now he's going to give college a try. He's the guy who dominates every class discussion with the teacher, has an opinion on everything, is looked at like an old weirdo who won't shut up by the regular students. Outside the class, he has sort of a following of gullible nerds he holds court over. They enjoy his bawdy profanity and tales from his more experienced life. He doesn't do well on any of the tests, and he probably washes out after a year. You don't find this type of guy as much anymore, as colleges are more selective.

Carlin dropped out of HS in the 9th grade inspite of having a very high IQ.
I figured out who Carlin reminds me of. Most of you leftwingers never went to college, so you probably can't relate.....

But Carlin reminds me of the guy from the 1970s in everybody's freshman English class. He's 27 to everybody else's 19. Maybe he was in the army for awhile, but he never amounted to much, so now he's going to give college a try. He's the guy who dominates every class discussion with the teacher, has an opinion on everything, is looked at like an old weirdo who won't shut up by the regular students. Outside the class, he has sort of a following of gullible nerds he holds court over. They enjoy his bawdy profanity and tales from his more experienced life. He doesn't do well on any of the tests, and he probably washes out after a year. You don't find this type of guy as much anymore, as colleges are more selective.

Religious folks go to non-credited "bible colleges" and also some credited colleges that are at the bottom of the barrel like "Oral Roberts University" in Tulsa Oklahoma. Leftists are smart enough to go to accredited colleges. Actual universities, not fake Christian colleges to study biblical mythology.
Religious folks go to non-credited "bible colleges" and also some credited colleges that are at the bottom of the barrel like "Oral Roberts University" in Tulsa Oklahoma. Leftists are smart enough to go to accredited colleges. Actual university, not fake Christian colleges.

That's true. A Bible college is not a Divinity School. Most of them are pretty poor academicly academically, often grounded in the Moody Institute or Dallas Theological Seminary.
Big good government empowers the people, bad Republican government disempowers people. We don't want "infinite" anything, so that's a silly exaggeration. You prefer big authoritarian corporations to be in control of everything. You want to hand all of the nation's resources and power to a few rich folks at the expense of the public (95% of the population, also known as the working class).
Nope. Big government steals from the people. That's how they get so big. They impose endless rules and regulations and imprison the people. Notice every single totalitarian regime IS big government. Corporations have no power and no wealth compared to the government. And who are the rich in big government? The very few leftwing leaders. Why do you want to empower and enrich the very few at the expense of the masses? Ask yourself that.
Carlin dropped out of HS in the 9th grade inspite of having a very high IQ.
Dropped out of HS, washed out/ discharged from the AF, failed his daughter, in and out of rehab centers all his adult life. Seeing a pattern? Yet he is your guru. Your life coach.
Religious folks go to non-credited "bible colleges" and also some credited colleges that are at the bottom of the barrel like "Oral Roberts University" in Tulsa Oklahoma. Leftists are smart enough to go to accredited colleges. Actual universities, not fake Christian colleges to study biblical mythology.
So you think Catholic colleges are the bottom of the barrel? You're hallucinating. You couldn't get into Notre Dame.
Nope. Big government steals from the people. That's how they get so big. They impose endless rules and regulations and imprison the people. Notice every single totalitarian regime IS big government. Corporations have no power and no wealth compared to the government. And who are the rich in big government? The very few leftwing leaders. Why do you want to empower and enrich the very few at the expense of the masses? Ask yourself that.
It's big business that steals from the people by refusing to pay taxes and demanding bailout money from the government (the people). There are rules, but many of those rules are in place due to self-righteous religious folks/conservatives. Every single big corporation is a totalitarian regime and controls our government through super PACs and an army of lobbyists in the halls of government, bribing politicians with their money. Conservatives want to privatize all of the natural wealth of America, including all of its vital, heavy industries, filling the coffers of private corporations, rather than making these industries public and depositing the profits into the public treasury (giving the money back to the people by developing our national infrastructure). There are just as many if not more Republican millionaires in politics than Democrats, so your claims are fallacious and misleading.
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What kind of idiot dipshit takes the time to post such hateful drivel about someone who's been dead for over a decade?

Clearly, Mashmouth believes his commentary is important and impactful enough to he must share it, regardless of how stupid and petty it makes him look.

He praises and defends the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church protected pedophiles.
So you think Catholic colleges are the bottom of the barrel? You're hallucinating. You couldn't get into Notre Dame.

Such colleges are "Catholic" only in name and history, not at the present, in practice or policy. It's pathetic seeing how Evangelicals will readily dismiss Catholics as lost idolaters, and Catholicism as Satanic ("The Whore Of Babylon"), until they're debating an Atheist, then Catholics instantly, magically become Christians and Catholicism becomes part of the Christian family. Very convenient. When I'm referring to Christian colleges, I'm referring to Protestant, Evangelical schools and the people who attend them, not Catholics.
It's big business that steals from the people by refusing to pay taxes and demanding bailout money from the government (the people). There are rules, but many of those rules are in place due to self-righteous religious folks/conservatives. Every single big corporation is a totalitarian regime and controls our government through super PACs and an army of lobbyists in the halls of government, bribing politicians with their wealth. Conservatives want to privatize all of the natural wealth of America, including all of its vital, heavy industries, filling the coffers of private corporations, rather than making these industries public and depositing the profits into the public treasury. There are just as many if not more Republican millionaires in politics than Democrats, so your claims are fallacious and misleading.
Question: Which can put you in jail if you don't do what they want? Corporations or Government?
Question: Which can legislate the other out of business? Corporations or Government?
Question: Which has far more money? Corporations or Government?

I rest my case.
Such colleges are "Catholic" only in name and history, not at the present, in practice or policy. It's pathetic seeing how Evangelicals will readily dismiss Catholics as lost idolaters, and Catholicism as Satanic ("The Whore Of Babylon"), until they're debating an Atheist, then Catholics instantly, magically become Christians and Catholicism becomes part of the Christian family. Very convenient. When I'm referring to Christian colleges, I'm referring to Protestant, Evangelical schools and the people who attend them, not Catholics.
Well, I'm Catholic, so......
Question: Which can put you in jail if you don't do what they want? Corporations or Government?
Question: Which can legislate the other out of business? Corporations or Government?
Question: Which has far more money? Corporations or Government?

I rest my case.

You have no case. The corporations control the government with their money, and they use law enforcement and the military to make money, put people in jail and kill who they consider a threat to their profits and power. We live in a plutocracy, not a democracy. Our legislation is heavily influenced if not controlled by corporations. The government's money is used to serve the vested interests of the rich and powerful, at the expense of the working-class.
You have no case. The corporations control the government with their money, and they use law enforcement and the military to make money, put people in jail and kill who they consider a threat to their profits and power. We live in a plutocracy, not a democracy. Our legislation is heavily influenced if not controlled by corporations. The government's money is used to serve the vested interests of the rich and powerful, at the expense of the working-class.
Everything you said is wrong. Government is ALWAYS more powerful than the corporations for the reasons I listed. Business provides jobs for workers building the economy. Government does nothing but take and cannot build an economy.
Well, I'm Catholic, so......

Everything you said is wrong. Government is ALWAYS more powerful than the corporations for the reasons I listed. Business provides jobs for workers building the economy. Government does nothing but take and cannot build an economy.
Everything I said was absolutely correct. Without government, we wouldn't have the infrastructure (currency, electric grid, water, highways, bridges, modern railroads, sewage, zoning laws, law enforcement, and courts to protect contracts and private property..etc) for commerce to function. Government facilitates business, without it you can't have a market at a national scale. More your insistence that government has more money than the private sector is irrelevant and silly since individual politicians still depend upon donations to run their political campaigns, hence are highly influenced by wealthy donors. They also hold stocks in corporations and personally benefit whenever legislation serves the vested interests of the companies that they've invested in, making politicians a lot of money. There's an immense amount of cronyism in our government which apparently you're ignoring or not aware of. Your claim that government does nothing to build an economy is outrageously stupid.

More, it's not just the private sector that creates jobs, the public sector also employs millions of people.
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Everything I said was absolutely correct. Without government, we wouldn't have the infrastructure (currency, electric grid, water, highways, bridges, modern railroads, sewage, zoning laws, law enforcement, and courts to protect contracts and private property..etc) for commerce to function. Government facilitates business, without it you can't have a market at a national scale. More your insistence that government has more money than the private sector is irrelevant and silly since individual politicians still depend upon donations to run their political campaigns, hence are highly influenced by wealthy donors. They also hold stocks in corporations and personally benefit whenever legislation serves the vested interests of the companies that they've invested in, making politicians a lot of money. There's an immense amount of cronyism in our government which apparently you're ignoring or not aware of. Your claim that government does nothing to build an economy is outrageously stupid.

More, it's not just the private sector that creates jobs, the public sector also employs millions of people.
Businesses create wealth. Government doesn't. Government "jobs" cannot build an economy. If it could, then we could just have a government with no private sector businesses. You don't appear to know the first thing about economics.
Businesses create wealth. Government doesn't. Government "jobs" cannot build an economy. If it could, then we could just have a government with no private sector businesses. You don't appear to know the first thing about economics.
It's actually you who doesn't know anything about economics. Businesses aren't the only source of personal wealth, wages are. How do you think businesses make money? Magic? They have paying customers who pay with their wages. Ever heard of the "PAYING CONSUMER"? If the government employs people and pays them a wage, then those people have the purchasing power to buy the products they consume from the private sector. The private sector profits, whether the customer works for a private company or the government, it doesn't matter. The public sector does indeed create wealth, through employment, offering its currency, and building and providing infrastructure. It's silly of you to claim that an economy can function at a national scale without a government.

We could just have the public sector, without a private one, and indeed in the future when technology replaces wage labor, we will need to produce everything that we consume without the profit motive, but rather to meet our needs. For now, we have a private sector and a public one.
It's actually you who doesn't know anything about economics. Businesses aren't the only source of personal wealth, wages are. How do you think businesses make money? Magic? They have paying customers who pay with their wages. Ever heard of the "PAYING CONSUMER"? If the government employs people and pays them a wage, then those people have the purchasing power to buy the products they consume from the private sector. The private sector profits, whether the costumer is works for a private company or the government, it doesn't matter. The public sector does indeed create wealth, through employment, offering its currency, and building and providing infrastructure. It's silly of you to claim that an economy can function at a national scale without a government.

We could just have the public sector, without a private one, and indeed in the future when technology replaces wage labor, we will need to produce everything that we consume without the profit motive, but rather to meet our needs. For now, we have a private sector and a public one.
Businesses make money by providing goods and services people will pay for. That gives them revenue. From that revenue they pay for their expenses and they pay out wages to their employees. Without a profit motive, what is produced is always inferior. Look at government programs for proof.
Dropped out of HS, washed out/ discharged from the AF, failed his daughter, in and out of rehab centers all his adult life. Seeing a pattern? Yet he is your guru. Your life coach.

Guru? Life Coach? You really are a self righteous little piss pot.
Businesses make money by providing goods and services people will pay for. That gives them revenue. From that revenue they pay for their expenses and they pay out wages to their employees. Without a profit motive, what is produced is always inferior. Look at government programs for proof.

That's a myth promoted by Libertarians and neo-Liberals, that people can't produce anything of quality without a profit motive.

Efficiency is also not the highest value or metric for what is in the best interest of the public.

If you look at government programs they actually prove my point that government can indeed do everything just as well, if not better than the private sector. The Social Security Administration, Medicare, VA, NASA, and our military, among other institutions and programs, are very well run and extremely effective. The US government can outsource some of its work but nonetheless, when it is managed by the US government, it can and often is extremely effective at achieving its objectives.

More, in the future, as advanced technology replaces wage labor, we're going to have to adopt another mode of production that doesn't rely on monetary gain, but rather on producing goods to meet our needs. The socialization, democratization, and personalization of production is inevitable thanks to advanced technology. We gradually evolve into a socialist and then after that a communist mode of production.

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