The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
I hope everyone is paying very close attention........................
Listen carefully, I would like to first and again thank you for bringing up another issue which on the surface can make us look really bad until you do all the research.
Interesting that you bring up the 1967 version of Mormon Doctrine which was actually published not by the Church itself but from the well versed and Brilliant Bruce R. McKonkie. However, would we all agree that people as individuals are not perfect? I think we have established that clearly. These individuals were far less racist than most of their white counterparts who were not members of the church, that being said. I will show you now that the official doctrine of the church remains unscathed and perfect.

After the Revelation of 1978, many things were changed, the doctrines of Mark Peterson and Bruce R. McKonkie were declared false doctrine by none other than the prophet of his time Spencer W. Kimball, leading to a revised version of the book by Bruce McKonkie who revised it himself. President Kimball also retracted his words and stated that he was declaring his opinion at the time and not the word of the Lord. Prophets are people too. We all can make mistakes. It is clear that they did this because they forgot about the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith who prophesied that the Negro would eventually have the priesthood restored before the coming of Christ. Again, you really need to read my previous post. It will educate you and perhaps take away some of the bitterness you have.

Yet again, I have shown that I know my doctrine better than an angry ex-mormon who posts the lower half of some gothic teenage drug addict as his avatar and calls himself "naughty"

Yet again, I have shown that I know my doctrine better than an angry ex-mormon who posts the lower half of some gothic teenage drug addict as his avatar and calls himself "naughty"

Actually, those are my legs. ;) But I think that I will decide to take that as a compliment. Do they really look "teenaged" and drug addicted? HEH!
Sweetie. It's not that we didn't read them. It's that they weren't very accurate. ;) Not everyone is as ignorant of your faith's history as you are. The first time I read the BOM, it still included the words "white and delightsome," though I understand those are no longer in the book. :( I think it's gone through a few revisions since my day to get to the sanitized version you currently cling to.

But, I'll tell you what. Google the phrase "white and delightsome," and see what you come up with.

Nope darling you are wrong yet again. phrase white and delightsome is still in the book. now would you like to know the correct interpretation of it? nope you already have your mind made up.
No, luckily. A LOT of converts also believe their women should basically be servants even though they never say it that way, they use the old "a woman's place" crap.

wrong again. Hello kitty thinks that I am a convert, but doesn't know I was raised mormon. It doesn't really matter, knowledge matters. You are both lacking lots. You cats better get your facts straight before embarrassing yourself fighting:meow: against me
Nope darling you are wrong yet again. phrase white and delightsome is still in the book. now would you like to know the correct interpretation of it? nope you already have your mind made up.

Converts .... so sad you are. Interpretation is taught in the church to be something personal and that no interpretation is wrong or right. We use to sit around in church classes discussing how many ways to interpret something, hours, that was actually kind of fun, a peaceful debate of sorts.
wrong again. Hello kitty thinks that I am a convert, but doesn't know I was raised mormon. It doesn't really matter, knowledge matters. You are both lacking lots. You cats better get your facts straight before embarrassing yourself fighting:meow: against me

Mkay ... neo mormon then, probably no more than 18 or REALLY ignorant. So, is it as blissful as they claim?
Converts .... so sad you are. Interpretation is taught in the church to be something personal and that no interpretation is wrong or right. We use to sit around in church classes discussing how many ways to interpret something, hours, that was actually kind of fun, a peaceful debate of sorts.

I don't know what kind of cumbaya that was, but there is one one correct interpretation of scripture. the Prophet's. misinterpretation happens all the time, but if it doesn't agree with the Prophet's it ain't valid.
I don't know what kind of cumbaya that was, but there is one one correct interpretation of scripture. the Prophet's. misinterpretation happens all the time, but if it doesn't agree with the Prophet's it ain't valid.

Okay ... now I know you are full of shit. Everyone, Truthspeaker is NOT a mormon, he is a deluded MORON.
Mkay ... neo mormon then, probably no more than 18 or REALLY ignorant. So, is it as blissful as they claim?

your ability to show your judgmentalism is more and more evident. I am soon to be 28, married with a 4 year old and another on the way, sorry catz, I know you are jealous.
Okay ... now I know you are full of shit. Everyone, Truthspeaker is NOT a mormon, he is a deluded MORON.

Back to my original point. This thread is about clarifying misconceptions about our church, not attacking it because you don't like our teachings.
I wonder where she is by the way. Oh wait.... I get it. She is now taking the time to read my posts for the very first time. Proof is in tha puddin tootz.:lol:

Let's see what excuse she has this time. maybe "I already had read it dipshit. I just had to finish my bong hit."
Back to my original point. This thread is about clarifying misconceptions about our church, not attacking it because you don't like our teachings.

Aaah .. and there is your greatest sin against your own. I never said the teachings were bad in any way, actually the old teaching I grew up with were good. I left because idiots like you filled the ranks and ruined them, turning them into poison to use in order to spread your vile ideals. No, the original teachings are nothing like what you are claiming, and I know that the prophets of the church would excommunicate you from the priesthood if they heard you.
So I see you are concluding the last argument and moving on to another. I'll take that little vicory and move on to the next one. I do have a life outside this thread and must get back to work. Keep it comin as strong as you can even though I don't think it gets any stronger than misconceptions about the masons, blacks and priesthood and a few mispoken words by some leaders who later apologized and retracted their statements. Through all of this the official church doctrine remains iron clad and squeaky clean. I'll respond tomorrow to anything else. And on a closing note... Let's keep on topic.
Just curious, is your wife still active in her faith?

No. When she got pregnant as a teen we got married. But, so far as the locals were concerned, she'd been tainted. That sort of ticked us off. 25 years later we are still happily married. But there are still some old timers there that have long memories.

Her mom would notify the church each time we moved so missionaries could come see us. That lasted a few years until the incident over my grandmothers death. Mom was asked to stop the madness since the missionaries were no longer welcome.

Edited to add:

Great, he wants to try and tear down her faith. He's a wolf in wolfs clothing. Not too sly.

Assertions without evidence. And, if by chance you are correct it's OK. We have our own faith and are secure in it.
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