The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Here, we have all this typical Mac agitprop about "both ends" as he never defines where those ends ARE.

The truth of the matter is that at one end we have NeoNazis and KKK types who are a TINY minority of the right and at the other end we have woke authoritarianism which has come to actually define the left as it has been pushed into every aspect of our daily lives.

Just ask yourself how many conservatives here support the KKK or NeoNazis and how many leftists support ANTIFA, BLM, Radical gender politics, CRT and all the rest of the extreme left claptrap.
Lol. You’re confusing things.
Not really.
You said….”The U.S. military is not a force for good.”
I said…”It’s very existence is a force for good.” As we haven’t been attacked.
You said…”This isn’t 1941.” Implying that nations don’t attack nations these days.
I said…”If we had a shit military would Russia and or China attack us?”
Which part has you confused?
Leftard statement of the year! Why not let individuals decide what's best for themselves?????

P.S. I wouldn't depend on you to decide which way is up.
You do realize I was addressing both ends of the spectrum there, don't you?

Obviously not.

Just attack, attack, attack.

Always a good sign.
The complaints about threads like this are often the most interesting posts on the thread!

A lot of people don't like talk like this. Too bad.

The msm has lied to the American people for decades. It is controlled by government and has become essentially a department of the USG.

You might look up the Church Commission from fucking 1975. Then you might realize it’s much worse today…see the Twitter Files. You won’t of course because you’re a cultist unwilling to learn the truth.

Lol. You are exactly like a Trumper. A true believer unable to think
i'm not especially defending MSN if you mean CNN&MSNBC. They spend way too much time on pundits arguing and giving too much respect for ridiculous GOP misinformation. Yes they are like moderate Republicans, our mainstream media mainly. But the GOP leads the country in total BS by far especially now. My college caught the only FBI agent provocateur in 1970. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office and was rumored to have been at Kent State. Hoover and Nixon weren't interested in investigating anything. But the MSM are not liars. They don't make up election steql or election vaccine dangers global warming BS like Murdoch racist garbage propaganda and Internet conspiracy nuts. No pedophilia either LOL. Meanwhile while you're distracted by all that crap, they robbed the country blind for the greedy idiot rich GOP.
What, you aren't claiming you were around during the Weimar Years and you were personally in the White Rose society, and Hitler totally chopped off your head but you got better.

Okay, seriously. No, the Nazis didn't attract "New voters", they attracted voters from other right wing parties.

For instance, in the 1924 election, The German National People's party (DNVP) got 20% of the vote and the Zentrum Party (The right wing Catholic Party) got 14% of the vote. The "Legal" version of the Nazis under Eric Ludendorf (Hitler was in prison at the time for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch) 6% of the vote.

On the left, the Social Democrats got 21% and the Communists got 9%.

Flash forward to the 1932 election.

The Nazis got 37% of the vote. The Center shrank to 12% and the DNVP shrank to 6%. The SPD actually did better, it got 21% while the Communists got 14%. The problem was the Communists and SPD couldn't form a coalition, but HItler was able to form one with the DNVP, Centrum and other right wing parties.
Yes, it was a long time ago that I read this, and ... it may have been wrong. The class analysis is that the Nazis attracted the petty bourgeoisie, especially those ruined by the hyper-inflation and then again by the Depression which saw a third of Germans unemployed. The German working class stayed pretty firmly on the Left. (What happened to it later, after Hitler had been in power for a while, is another question.)

As for the rest of what you say, it's the same thing I have said here and elsewhere, standard historical scholarship. The 'centrist' parties were not Nazi, but they were not hard-core anti-Nazi either ... and the Nazi's nationalism and militant anti-communism appealed to some of their rank and file, especially after they realized the 'Socialism' part of 'National Socialism' was just sucker-bait.

The Communists bore huge responsibility for splitting the hard-core Anti-Nazi forces. Not just their refusal to form a parliamentary coaltion -- giving Hitler a plurality -- but their refusal to join with the SPD's anti-Nazi street fighters who were organized in the Iron Front. Indeed they attacked the SPD, and sometimes co operated with the Nazis, as in the "Red Referendum" to unseat the Socialist Chief of Police in Berlin.

A 'march separately, strike together' strategy -- as urged by Leon Trotsky -- might have been able to stop Hitler. It would have been common sense. But the KPD was, like Comintern parties everywhere, following Stalin's mad 'Third Period' strategy -- a far cry from what the Bolsheviks did in 1917.

I don't want to give advice to the Left, but there is a lesson for patriots here.
The complaints about threads like this are often the most interesting posts on the thread!

A lot of people don't like talk like this. Too bad.

I know what you mean….I presented the post below and it hasn’t been addressed….weird huh?

”What does that even mean?
What more do you want Conservatives to do to preserve, protect and improve America?
Remember, keeping America intact was always the primary bond between the citizenry…we have never in our history had such a large faction of the population so hell-bent on restructuring/redesigning America.”
i'm not especially defending MSN if you mean CNN&MSNBC. They spend way too much time on pundits arguing and giving too much respect for ridiculous GOP misinformation. Yes they are like moderate Republicans, our mainstream media mainly. But the GOP leads the country in total BS by far especially now. My college caught the only FBI agent provocateur in 1970. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office and was rumored to have been at Kent State. Hoover and Nixon weren't interested in investigating anything. But the MSM are not liars. They don't make up election steql or election vaccine dangers global warming BS like Murdoch racist garbage propaganda and Internet conspiracy nuts. No pedophilia either LOL. Meanwhile while you're distracted by all that crap, they robbed the country blind for the greedy idiot rich GOP.
Yes the MSM are liars and propagandists. This is why Americans are the most uninformed people on the planet. They’ve lied about every conceivable thing, just as our government has. After all, the MSM is a division of the USG.
There is other than "moderate".
One can be passionate about an issue without also obediently falling in line with the monolithic dogma of either silly tribe.

Not sure why that needs to be so difficult to understand. This is where we get stalled, as people just can't think outside their strict ideological foxhole.
You clearly lack the self-awareness to see the screaming irony of your reply.
You believe people on the Right are naive, uncritical consumers of mis-information fed to them by their authority figures.
You also believe that we should believe uncritically

--- the stories in the mainstream media, which always, according to you, tells the unbiassed, whole truth; if they say Trump is on the Russian payroll, it must be true!

--- what the FBI says, about, say the fact that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation;

--- the pronouncements of any government agency, like the CDC, if it says something, like that the virus comes from bats and the vaccine is perfectly safe and should be taken by everyone, not just people at risk due to prior conditions;

Gee, guy! And you call us gullible!!!!!!!!!!
real journalists don't spend a lot of time on the offspring of candidates personal lives. Your garbage propaganda goes on forever about Hunter about 6 year old things that have all been discredited multiple times..,

Trump wants to be pals with Putin and the Chinese guy and the north Korean guy and wants to be a Moscow oligarch. he's too mobbed up to be caught, he did all this in public. he told the Russians in a speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and he needed all the help he could get. And then they did LOL in a Big big way... maybe you think that's just great. did you hear about Murdoch saying in court that his pundits did not believe the election steel garbage or even like Trump. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you for not checking all these ridiculous "facts"... when in the entire free world only one TV station and two newspapers agree with you... hello?!
The “moderate” in these times (which neither of you leftists are) is the spineless coward afraid to engage in the fight to protect America. Patriots love and respect all things America….neither of you two are patriots.
This shit isn’t complicated at all.
You aren't a patriot just because you declare yourself one. You're just angry because others refuse to see you as such. Too bad.
Translation: Bad Mac got exposed (*again) as a committed hard-core LW loon. He felt bad getting caught. So now he concocts a BS storyline blaming "both sides" after his decades of blaming only decent Americans trying to preserve the American way for their children.

Bottom line: they are all working for 100% Socialism-Conmmunusm. Why is the question?
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Political overcompensation is the new Great American Pastime.

A few years ago, some of us were warning the Left: You're going too far with Political Correctness and Identity Politics. You're going too far screaming RACIST at every last fucking thing that moves. You're going too far lowering standards and expectations for people based solely on their skin color. You're going too far in normalizing sexual disorders such as gender dysphoria. You're going too far in putting your agenda in schools. You're going too far in disallowing conservative voices on college campuses. And most of all, you're going too far in attacking, intimidating and penalizing people in everyday life for saying things you don't like.

There's going to be pushback, we said. You're overcompensating, we said. This stuff is not right, we said. I only said that a few thousand times here, to be met with attacks from the Left. (By the way, a zillion examples of that available upon request via the search function)

So now we see the pushback, with this Neanderthal, middle school bully-approach to the culture from the Right. This is the pushback we warned about -- although, admittedly, even worse than I imagined. And this sucker has legs, just like your weaponized PC and Identity Politics did. They're making laws and attacking and intimidating. Gee, what a coincidence. What Deja Vu we're seeing, huh? Go figure!

And most amazing of all, this pushback included the election of a petulant child, an obvious con man, an orange buffoon, in 2016, and all the fucking unbelievable madness that has followed.

No doubt there will be pushback to this, too. Back and forth. Back and forth. More and more damage.

Ideological politics poisons everything it touches. Now it's putting this country at risk of falling apart. Great job, gang. You're BOTH so much like those you hate, and you just won't stop.

The important point you are missing is that liberals haven’t changed or usurped laws in what you are attacking. You just don’t like that they publicly out people they think are not tolerant of others - rightly in many cases, but yes some overreactions.

The right wing dystopian reaction to being challenged regarding compassion and understanding has been to poison the judicial branch by packing it with political activists, gerrymandered the shit out of states, tried making voting harder and challenged legitimacy of free elections. Almost all on the basis of lies puked out by Fox News and worse. All the left has done is, in a free society and within a free market, and within legal confines, chosen to express their opinions.

Any attempt to equate the two or impeach both extremes equally is incredulous.

The right wing immediately takes simple concepts and corrupts them. Suddenly protesting the beating of a minority means to conservatives that liberals hate cops and white people. Suddenly evaluating immigrants for asylum means the destruction of America. Suddenly Harvard simply wanting a diverse student body is white hate. Give me a break. You can poke at the left but there is no where near a balance of wrong.
Lol. Oh Joe WTF!

Ears appeared unabashed left, but was your typical run-of-mill establishment elitist warmonger. You like many got duped.

He and W are blood brothers from different mothers. Both men ruled exactly the same.

As potus, he did exactly nothing that could be considered left wing or progressive.
that's ridiculous. A warmonger who never put any boots on the ground anywhere? and obamacare? Of course besides that he was totally obstructed and it was the middle of another Gop economic meltdown. as usual after after eight years of GOP corruption.

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