The war on black Republicans

I liked Hermann Cain in the run up to the RNC in 2012...might have even considered voting Republican for him....unfortunately, the Republicans rejected him as their candidate and I never had the chance. I wonder why he was rejected.

Because the powers that be had anointed Romney.
So you don't know. Yet you know that this story is a "manifestation of the republican victim mentality."

Very impressive.

But the OP believes the world is being unfair to republicans by not spending more time on the story. Even though EVERYONE has reported on it.

Even more impressive.

Everyone reported on it? Seriously? Can you prove that by linking to every site n Earth and their stories covering it, or are was supposed to bow before your superior ability to make unprovable claims?

By the way, as the author of the OP I can state with certainty that I never made the claim that the world is being unfair to Republicans. I know that because, unlike you, I don't give a fuck if the world is unfair to one side or the other, I just like to argue about politics. I also enjoy mocking idiots, something that this site gives me amble opportunity to do.

Oh and this JUST HAPPENED to sneak into your OP:

"But once the incident was made public on June 29, only conservative and local outlets seemed to really treat it like major news. By comparison, a Nebraska parade float that featured an outhouse marked “Obama Presidential Library” drew international press attention last week due to its perceived racial connotations."
Allen West is correct. He and Justice Thomas are their favorite targets..

?True Racism?: Allen West Calls Out Liberals Who Think Black Conservatives Need ?Approval? From Their ?Masters? | Video |

“Look, I went through 22 years being in the military. [I rose] to the rank of Lt. Colonel. I have a bachelor’s degree and 2 master’s degrees, and for these white liberals to believe they can have this condescending manner toward black conservatives, that we need to have approval from our quote unquote, I guess “masters,” for us to be able to speak — see that’s where the true racism really lies… is with the white liberals who don’t want to see someone such as myself, that broke away from their dependency class, and is out here and able to possibly contend against them with the policies that they are promoting that is destroying the black community.
Allen West is correct. He and Justice Thomas are their favorite targets..

?True Racism?: Allen West Calls Out Liberals Who Think Black Conservatives Need ?Approval? From Their ?Masters? | Video |

“Look, I went through 22 years being in the military. [I rose] to the rank of Lt. Colonel. I have a bachelor’s degree and 2 master’s degrees, and for these white liberals to believe they can have this condescending manner toward black conservatives, that we need to have approval from our quote unquote, I guess “masters,” for us to be able to speak — see that’s where the true racism really lies… is with the white liberals who don’t want to see someone such as myself, that broke away from their dependency class, and is out here and able to possibly contend against them with the policies that they are promoting that is destroying the black community.

Allen West's conservative credentials are bulletproof. He's everything conservatives would ever want in a presidential candidate and much better suited to carry their mantle than any of their frontrunners.

Bet you $20 he never makes it past the primaries.
I assumed this thread would be about how the Republicans and the conservative mainsteam media destroyed Hermain Cain.

Ben Carson and Allen West won't make Cain's mistake. They won't run for president. They've seen the demonstration of what happens to black Republicans who try to rise above their assigned station in the party.
Alan Keyes ran for president as a Republican. How many Republicans in the primaries were able to overcome their racism enough to vote for him?

Not too many as I recall.
Allen West is correct. He and Justice Thomas are their favorite targets..

?True Racism?: Allen West Calls Out Liberals Who Think Black Conservatives Need ?Approval? From Their ?Masters? | Video |

“Look, I went through 22 years being in the military. [I rose] to the rank of Lt. Colonel. I have a bachelor’s degree and 2 master’s degrees, and for these white liberals to believe they can have this condescending manner toward black conservatives, that we need to have approval from our quote unquote, I guess “masters,” for us to be able to speak — see that’s where the true racism really lies… is with the white liberals who don’t want to see someone such as myself, that broke away from their dependency class, and is out here and able to possibly contend against them with the policies that they are promoting that is destroying the black community.

Allen West's conservative credentials are bulletproof. He's everything conservatives would ever want in a presidential candidate and much better suited to carry their mantle than any of their frontrunners.

Bet you $20 he never makes it past the primaries.

I bet $100.00
I assumed this thread would be about how the Republicans and the conservative mainsteam media destroyed Hermain Cain.

Ben Carson and Allen West won't make Cain's mistake. They won't run for president. They've seen the demonstration of what happens to black Republicans who try to rise above their assigned station in the party.


"Hey, they never called me a negro to my face!!"
Seriously? Okay how do you know?
So you don't know. Yet you know that this story is a "manifestation of the republican victim mentality."

Very impressive.

But the OP believes the world is being unfair to republicans by not spending more time on the story. Even though EVERYONE has reported on it.

Even more impressive.
Time spent on the story means that she was a "victim of awful racism"?

Lawdy, Son. This thread has two tracks. Are you tracking with me?
But the OP believes the world is being unfair to republicans by not spending more time on the story. Even though EVERYONE has reported on it.

Even more impressive.

Everyone reported on it? Seriously? Can you prove that by linking to every site n Earth and their stories covering it, or are was supposed to bow before your superior ability to make unprovable claims?

By the way, as the author of the OP I can state with certainty that I never made the claim that the world is being unfair to Republicans. I know that because, unlike you, I don't give a fuck if the world is unfair to one side or the other, I just like to argue about politics. I also enjoy mocking idiots, something that this site gives me amble opportunity to do.

Oh and this JUST HAPPENED to sneak into your OP:

"But once the incident was made public on June 29, only conservative and local outlets seemed to really treat it like major news. By comparison, a Nebraska parade float that featured an outhouse marked “Obama Presidential Library” drew international press attention last week due to its perceived racial connotations."

I didn't write that part, and it didn't come from a Republican, but feel free to keep pretending you have a point.
I liked Hermann Cain in the run up to the RNC in 2012...might have even considered voting Republican for him....unfortunately, the Republicans rejected him as their candidate and I never had the chance. I wonder why he was rejected.
Herman Cain dropped out, remember?

Those womanizing allegations that are still not proved.

He withdrew over what he claims were false accusations? lol.

Is that what the birthers thought they could accomplish with President Obama?
Nice to see someone with a liberal bent addressing he innate bias in the media toward incidents like this.

There has been much written about the racial rhetoric that has permeated political discourse since President Obama took office, and the media often highlights the racially inflammatory language used by some of his opponents. But racially charged language targeting black Republicans rarely receives much coverage, further fueling conservative suspicion of the mainstream media.
Late last month, Gloreatha Scurry-Smith, a congressional candidate in Florida’s Fifth district, found that one of her campaign signs had been vandalized. Smith says she initially wasn’t surprised that one of her billboards had been defaced, but was taken aback when she saw that her face had been spray painted white on a towering 8-foot by 4-foot campaign billboard.
Though she emphasized she does not know the culprit’s motivation, Smith did say that she interpreted it as an attack on her status as a rather prominent black Republican.
“As a black conservative often times you are thought of as an Uncle Tom or perhaps a traitor to your own race,” Smith told The Daily Beast. “I didn’t want to deal with that since we have such serious issues in our district that are way more important than this sign.”
Smith, who goes by “Glo,” says she almost didn’t tell people about the incident. She waited for days, praying for guidance with her family. Eventually, Smith and her husband decided it was worth going public on social media in case other signs had been similarly defaced.
But once the incident was made public on June 29, only conservative and local outlets seemed to really treat it like major news. By comparison, a Nebraska parade float that featured an outhouse marked “Obama Presidential Library” drew international press attention last week due to its perceived racial connotations.
The Secret War On Black Republicans - The Daily Beast
So going forward, this is am acknowledgement and declaration from the USMB RWers that 'The Daily Beast' is a LEGITIMATE NEWS SOURCE?!??

No more than you think MediaMatters and Daily KOS are.

By the way, as the author of the OP I can state with certainty that I never made the claim that the world is being unfair to Republicans. I know that because, unlike you, I don't give a fuck if the world is unfair to one side or the other, I just like to argue about politics. I also enjoy mocking idiots, something that this site gives me amble opportunity to do.

Really? So your use of the phrase 'innate bias in the media toward incidents like this' was not meant to claim,

even implicitly, that Republicans are treated unfairly?
I liked Hermann Cain in the run up to the RNC in 2012...might have even considered voting Republican for him....unfortunately, the Republicans rejected him as their candidate and I never had the chance. I wonder why he was rejected.
Herman Cain dropped out, remember?

Those womanizing allegations that are still not proved.

He withdrew over what he claims were false accusations? lol.
Yes. Why is that funny?
Using racist and sexist attacks against black, Hispanic, and women Republicans is acceptable of course when the question is asked why is it wrong to treat liberal blacks, Hispanics and women the same way the only response you seem to get is that's different.
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