‘They’re all begging me’: Trump’s 2024 veep tryouts get underway...could be Tim Scott or an Asian American in California, somebody Hispanic in Texas

No way Trump picks anyone with a strong personality as his VP, he will not share the spot light and he will not allow anyone to ever question him.

Right, because Trump runs away from strong personalities like a coward. You can really tell by his staff with folks like Giuliani, Christie and McEnany, who are very timid & obscure.

Even when he had his game show he'd only pick contestants with the weakest personalities.
I don't think Trump will run again. The grift is too good. Instead he has positionsed himself as kingmaker of the Republican party.

They'd be wise to crush him and find a decent candidate with a brain.
Glad to see lefties are still terrified of Trump.
Meh. I'm not voting for Trump in the primaries.
We Republicans need to get past Trump.
If we lose in 2024 with Trump, because he repulses too many women voters, then the US can't be saved.
2024 is a "gimme" election, for ANY GOP candidate, except Trump.

Republicans have nothing but Trump.

All they have after him are RINOs that are only marginally better than the Democrats.

The last thing we need are another McCain or Romney on the ballot. Remember that getting us The Worthless Negro? Or a Bush that is just as much big government as any Democrat.
Nobody ever picks strong personalities for VP --- it's a job description, milquetoast.

And that's right: can't have someone overshadowing the prez.
The problem with Trump is that he appeals to the polar opposite of the Progs. Is a person a Rino if he supports new revenue and lessened benefits to stabilize soc sec? The dems promised more benefits and lower taxes. How is that different from Trump?
Nobody ever picks strong personalities for VP --- it's a job description, milquetoast.

And that's right: can't have someone overshadowing the prez.
Not unless he dies .... like McKinley (-:
Hopefully a Tim Scott would not turn traitor to his country like Pence did when he sold out his country to The Swamp.
Hopefully Trump will not tear the party in two to appease his own ego.
Trump would be a good Speaker of the House and he could be very useful there.
All depends doesn't it? The left could employ new tactics to circumvent the election again, just as they did the govt. process to destroy the Executive Office.

Are you saying Trump can't win the office square or can't win if the Democrats cheat?
1. Dems did NOT 'circumvent the election' a FIRST time, never mind 'again'
2. Whatever-in-the-world are you talking about, destroying the Executive Office?
3. I'm saying that if you let Rump run again, then America at-large is going to turn out in large numbers to ensure that he is defeated - with catastrophic down-ballot damage
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If there is a Deep State then it is a BIPARTISAN Deep State that was created under the auspices of BOTH parties over the course of a century or so.
Jekyll Island happened more than a century ago. A checkbook with no checking account buys Dems and Repubs.
Trump and Cruz in 2024…

Holy shit I am voting third party for life now because you retarded idiots can’t field any real candidates…

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