Things do not look good for the Democrats.

Everything in the world going wrong for Democrats, and you terrorist, democracy hating pieces of inbred trash will be lucky to get a 50/50 legislature. American conservatives are the stupidest people on the planet.
Your Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane was the biggest attack on our Democracy since 9-11 and Pearl Harbor.
You are fooling know one. We know who tried to overthrow our democracy, and overturn our elections and continue to do the same thing for the last 6 years.
We don't call you 666 DemNazi Globalist Fascists for nothing.
You're going to get a democracy enema with a fire hose in a few weeks, assclown.
Love this!
Insurrection at the Polls!

Down with "Heil Shitler!"
Down with "The 666 DemNazi 4th Globalist Reich!"
Down with "The Globalist Puppet and Dictator EmperorShitzHizPantz!"

Boot the Nazi Globalist Godless Filth out of office. Every damn one of them.
You can't run away from the damage the Democrat filth is doing to this country.

You can deny it all you want because we all know how dishonest you Libtards are and that you never take responsibility for the destruction that you do. You always blame your failures on somebody else. Remember how The Worthless Negro blamed all his failures on Bush and tried to claim credit for Trump's successes? That is just the kind of lying low life assholes they are.

However, Americans know who is to blame when they checkout at the grocery store or try to fill up their vehicle and no amount of "Mababydindunutin" is going to save the Democrats from being held accountable at the mid term election.

You can continue to have your head up your Moon Bat ass but the American people know that the Democrats have been a disaster.
Hey, jihadi, go fuck yourself. You would rather end this country yourself than coexist with dissenting opinions. American Taliban. :fu:

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