This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

True, mainly Jews do not care. One thing I will correct. Jesus said he was not the Messiah (meaning the anointed one) the Jews were expecting to lead the government. He was quite clear on that point. He said he was anointed (Messiah) for another purpose.

Ever consider that perhaps Jews should not have given up Jesus without a fight?
Jews are gods chosen people. Jesus is for the gentiles.
I bet everyone doesn't drink the wine from that little spoon anymore at my church. Or kiss the priests hand. I won't do that anymore. Fist pump to Father Nick. LOL.
Never heard about taking wine from a spoon. Is that Eastern Orthodox? Catholics drank straight from the Chalice, everyone sharing. I abstained from that because sharing the Chalice was always withheld during flu season. (As if anything contagious is going to wait until the flu season.) We never kissed the priests' hands, either. May have happened with some bishops, but not in our diocese.

I haven't heard of the Church's future plans (if any) for sharing the Chalice.
Jews are gods chosen people. Jesus is for the gentiles.
Jesus said he was sent to Israel, specifically, to the lost sheep of Israel. I don't believe the hogwash that since the High Priests rejected him, Jesus abandoned Israel or the Jews and switched to the Gentiles Not his way. He is still present for all.
Jesus said he was sent to Israel, specifically, to the lost sheep of Israel. I don't believe the hogwash that since the High Priests rejected him, Jesus abandoned Israel or the Jews and switched to the Gentiles Not his way. He is still present for all.
Not for us. We just don't care. I know it's hard for xtians to fathom.
Not for us. We just don't care. I know it's hard for xtians to fathom.
Not hard at all. Christians do not miss other religions, so it is not hard to imagine that we are not missed by other religions.

How excited are you to tell non-Jewish people about your own faith?
Not hard at all. Christians do not miss other religions, so it is not hard to imagine that we are not missed by other religions.

How excited are you to tell non-Jewish people about your own faith?
If asked, I'll gladly answer questions. Unlike too many xtians who just itch to tell you about theirs.
If asked, I'll gladly answer questions. Unlike too many xtians who just itch to tell you about theirs.
That percentage of Christians is not all that high, usually Jehovah Witnesses and Latter Day Saints. Other Christian sects hear from them as well. As a Catholic, mostly what I hear from other Christian sects is what they think Catholics are doing wrong. That just might be the greatest itch of all. ;)
That percentage of Christians is not all that high, usually Jehovah Witnesses and Latter Day Saints. Other Christian sects hear from them as well. As a Catholic, mostly what I hear from other Christian sects is what they think Catholics are doing wrong. That just might be the greatest itch of all. ;)
Of course you're doing it all wrong. If you can't start a franchise and become filthy rich, you're doing it wrong 😎😎
You don't. Insult one, you insult us all. You label the good along with those who offend. Otherwise, you would focus on pedophiles and what organizations are doing when they are found in their midst.

Anything I have said about the catholic church that is negative is specifically aimed at the organization and those in the power positions that transferred the priests accused of multiple counts of molesting children.

I know there are many good things done by the catholic church and catholics in general. As hard as I have, and would, fight against any church becoming the official church of the US gov't, I will fight equally hard to insure that every American citizen is allowed to worship as they choose.

At the same time, your post could be said of atheists. Calling all atheists "Marxists" is the same thing. You label the good along with those who offend. There are many atheists who do good works for our society.
As hard as I have, and would, fight against any church becoming the official church of the US gov't, I will fight equally hard to insure that every American citizen is allowed to worship as they choose.
Yes, but as I have pointed out at least 150 times, your support of the status quo ensures the religion of atheism is effectively the unofficial religion of the US government. You all talk about the lovely ideal that the government is blissfully religion free. That is not so, nor can it be. The religion of the US government is increasing becoming atheist. The 5 great conservative justices are the thinnest tie our nation still has as we dangle over the pit of full-bore atheism. And that is why the Marxist left talks about stacking the court.
At the same time, your post could be said of atheists. Calling all atheists "Marxists" is the same thing. You label the good along with those who offend. There are many atheists who do good works for our society.
I've never seen anybody say all atheists are Marxists, although 68% of atheists are Democrats which is becoming synonymous with Marxism. Christianity and atheism are two completely different animals, even though both are religions, according to the Supreme Court. Christianity promotes values of good conduct. Atheism does not. That's why Stalin can be a horrible human being, but also a practicing atheist, while a horrible person is never a practicing Christian.
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Anything I have said about the catholic church that is negative is specifically aimed at the organization and those in the power positions that transferred the priests accused of multiple counts of molesting children.
And yet that's the only thing I've ever seen you say about Catholics or the Catholic Church.
Thank you. I think the overwhelming majority of Americans agree with us. Or at least I hope they do.
Most Americans are like the frog in the frying pan. They're unaware that atheism is overtaking our government. They buy the myth of a religious vacuum. Atheists want to keep that myth alive. It's giving them more and more power.
Thank you. I think the overwhelming majority of Americans agree with us. Or at least I hope they do.
There should be no official church in America, but we may differ on my next point.

The First Amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

To me that means we should see every faith and religion represented in all public squares and in schools. It is faith and religion that should be our public debate, not race, sex, and Wokeness. Instead, our government told us we should shut up about what many care most about and talk about puberty blockers for adolescents.

Government should be telling us that we can all handle free speech, all speech, and we can handle it when people do not speak (pray). Instead, free speech has been discouraged, not encouraged.

PS: Can I get an 'Amen' for Elon Musk buying Twitter? ;)
There should be no official church in America, but we may differ on my next point.

The First Amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

To me that means we should see every faith and religion represented in all public squares and in schools. It is faith and religion that should be our public debate, not race, sex, and Wokeness. Instead, our government told us we should shut up about what many care most about and talk about puberty blockers for adolescents.

Government should be telling us that we can all handle free speech, all speech, and we can handle it when people do not speak (pray). Instead, free speech has been discouraged, not encouraged.

PS: Can I get an 'Amen' for Elon Musk buying Twitter? ;)
Atheism has been ruled a religion by the Supreme Court. Do you think atheism should be presented by the government in the public square and in the public schools? Specifically, do you think atheist (aka godless) practices and beliefs should be taught in the public schools, e.g. abortion on demand, gender fluidity, and contraceptives made available to unmarried adolescent students?

Also, the recognizing of Christianity as the religion of the United States doesn't deny people the right to practice the religion of their choice, just as English being the unofficial and primary language of the US doesn't prohibit the use of Spanish or any other language.

Amen on Elon Musk!
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Atheism has been ruled a religion by the Supreme Court. Do you think atheism should be presented by the government in the public square and in the public schools? Specifically, do you think atheist (aka godless) practices and beliefs should be taught in the public schools, e.g. abortion on demand, gender fluidity, and contraceptives made available to unmarried adolescent students?
I have no problem with people of no belief. It is a choice.

Sure. Let's talk about Godly practices versus ungodly practices, and the lessons and outcomes mankind has experienced with both. Early man is fascinating. One of the first lessons mankind learned is that a disciplined society thrives, and a one that is undisciplined slides into failure. What is the first sign that a society is heading towards failure? Lack of sexual discipline. This can be studied down through the ages. Why not continue studying it.
Atheism has been ruled a religion by the Supreme Court. Do you think atheism should be presented by the government in the public square and in the public schools? Specifically, do you think atheist (aka godless) practices and beliefs should be taught in the public schools, e.g. abortion on demand, gender fluidity, and contraceptives made available to unmarried adolescent students?

Also, the recognizing of Christianity as the religion of the United States doesn't deny people the right to practice the religion of their choice, just as English being the unofficial and primary language of the US doesn't prohibit the use of Spanish or any other language.

Amen on Elon Musk!

The 10 Commandments have long been recognized as the basic rules of law for the Christian faith.

And the 1st commandment is???

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