This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

Of course I know. And if Christianity were the official religion, what of all the other faiths that worship a different God? Would the gov't protect them?
What do you mean protect? People would be free to worship in other religions. But the government's official position is the one true God is the God of Abraham, just like the unofficial language of the US is English. Other languages are still allowed to be spoken, are they not?
But the gov't would see them as worshipping a false God.
As I have said, people would be allowed to worship in their religion; just that the government would not push any values that were not Christian values.
Then I think about my Greek ancestors. Hell, my yaya and thea were such gullible swallowers of the story so it shouldn't shock me that Greeks 1900 years ago swallowed the stories. I just can't believe us Greeks pretend to be so smart yet we believed some guy walked on water and rose from the dead without a shred of proof.
Come on. Hellenes never heard of a god in which they did not believe. Did they not leave a slot in the Pantheon for the unknown god?
Public squares, not public schools. That is the whole point.
The whole point that in this country our Constitution says Congress will not make any laws regarding religion and religious practices. Every religion should thrive everywhere, including schools--schools being a huge part of our nation and therefore protected by the Constitution.

Since it is Constitutionally protected, why should any citizen fear any religion in our public schools. The fact that we don't teaches children that the politicians and our government can work around anything in the Constitution, meaning they are happy to disregard the Constitution anywhere they find it inconvenient.
only two key events are subject to "almost universal assent", namely that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and crucified by order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.

So what? I mean we know with a damned sight more historical certainty Julius Caesar was declared a god.
You also have to consider who is writing the history. For example, why would the non-Christian authors write about Jesus being a God?
I'm just saying if you're going to try to invalidate a belief because of the bad behavior of its followers, you should have left atheism long ago considering the 150 million they killed last century and the huge number of children they have sexually abused. Atheists have been far and away the biggest abuser and murders. Why would you stick with atheism?
They have good medical coverage and an excellent dental plan? :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, because of the methods you are trying to introduce to ensure conformity!
You mean where I want to keep the federal government from overtly pushing policies which are antithetical to Jesus' teaching? Why is that worse than a government which DOES actively push policies which are against Jesus' teaching, which is what is happening today?

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