This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

I'm just saying if you're going to try to invalidate a belief because of the bad behavior of its followers, you should have left atheism long ago considering the 150 million they killed last century and the huge number of children they have sexually abused. Atheists have been far and away the biggest abuser and murders. Why would you stick with atheism?
It works for me? LOL.

You Catholics are alright by me. I like most Catholics. Better than born agains. MUCH better. Mormons are cool too. Jews are cool. I've actually met a lot of nice muslims. People are people really. Doesn't matter what they believe some good atheists and some good Christians/Muslims/Jews.

I don't mean to pick on the Catholic Church really. Whoever started this thread about us started it. Peace!
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"
You started all this? LOL.
The reason most of us remain Catholics is that we don't follow the Church, we follow Jesus, his words, his way, his life. We worship God together, there are numerous ways we help and contribute to the community.

Is all you know about Catholics that at one time they had a few pedophile priests which they soon cleansed the Church of and added additional protections while, long after, secular society is still turning blind eyes to pedophiles proudly in their midst. (MBLA)

You compliment those who left the Church, but look down on those who stayed and cleansed the Church. We follow Jesus, who, in his own day, cleansed the Temple.
No because a lot of people left the Catholic Church and joined different sects of Christianity. So you didn't have to remain Catholics to follow Jesus. Try again.
It works for me? LOL.

You Catholics are alright by me. I like most Catholics. Better than born agains. MUCH better. Mormons are cool too. Jews are cool. I've actually met a lot of nice muslims. People are people really. Doesn't matter what they believe some good atheists and some good Christians/Muslims/Jews.

I don't mean to pick on the Catholic Church really. Whoever started this thread about us started it. Peace!
Peace to you as well, my friend.
The reason most of us remain Catholics is that we don't follow the Church, we follow Jesus, his words, his way, his life. We worship God together, there are numerous ways we help and contribute to the community.

Is all you know about Catholics that at one time they had a few pedophile priests which they soon cleansed the Church of and added additional protections while, long after, secular society is still turning blind eyes to pedophiles proudly in their midst. (MBLA)

You compliment those who left the Church, but look down on those who stayed and cleansed the Church. We follow Jesus, who, in his own day, cleansed the Temple.
I also know us Greek Orthodox were once part of the Catholic Church but we left you because it's a very corrupt religion. Has a very sketchy past. Mashmont asked me why with Atheists bad history would I be an atheist. As if I should have left the atheist church because of their bad behavior but actually in my lifetime atheists have been cool. And they make a lot of sense why there is no god. And they aren't violent even though you would call them "militant" atheists.
We haven't discussed the love and goodness Catholics have contributed or how the Catholic faith has strengthened and made lives better.
True. Yesterday our Catholic friends joined us for Greek Easter. I love those people. Can you imagine if I said the things I say here to them? LOL
The Vatican
The Vatican is not the Church. We, the people are the Church, the Body of Christ, and the Holy Spirit is upon us. Perhaps that is why the Church is freeing itself of sexual abuse, while it is on the rise in secular society and why our politicians turn blind eyes to sex trafficking, even allowing it to freely cross our borders.
No because a lot of people left the Catholic Church and joined different sects of Christianity. So you didn't have to remain Catholics to follow Jesus.
Exactly. A lot of people decided they were "spiritual not religious" and did not go to another church. Those who did go to another church....wonder what they did when they discovered that as a group ministers had a higher rate of pedophile incidents than Catholics?

Maybe they discovered Catholics don't follow priests, they follow Jesus. How many do you bet found their way back to the Catholic Church?
but we left you because it's a very corrupt religion. Has a very sketchy past.
This generation is not the first that tackled any sketchiness. We stand by Jesus when stumbling blocks are tossed our way--either from within or from without. Jesus did not stumble in the face of adversity, and nor do we. He is our Lord and leader. When others cease to point to him, and instead, point to themselves, true Catholics remain focused on Christ.
There is no proof either way. And Jews really don't care. At best he was another wacko claiming to be the Messiah. And not a very good one on that list.
You can't find any writings about Jesus from anyone who lived during Jesus' time. All the writings about Jesus came long after he was resurrected.
Yea but look at the title of this tread. Who started it?
And it wasn't about pedophilia, was it?

Yesterday was Divine Mercy Sunday in the Catholic Church. While the Mass I attended is not representative of every Mass, once again standing room only. I wasn't at the other masses and I imagine that, as before Easter, people were still struggling with whether to go to church or to find a Mass online.

I know it was a hard time, but I have never been happy that the Church elected to close down during the pandemic. They were right to suspend the obligations to attend Mass, but I believe it should still have been available in person. Sometimes I went to another state to attend Mass.

In the beginning before even that ended, our parish church had an outdoor Mass where people inside the fence were required to sign in and to wear masks. I couldn't wear a mask so I used to stand outside the fenced area, in between a couple of bushes that surrounded the fence.

I still resent that Online and TV were our only options. Watching is no where near the same as gathering and participating.

So yes, I have my own resentments against the Church with which I am still struggling. Taking my eyes off the fallible Church and back onto Jesus is the saving assist.
And Jews really don't care. At best he was another wacko claiming to be the Messiah.
True, mainly Jews do not care. One thing I will correct. Jesus said he was not the Messiah (meaning the anointed one) the Jews were expecting to lead the government. He was quite clear on that point. He said he was anointed (Messiah) for another purpose.

Ever consider that perhaps Jews should not have given up Jesus without a fight?
And it wasn't about pedophilia, was it?

Yesterday was Divine Mercy Sunday in the Catholic Church. While the Mass I attended is not representative of every Mass, once again standing room only. I wasn't at the other masses and I imagine that, as before Easter, people were still struggling with whether to go to church or to find a Mass online.

I know it was a hard time, but I have never been happy that the Church elected to close down during the pandemic. They were right to suspend the obligations to attend Mass, but I believe it should still have been available in person. Sometimes I went to another state to attend Mass.

In the beginning before even that ended, our parish church had an outdoor Mass where people inside the fence were required to sign in and to wear masks. I couldn't wear a mask so I used to stand outside the fenced area, in between a couple of bushes that surrounded the fence.

I still resent that Online and TV were our only options. Watching is no where near the same as gathering and participating.

So yes, I have my own resentments against the Church with which I am still struggling. Taking my eyes off the fallible Church and back onto Jesus is the saving assist.
I bet everyone doesn't drink the wine from that little spoon anymore at my church. Or kiss the priests hand. I won't do that anymore. Fist pump to Father Nick. LOL.

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