This is why we need to tax the wealthy

I have NEVER gotten a six-figure job with benefits from the guy sitting on the side wall near Safeway. Case closed//
That's my.proposal.

If they're hiring, they're good - if they're not, tax the shit out of them and make it hurt. There should be.lots of incentive for hiring people, and it should be painful to store 9 figures.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.
Your hero Cuomo explained it years ago....

"I don't believe raising taxes on the rich," Cuomo said. "That would be the worst thing to do. You would just expand the shortfall. God forbid if the rich leave."

He's absolutely correct, though he'll no doubt get royally roasted by the far-left of the New York Democratic Party. The state already has a steeply progressive tax code. The top 1% of earners pay 46% of all the income taxes. That's punitive.

In support of his comments, Cuomo cited "anecdotal" evidence that showed high-income earners are leaving the high-tax Empire State for other low-tax states.

But the evidence isn't merely anecdotal. It's a fact. Gov. Cuomo's Right: The Rich Are Leaving High-Tax New York
People like you never stop with this BS...Want free college? Tax the rich. Want free healthcare? Tax the rich. Want a guaranteed income? Tax the rich....At what point do you think you ever run out of the rich?
That's my.proposal.

If they're hiring, they're good - if they're not, tax the shit out of them and make it hurt. There should be.lots of incentive for hiring people, and it should be painful to store 9 figures.
Not every business requires employees.

I am 'hoarding' over a $Million in savings, and all of it is hard-earned after-tax money. Do you want to tax it again?
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Your hero Cuomo explained it years ago....

People like you never stop with this BS...Want free college? Tax the rich. Want free healthcare? Tax the rich. Want a guaranteed income? Tax the rich....At what point do you think you ever run out of the rich?

Stocks not doing well? Run up the debt to boost them.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.
You're gonna tax up $35 trillion from the wealthy ? Sometime by the year 2175 hopefully.
Not every business requires employees.

I have over a $Million in savings, and all of it is hard-earned after-tax money. Do you want to tax it again?
I'm not worried about a million. Add three 0's. For example - let's say Elon had chosen not to buy Twitter, but instead just sat on all those billions - I would tax that, to make it risky and undesirable to sit on lots of money for a long time.
Didn't somebody somewhere else try this?

Oh yeah, the USSR. How'd that Workers Paradise turn out?

fucking idiot

It's why you're dimocraps -- You never learn. Not ever.
Would make more sense if they were calling for the tightening up of some loop holes or allowances, otherwise that do allow for those who exploit those loose holes in a selfish way (where as they do not reinvest their wealth properly), and do so in ways that not only benefits them if they would reinvest in the right way, but would somehow help to keep a better balance of security for more families in America, otherwise if those families are deserving of that reinvestment when done in the right ways..... No one should want to punish anyone in America, but rather to just do what has always been done that makes it work for everyone as based on merit and reinvestments

The ignorant rhetoric spewed by pundits and hollyweird celebrities about going after the wealth of the top earners in the country, is just idiotic rhetoric that in some cases becomes a robbery of the wealthy by control freaks who have convinced powerful politicians to enact policies that attempt to do just that (Rob the wealthy for nefarious reasons).
WTF are you talking about?
The stimulus money winds up in the pockets of the rich companies, boosting their stock values. When the stimulus is proposed it's politics, but when it hits the market it's economics.
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Again, we are in the top 5 for the highest overall tax rate, more money than most states bring in from income tax. You can raise state taxes and fund a lot instead of sending to the feds to redistribute and send it back to the states, seems the fed just wants control.
What difference does it even make to you if you that the federal government covers it?
I'm not worried about a million. Add three 0's. For example - let's say Elon had chosen not to buy Twitter, but instead just sat on all those billions - I would tax that, to make it risky and undesirable to sit on lots of money for a long time.
I doubt if any rich person's money is sitting idle. My $Million is available for loans by the banks. We share the income produced by those loans (and pay taxes on it). Banks don't loan their own money, which is kept for security purposes (fractional reserve banking). Deposits by the rich fund lots of loans, especially large commercial loans. The rich also buy lots of government paper.
What difference does it even make to you if you that the federal government covers it?
What difference does it make? It cost money time and paperwork to get the money back from the fed and why do you need to send it what difference does it make to you if the state covers it? It’s a state issue

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