This judge should be tried and hanged for treason.

What is that has to do with jc being a tough key board Rambo guy?
English please

I did Rambo.
So what does this mean that you wrote?

“What is that has to do“

This is my favorite and best part when ignorant dude like you has zero or run out ammo ..... Then trying to deflect.

But I will not lower myself to your deplorable low life type of behavior. Try to save that with your Trump where you belong.

1. Once again I ask you killing American citizens with out due process like Obama did is ok with you?

2. Killing baby's is ok with you?

3. Grown men in little girls bathrooms are ok with you?

4. So in your owns words what did Trump do worse then those three?


When did I made a comment or mentioned any of those 4. I marked from your post????

I’m missing something.
English please

I did Rambo.
So what does this mean that you wrote?

“What is that has to do“

This is my favorite and best part when ignorant dude like you has zero or run out ammo ..... Then trying to deflect.

But I will not lower myself to your deplorable low life type of behavior. Try to save that with your Trump where you belong.

1. Once again I ask you killing American citizens with out due process like Obama did is ok with you?

2. Killing baby's is ok with you?

3. Grown men in little girls bathrooms are ok with you?

4. So in your owns words what did Trump do worse then those three?


When did I made a comment or mentioned any of those 4. I marked from your post????

I’m missing something.

Your wallet?
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

This is stupid because clearly it is Congress that is supposed to create all US legal policy, not the executive.
The executive is only supposed to carry out the legislation passed by Congress.
The only time the executive is supposed to act on its own is when something comes up that does not allow time for Congress to act.
Immigration and the wall are not something Congress has not had time to act on.
Congress has deliberately declined the wall.
So then clearly it is illegal for the executive to try to bypass Congress.
The judge has absolutely no choice or discretion in this matter.
It is well established law.
And if appealed to higher courts, the same thing will happen.
Decisions like this on whether or not to build a wall are totally up to Congress, not the executive.
In the shitty arbitrary legal system you want people would be tried and hanged for all sorts of stuff.

No just local judges who put 300 million life's in jeopardy, that don't even live in his little piece of shit district.


When the US negotiated the purchase of all the south west states, the treaties strictly prohibited the US blocking free movement over the borders, and no one's life was put in jeopardy by over 200 years of free movement across that border.
So there is no basis for anyone to claim that there suddenly is any danger now.

When you disagree with a judge, the legal procedure is to appeal up to the next higher level judge.

But by the way, I also support Tulsi Gabbard.
In the shitty arbitrary legal system you want people would be tried and hanged for all sorts of stuff.

No just local judges who put 300 million life's in jeopardy, that don't even live in his little piece of shit district.


When the US negotiated the purchase of all the south west states, the treaties strictly prohibited the US blocking free movement over the borders, and no one's life was put in jeopardy by over 200 years of free movement across that border.
So there is no basis for anyone to claim that there suddenly is any danger now.

When you disagree with a judge, the legal procedure is to appeal up to the next higher level judge.

But by the way, I also support Tulsi Gabbard.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.

Thank you for trying but it’s not the right answer.
Illegals will always try to come in. Some other parts of the world will even try to hide inside the landing (compartment) gear of an aircraft just to get out of from their countries. Illegals will never go away......

My biggest question is why the sudden influx of illegals in 2019? The numbers are staggering. Despite all these tough shit coming from Trump’s mouth numbers are so high.
Numbers before 2019 to 2009 was manageable. Now it’s a crisis that your president keeps blaming on Obama.
Who is responsible for that?

Democrats are not trying to destroy this country. That is what Trump is telling you but it’s not true. He is lying like always.
1. Once again I ask you killing American citizens with out due process like Obama did is ok with you?

2. Killing baby's is ok with you?

3. Grown men in little girls bathrooms are ok with you?

4. So in your owns words what did Trump do worse then those three?


1. I am against drone assassinations like Obama did. There may be times it is ok, but I don't think any of those times happened yet, and drone assassinations can only be justified if they greatly save lives.
Killing people working against US foreign policy is not legal because US foreign policy is in violation of US law currently.

2. Killing babies is fine as long as it is the parents and their doctors who decide.

3. Grown men in little girl's bathrooms is fine as long as they look female. You don't know what a man or female actually are, and it is actually extremely complicated. Such as that since all humans start as an ovum, and all ovum can only be female, that actually all people actually are females who are simply effected by different hormone levels as they grow?

4. I did not read back far enough to know what 3 you refer to.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.

Thank you for trying but it’s not the right answer.
Illegals will always try to come in. Some other parts of the world will even try to hide inside the landing (compartment) gear of an aircraft just to get out of from their countries. Illegals will never go away......

My biggest question is why the sudden influx of illegals in 2019? The numbers are staggering. Despite all these tough shit coming from Trump’s mouth numbers are so high.
Numbers before 2019 to 2009 was manageable. Now it’s a crisis that your president keeps blaming on Obama.
Who is responsible for that?

Democrats are not trying to destroy this country. That is what Trump is telling you but it’s not true. He is lying like always.

Actually almost no one wants to ever emigrate and come to an unknown place.
That is incredibly risky and scary.
They only do it because of massive threat or hardship at home.
And most of that is caused by US imperialism and colonialism, like the Hondurans are coming because the US bribed the Honduran military to illegally oust the elected president, Zelany, and muder tens of thousands of innocent people.

And no, there is no massive deluge of immigrants.
If you actually look at the numbers, the massive immigration was over a decade ago, and right now, more are leaving than are coming.

People have a right to leave war zones like Honduras or Syria.
So what we should do is not start wars zones like Honduras and Syria.
Illegal aliens cost the taxpayers 130 billion each year.

Don't bother to post a link. You don't have one.

Yeah illegals don't use our ERs ...

So, your problem is that Illegals get free health care at ER's, yet, you are thoroughly disgusted that ACA forced you to pay a penalty or buy insurance, because you had no insurance, and now that you don't have to have insurance, OR pay a penalty, YOU will get free care at ERs.

Talk about hypocrisy, you win the prize.

I would be a hypocrite if I went to the ER and didn't pay, No?

For the millionth time I haven't been to a quack in like 40 years unless you count mandatory physicals for work that they pay for.



Just imagine if millions of Americans think like you....... Oh I’m tough. I don’t need health care insurance.
Then we don’t need health care insurance at all. Just run to ER.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
It's such a terrible national emergencey that the CiC can trip off to England for a family holiday, Japan, Korea, Mar A Lago...yikes...who's protecting the American People in this National Emergency?!!!!

Mind you, Trump did admit that it wasn't really an emergency at all...
The key quote came when the Q&A portion started. Trump was challenged by NBC’s Peter Alexander on why he couldn’t bend Congress to his will — as he previously said a president should be able to do — rather than take unilateral action.

“I didn’t need to do this,” Trump said. “But I’d rather do it much faster.”

Trump then blamed 2020 politics for Democrats not supporting wall and repeated: "I just want to do it faster.”

If it’s truly an emergency, how can you say you didn’t need to declare an emergency? Trump basically admitted that this was a choice for him — a matter of expediency, quite literally — and not something required by events on the ground.

It is a political emergency. If he does not start building his wall, his supporters might figure out that he is a pathological liar. He need not worry about it, though. They will believe him if he tells them that he built a high tech invisible wall.
Then, the left's strategy should be to start congratulating him on building such a big, beautiful wall in an impossibly short time...then everyone can move on.

Sadly that wouldn't work. His cultist would accept this as a HUGE victory for Trump and glorify him further. They need to have their faces shoved into the shit this man creates in order to realize he's a conman. He has to be seen as the failure he truly is, and have that fact driven home to the faithful until even fools like bripat realize what a terrible mistake he's been.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Couldn't Trump just deport him back to his native country of Mexico?
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.

Thank you for trying but it’s not the right answer.
Illegals will always try to come in. Some other parts of the world will even try to hide inside the landing (compartment) gear of an aircraft just to get out of from their countries. Illegals will never go away......

My biggest question is why the sudden influx of illegals in 2019? The numbers are staggering. Despite all these tough shit coming from Trump’s mouth numbers are so high.
Numbers before 2019 to 2009 was manageable. Now it’s a crisis that your president keeps blaming on Obama.
Who is responsible for that?

Democrats are not trying to destroy this country. That is what Trump is telling you but it’s not true. He is lying like always.

Actually almost no one wants to ever emigrate and come to an unknown place.
That is incredibly risky and scary.
They only do it because of massive threat or hardship at home.
And most of that is caused by US imperialism and colonialism, like the Hondurans are coming because the US bribed the Honduran military to illegally oust the elected president, Zelany, and muder tens of thousands of innocent people.

**** And no, there is no massive deluge of immigrants.
If you actually look at the numbers, the massive immigration was over a decade ago, and right now, more are leaving than are coming.

People have a right to leave war zones like Honduras or Syria.
So what we should do is not start wars zones like Honduras and Syria.

Agreed. Except ****
I personally know several CBP officers that works at the border. Some are married to my employees. In the past I offered and challenged several members here of a tour at the border how they catch, detained illegals. At my cost but no takers.

They told me that the numbers are staggering that they requested more help. The numbers of illegals trying to come in this year 2019 is far higher than previous years.

I also don’t see evidence that more illegals are leaving. At what reason they should leave when nothing for them at the other side of the border.

On the side that has nothing to do with with the topic .... I also challenged several members here a live conference call debate, tour of my business and my house at my cost ....... No takers.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

It is against Federal Law for funds to be redirected without advise and consent of Congress. 45 cannot redirect funds designated for defense and use them another project.
Once again, this liberal judge is risking millions of peoples life's and we don't live in his piece of shit state.

once again, your party is risking millions of peoples lives and complaining about having to follow our Constitution.

You are the one complaining about following the Constitution. The Constitution CLEARLY gives Congress the power of the purse.

The house not Senate.

Edit : rephrase that, All spending bills must originate in the house, Obama care started in the Senate and was claimed to be a penalty.


Obamacare was not a spending bill. It did not have to originate in the House. Budget bills do have to originate in the House.

And what did the supreme Court ruled to make it constitutional?

It was ruled a tax, so figure it out.


John Roberts decided it was a tax. I see no reason for him to do that as it was not necessary for him to rule it constitutional. Worth noting that the emergency funds for immigration originated in the Senate.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

It is against Federal Law for funds to be redirected without advise and consent of Congress. 45 cannot redirect funds designated for defense and use them another project.

Well for some bizarre reason, congress passed a law allowing a President to do just that with an emergency declaration, and congress can overturn the potus later on … but the senate has to agree. We could argue that the border is not an emergency as the law contemplates, but I wouldn't be betting on Roberts to bail out the idiot dems on this one.
Numbers before 2019 to 2009 was manageable. Now it’s a crisis that your president keeps blaming on Obama.
Who is responsible for that?
I've been pointing out that this current surge started shortly after tRump started crying "emergency" and numerous people pointed out that it was anything but.

Quite the coincidence don't you think?
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.
Couldn't Trump just deport him back to his native country of Mexico?

Can we deport drumpf to Germany?
Illegal aliens cost the taxpayers 130 billion each year.

Don't bother to post a link. You don't have one.

Yeah illegals don't use our ERs ...

So, your problem is that Illegals get free health care at ER's, yet, you are thoroughly disgusted that ACA forced you to pay a penalty or buy insurance, because you had no insurance, and now that you don't have to have insurance, OR pay a penalty, YOU will get free care at ERs.

Talk about hypocrisy, you win the prize.

I would be a hypocrite if I went to the ER and didn't pay, No?

For the millionth time I haven't been to a quack in like 40 years unless you count mandatory physicals for work that they pay for.



Just imagine if millions of Americans think like you....... Oh I’m tough. I don’t need health care insurance.
Then we don’t need health care insurance at all. Just run to ER.

Just imagine if I was a fat ass like you , I would want other people to pay too.

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