Time to choose a side

But before you do, you have to decide how much you can stomach being part of their group.

If you choose, or have chosen the republicans, you have to put up with:
1. Being owned by a political party, regardless if you realize your owned or not.
2. Supporting abortion. For the simple fact that there have been many GOP majorities, with enough of a majority to create a law against Roe V Wade, and make abortion a murder charge. Off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 instances were legislation was authored and presented to the congressional committee, that would overturn Roe V Wade. But was kept in committee by GOP chairmen.
3. You're going to have to continue to buy into the propaganda that fighting wars against countries that pose no actual threat to our national security is still somehow fighting for our own freedoms, liberties and American way of life.
4. You're going to have to accept that the GOP is 1/2 responsible for the welfare state. Simply because the GOP has had enough majorities to stop the welfare state, but chose not to.
5. You're going to have to understand that the NRA is just a lobbying group (now) for gun manufacturers, who own many of our congressmen and senators. And who's only fight, is to keep fear in your minds so you'll continue to think you need to buy a new gun. And that without a new gun, you're family will die.
6. You're going to have to think that allowing those from Mexico and South America is going to destroy your way of life. That your family is going to raped and murdered. That everyone from those two countries are just rapist, thieves and murderers.
7. You're gonna have to overlook the blatant lies told by right wing media and social media.
8. You'll have to overlook Trump BS and lies. Even if it makes the right look good.
9. And overlook the government, even during a republican majority isn't really fighting the war on drugs.
10. You'll have to put up with your party flip flopping on issues when it's convenient. As in immigration. Back during Ronald Reagans era, the republican party supported a more open border policy. And the same flip flopping on wars of aggression. And a few others. You, like the democrats are going to have to learn to "blow with the wind" a lot better. Because soon enough, the right and left are going to flip flop on almost all issues.

If you're a democrat, you'll have to put up with this.
1. A baby in the womb is just cells. It's not really life. Even though someone can be charged for the death of a fetus if they attack a pregnant woman.
2. You'll have to overlook all the violent druggy thugs, and have sympathy for them, when they murder, rape or beat you or someone you love. It's not their fault. It's their race, the system, or the drugs fault. Not theirs.
3. You'll have to overlook all the wars against countries that pose no threat to our national security. And meddling in other countries internal affairs just a way to keep America free.
4. You'll have to overlook your parties nomination rigging. (seriously, who on the left was actually supporting Biden BEFORE the nomination?
5. You'll have to overlook for profit race based organizations that makes whites out to be bad people. Even though you probably know a lot of whites who are decent hard working honest people. And never mind the fact that blacks have resources and laws that allow them more opportunities to succeed than any other race in this country. And if they choose NOT to better themselves, it's whiteys fault.
6. You'll have to overlook the fact that the democrats are more focused on taking guns from people who don't commit violent gun crimes than they are those who actually do use their guns for violence. As in Chicago gangs, violent druggy thugs like George Floyd (who used a gun to rob and beat a woman)
7. You're going to have to overlook the fact that transgender females still have a male bone and muscle structure when they're beating the snot out of biological females in sports. Try not to think about how it's really a man dominating women in just another way.
8. And having an open border means that more and more fentanyl and heroin will be coming across our borders. And ending the war on drugs will only create more drug addicts, more violent crimes, more thefts, more homeless people, more OD's, more divorces, more children without parents and a whole slew of other things that drug addictions brings.
9. You'll have to put up with your party flip flopping on issues when it's convenient. As in immigration. Back during Bill Clintons era and before, democrats wanted to secure Americans jobs by securing the border. You're going to have to learn to just "blow with the wind" a lot better.

Both republicans and democrats will have to be OK with their party lying, cheating and stealing. You both will have to put up with a government that allows the devaluation of the US dollar. You'll have to put up with $15hr becoming a poverty wage within the next 10 years.
Republicans and democrats have been in complete control for over 170 years. So instead of blaming each other you might try something different. How about like the police need to do, try policing your own. When the DNC clearly rigs their nomination for an establishment candidate (Biden or Clinton) why not call them out on it.
When Trump funds planned parenthood or bans bump stocks, why didn't you call him out on that?

P.S. Don't think I'm trying to push a 3rd party with this post. I'm not. There's no way in hell a 3rd party is ever going to be able to scale the mountain of BS the R & D's have put in place for any 3rd party.
You have a few of those things a bit confused with the neo-Marxist Democrat Party, starting with number one. Your so-called Democrat Party has made it clear to blacks that they MUST vote Democrat, or they are Oreos, or not black. They insult and berate blacks that are independent minded enough to "choose" the Republican Party. If that isn't being owned by a political party, I don't know what is.
Hellllloooo.....The Republican Party doesn't support abortion. That's the so-called Democrat Party's position.
The so-called Democrat Party IS the party of welfare. Tax, tax, tax and over tax.
The NRA like many organizations, consists of members (individuals), in this case, to the tune of about 5 million individuals (who also vote in elections) and of course, the NRA will support and defend the Second Amendment rights of their members and lobby politicians on their members behalf. There are other large gun rights organizations that support gun ownership and lobby politicians on their members behalf (Gun Owners of America, Firearms Policy Coalition, 2nd Amendment Foundation, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and National Association for Gun Rights). These and other gun groups consist of voters who believe in our Constitutional right to bear arms.
The Republicans don't care who tries to scramble over our borders illegally. It's "ILLEGAL." It could be hordes of Norwegians and it would still be ILLEGAL. Anyone that wants to come in, must do so through our border checkpoints. Doing otherwise, means the likelihood of the individuals being involved in illegal activities on their own soil. Anyone just wanting refuge, just has to go to a proper border checkpoint and be vetted to confirm their status.
All media spreads B.S.. However, the worst is really the left MSM. Like it or not.
The blame for this is on the courts. A court case years ago, ruled that the media didn't have to tell the truth. Sad to not hold ALL media to a higher standard. But, I repeat the left media is the worst.
Uh, it's the so-called Democrats that want women to overlook that transgender women are an unfair advantage over biological females.
I'm looking forward to proving you wrong again.
You can somehow prove that I lied about you voting for Biden?

We don't need a new thread for that.

Just drop it on us right here
Yep, I didn't think so.

In your world, voting for someone means you have to obediently agree with everything they say and do.

I'm so glad I'm not going through life like that.

I don't disagree.

How much more proof do you need. Trump himself "infringed" on the 2nd. He also reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans). And let's not forget him funding Planned Parenthood, in his first spending bill (that was backed by a republican majority in the House and Senate)
All of those things are an attack on our freedoms and the freedoms of the babies Trump killed with his spending bill approval.
Oh sure, he attacked Hitlery and the left. That's good for support and votes. But what good does it do to support someone who's going to do the same things the right attacks the left for?
Obama was bashed relentlessly (and for good reason) for funding planned parenthood. But Trump gets a pass?
Had Obama banned bump stocks, the right would've swore Obama was anti 2nd. And yet, Trump get's a pass.

Why? Because he's on the right. Well being on the right, IMO, doesn't give anyone a free pass.

And the same could be said about the left. It wasn't that long ago, that the left was anti illegal immigration. But because Trump was also against it, you'd think the left would've supported him on it. But the left wouldn't even support Trump for the bump stock ban.

This is the thing that made me realize just how owned I was when I was a die hard republican.
Dude ...

I posted I didn't disagree.

But, thanks for the extra "proof" anyway.
Not if you just sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to fight for your ideas and present them to you on a silver platter

I agree that 3rd parties are cop outs that never intend to succeed.

But simply throwing bricks at the republcans from the sidelines is never going to make them become conservatives

You have to join the fight yourself

I've been in the real fight before. And turns out, it's a sham too. The GOP primary process, in favor of the ONLY actual conservative running in 2012. Ron Paul. Talk about a complete corrupt process. The GOP rigs every candidate and delegate that they can.
From what I learned from a friend of mine, it's the same corruption that goes on inside the DNC. Orders come down from on high, and unless your local RNC/DNC chairman isn't corrupt, you will NOT be a delegate, unless you're supporting who the national party leadership says you'll support.
Voting or discussing politics on a political forum isn't fighting. It's just playing in a sandbox.
Yep, I didn't think so.

In your world, voting for someone means you have to obediently agree with everything they say and do.
Why would a Trumpster think that? Create your own enemies.
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Yep, I didn't think so.

In your world, voting for someone means you have to obediently agree with everything they say and do.
It means you no longer have clean hands and are responsible for what they do

Thats why you fill the forum with posts about trump who is no longer in office while saying little or nothing about biden

By your silence we know you approve of everything that goes on under biden
Yep, I didn't think so.

In your world, voting for someone means you have to obediently agree with everything they say and do.
It means you no longer have clean hands and are responsible for what they do

Thats why you fill the forum with posts about trump who is no longer in office while saying little or nothing about biden

By your silence we know you approve of everything that goes on under biden
And there it is. I say it, you prove it.

Get back to me when you man up and start thinking for yourself.

Wait, what? Obama knew that someone using a bump stock would deliberately kill a bunch of people? Come on man, that's a HUGE stretch.
Obama wasn't as anti 2nd as the right makes him out to be. In fact, Obama wasn't half of what the right made him out to be. Nor was he half of what the left made him out to be.
Come to think of it, Trump wasn't near as bad as the left made him out to be, nor as good as the right made him out to be.

From the outside looking in, party politics makes us all look rather stupid.
I'll only disagree about obozo being anti-2A and the bump stocks. He was a political whore and did several things under the radar that were not as effective as the left would have liked, such as pressuring financial institutions to make commerce in the firearms market more difficult, too bad people like money. Fast and Furious was another shit storm. It does not seem like much of a stretch to me that there was hope someone would attempt to pull of a high profile crime like the the 1997 Bank Robbery with those fuckin things and generate a massive public demand for more gun control. I don't think anyone could have envisioned something as heinous as the Vegas Massacre though.

I think obozo would have been a hell of a lot worse had he not been devoted to being viewed as a "centrist" even though everyone associated with him was a hard core leftwing lunatic. Take for example Bill Ayers, whom he pretended to not even know.

Trump is not a "right wing" ideologue either. Other than a lot of rhetoric about the border, lots of illegals got in, shit tons in fact before concrete steps were taken to minimize the infiltration, but he was still better on the issue than anyone of his predecessors. He did nothing to reduce spending, did not purge DC of worthless or even malignant petty bueaucrooks, Dept's or programs. That said he did undermine plenty of leftist idiocy, roll back at least some asinine environazi agenda policies and expose the criminally insane character of many democrook political whores. If not for COVID Hysteria and mail in ballot box stuffing he would have won that election with 500+ electoral votes.

Just my opinion.

You have a few of those things a bit confused with the neo-Marxist Democrat Party, starting with number one. Your so-called Democrat Party has made it clear to blacks that they MUST vote Democrat, or they are Oreos, or not black. They insult and berate blacks that are independent minded enough to "choose" the Republican Party. If that isn't being owned by a political party, I don't know what is.
Hellllloooo.....The Republican Party doesn't support abortion. That's the so-called Democrat Party's position.
The so-called Democrat Party IS the party of welfare. Tax, tax, tax and over tax.
The NRA like many organizations, consists of members (individuals), in this case, to the tune of about 5 million individuals (who also vote in elections) and of course, the NRA will support and defend the Second Amendment rights of their members and lobby politicians on their members behalf. There are other large gun rights organizations that support gun ownership and lobby politicians on their members behalf (Gun Owners of America, Firearms Policy Coalition, 2nd Amendment Foundation, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and National Association for Gun Rights). These and other gun groups consist of voters who believe in our Constitutional right to bear arms.
The Republicans don't care who tries to scramble over our borders illegally. It's "ILLEGAL." It could be hordes of Norwegians and it would still be ILLEGAL. Anyone that wants to come in, must do so through our border checkpoints. Doing otherwise, means the likelihood of the individuals being involved in illegal activities on their own soil. Anyone just wanting refuge, just has to go to a proper border checkpoint and be vetted to confirm their status.
All media spreads B.S.. However, the worst is really the left MSM. Like it or not.
The blame for this is on the courts. A court case years ago, ruled that the media didn't have to tell the truth. Sad to not hold ALL media to a higher standard. But, I repeat the left media is the worst.
Uh, it's the so-called Democrats that want women to overlook that transgender women are an unfair advantage over biological females.
I've got nothing wrong. You're just doing what brainwashed people do. Discuss and argue specifics that are actually meaningless to the republicans or democrat congressmen, senator or president.
Like abortion: The GOP had the majority several times. And during those times, people like Ron Paul introduced legislation to overturn Roe V Wade. And every time it got stuck in committee. Never to be seen again.
People like (republican) Justin Amash get's booted off the congressional budget committee, by a republican chairman, for trying to balance the budget.

All this race based crap is a tool that's being used by the left to satisfy leftist voters. If you've noticed, the lefts leadership hasn't really done anything to benefit the blacks. Just make a few speeches. Bring up some historical BS. Blame a few people. And as far as the government goes, that'll be the end of it.
And the left leaning black voters will actually think the democrat leaders really care about them.

Both sides do this crap. It's just lip service. And both parties are guilty of this.

Here's a good example: The 2nd says "Shall not be infringe" right? Well, tell me how something that's as clearly spelled out, can all the republican majorities we've had in the last 100 years, not passed a federal law that says states cannot override gun laws because it's mentioned in the constitution. Only those things that are not mentioned in the constitution, can the states make laws about.
The 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The RNC is just as corrupt as the DNC. And both sides are owned by lobbyist and special interest. The proof is in the last 100 years of voting records. (Not speeches and talking points)
Nope... My side is that of the minority... The same side I am ALWAYS ON. MINE.

I agree and disagree on ideas based on their merits. I don't care who came up with those ideas.

Thank you. I think party politics is the worst thing that ever happened to our nation. No one cares if we make progress or fix problems, as long as their side beats the other side.
It is more than that now. What happened in America has united far more people than you think. People want the government under their control again. One poster said it is freedom or not. Freedom should be bipartisan.
He hates whoever he is told to, just like every other mindless bed wetting parrot.

You mean like Trump supporters having to suddenly hate NASCAR, NFL and other things that Trump decided he didn't like?
This is the problem with supporting any politician or party. You may not agree, but you can't really say so. Otherwise you'll get bashed by those who support the same politician or party.
You seen what they did to Ron Paul supporters. Or Justin Amash and Tulsi Gabbard.

Ron Paul and Justin Amash... Actual conservatives.
Tulsi Gabbard... Old fashion type liberal
You mean like Trump supporters having to suddenly hate NASCAR, NFL and other things that Trump decided he didn't like?
you are mistaken

I respected the flag and despised ungrateful libs who burned, spit on, or kneeled in disrespect long before trump came along
Sides were chosen long ago.

And, one does not need 10 talking points to clarify which side one has chosen.

It's real simple.

One can choose Freedom and Liberty or one can choose something else.

Long ago, I chose to not choose a side. I stopped overlooking what my side was doing that I didn't agree with. I started focusing on the wrong doings of what my side was doing. And stopped making excuses for them.
That's how I went from a democrat to a republican to a libertarian. And the decided that I was just a conservative. And by supporting any party, that made me owned.

Long ago, I chose to not choose a side. I stopped overlooking what my side was doing that I didn't agree with. I started focusing on the wrong doings of what my side was doing. And stopped making excuses for them.
That's how I went from a democrat to a republican to a libertarian. And the decided that I was just a conservative. And by supporting any party, that made me owned.
Many Americans did .....

That's what the TEA Party movement was about.

Trump's huge victory in 2016 was a referendum on many things.

One of those things was the Republican establishment in Washington..
you are mistaken

I respected the flag and despised ungrateful libs who burned, spit on, or kneeled in disrespect long before trump came along
Freedom comes in all shapes and sizes. You either support and defend that. Or you don't. Choosing an inanimate object over the freedoms of those who owns it, is anti-freedom.

Burning or pissing on a flag only hurts people feelings. It doesn't change anything about their lives, except their emotions. They get so emotional over someone elses actions, that they start supporting less freedom.
So the left is supporting less freedoms. And that pisses the right off to the point that they want less freedoms for others.

If we don't support the statement, "Liberty and justice FOR ALL," then we don't really support liberty and justice. Or freedom for that matter.

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