Trans insurrectionist storm OK capital

Oh no parents didn't want pedo drag queens near their kids. Why do you?
I don't want the Nazi ideologues, and violent gangsters like "The Proud Boys" and their vile propaganda near my or anyones children. Most predator pedophiles are older family members who present as straight. Not flamboyant drag queens.
I don't want the Nazi ideologues, and violent gangsters like "The Proud Boys" and their vile propaganda near my or anyones children. Most predator pedophiles are older family members who present as straight. Not flamboyant drag queens.
So let me get this straight you don't want people who believe in traditional family values around your kids but you're just peachy with a man putting on a wig and makeup, calling himself a woman, reading stories to your kids grooming them into LGBT lifestyle

You shouldn't have kids or be allowed within 500 ft of a playground sicko
"If parents want to take their kids to strip clubs who are you to deny their 1st amendment rights"

This is your argument? Why should kids be around something sexual in nature. That's abuse idiot
These area reading hours, not strip clubs, (but thanks for disingenuously changing that to suit your lame argument) where they read books not perform a lascivious drag show or even a hot cheerleader routine. Yes they've had cheerleaders hours for reading to children too.
These area reading hours, not strip clubs, (but thanks for disingenuously changing that to suit your lame argument) where they read books not perform a lascivious drag show or even a hot cheerleader routine. Yes they've had cheerleaders hours for reading to children too.
You're either naive or stupid so let me enlighten you

No this is inappropriate for children and only degenerates would think otherwise
So let me get this straight you don't want people who believe in traditional family values around your kids but you're just peachy with a man putting on a wig and makeup, calling himself a woman, reading stories to your kids grooming them into LGBT lifestyle

You shouldn't have kids or be allowed within 500 ft of a playground sicko

Stereotyping an historically marginalized group (women) is supposed to be taboo. Except when it’s members of the LBGTQ do it, then it’s perfectly fine?

Hypocrisy at its finest.
So let me get this straight you don't want people who believe in traditional family values around your kids but you're just peachy with a man putting on a wig and makeup, calling himself a woman, reading stories to your kids grooming them into LGBT lifestyle

You shouldn't have kids or be allowed within 500 ft of a playground sicko
Let me set you straight then you illiberal person. Most Child Predators come from that traditional mold (the Neo-GOP word now is "GaRoomers"). It is up to the parents to decide if they trust their kids to a man putting on a wig and makeup and reading to them at story time.
These area reading hours, not strip clubs, (but thanks for disingenuously changing that to suit your lame argument) where they read books not perform a lascivious drag show or even a hot cheerleader routine. Yes they've had cheerleaders hours for reading to children too.

…….. in a method that stereotypes an historically marginalized group.

If it was a white guy, in black face, eating watermelon and fried chicken, the left would be outraged.

Complete hypocrisy
Let me set you straight then you illiberal person. Most Child Predators come from that traditional mold (the Neo-GOP word now is "GaRoomers"). It is up to the parents to decide if they trust their kids to a man putting on a wig and makeup and reading to them at story time.
Fake news and a blatant lie.

Groomers come from your side especially the LGBT groups. They can't breed on their own so they groom others into their sickness. Why do you think there are more people who identity as LGBT this generation than ever before?

You can't even say sexually abusing and grooming kids is wrong that's how fucked up you are
If you make terrorist threats to teachers and school board members you get investigated as a domestic terrorist.

It’s that simple

Don’t do that
No one made any terorist threats, douchebag.
You're either naive or stupid so let me enlighten you

No this is inappropriate for children and only degenerates would think otherwise
Not a lot of reading going on is there. You simple conflate that lascivious show and or display at LGBT events with these drag queen story time events and pretend that the story tellers are doing the very same thing while reading to the children. The New-GOP is full of dumb mutherfuckers if they buy what your selling........
Not a lot of reading going on is there. You simple conflate that lascivious show and or display at LGBT events with these drag queen story time events and pretend that the story tellers are doing the very same thing while reading to the children. The New-GOP is full of dumb mutherfuckers if they buy what your selling........
Are't they doing the very same thing?
Not a lot of reading going on is there. You simple conflate that lascivious show and or display at LGBT events with these drag queen story time events and pretend that the story tellers are doing the very same thing while reading to the children. The New-GOP is full of dumb mutherfuckers if they buy what your selling........
Maybe you should learn to read then dumbass
Like I thought, just say it. Say "kids shouldn't be sexually abused"
You seem to deflect from the traditional ways children have been abused sexually. If there something in your past that you need to get out, just let it out. Were you bothered or pestered by a creepy older adult when you were young.? Have you been blocking that experience all this time? How sad it must be for you that you go around making insane innuendoes to random folks on the internet.......very sad!
You seem to deflect from the traditional ways children have been abused sexually. If there something in your past that you need to get out, just let it out. Were you bothered or pestered by a creepy older adult when you were young.? Have you been blocking that experience all this time? How sad it must be for you that you go around making insane innuendoes to random folks on the internet.......very sad!
Just say "Kids shouldn't be sexually abused" very sad you can't say a simple sentence
You seem to deflect from the traditional ways children have been abused sexually. If there something in your past that you need to get out, just let it out. Were you bothered or pestered by a creepy older adult when you were young.? Have you been blocking that experience all this time? How sad it must be for you that you go around making insane innuendoes to random folks on the internet.......very sad!
What does the way kids were traditionally abused have to do with this discussion?
What does the way kids were traditionally abused have to do with this discussion?
Zippy and Dippy want to say the Story Hour with a Cross Dresser is just a recruitment ploy to entice children into sexual deviancy. Parents shouldn't even have a choice to let their children have any book read to them by such a person. Needless to say I disagree with their premise.

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