Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump isnt serving the country anything but his horseshit, and shit eating dupes like you gobble it down and smile.

ROFLMFAO, name one other president that got a unanimous vote in the security counsel to sanction NK. Come on skippy, show the class how smart ya are. BTW why didn't you answer my question?


Trump isn't responsible for the recent sanctions against NK. Kim Jung Un is.

It was a US sponsored resolution dipstick.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.

How many more lies would Trump have to tell before we can rightfully call him a phony?

Where's the lie, asshole?
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump isnt serving the country anything but his horseshit, and shit eating dupes like you gobble it down and smile.

ROFLMFAO, name one other president that got a unanimous vote in the security counsel to sanction NK. Come on skippy, show the class how smart ya are. BTW why didn't you answer my question?


Trump isn't responsible for the recent sanctions against NK. Kim Jung Un is.

China knew your mulatto messiah would never use the military option in NK so they and Russia alway told him to piss up a rope. They know if given no other choice, Trump will, and that's the last thing they want. Trump's methods may be unorthodox, but he is getting results. You're just too intellectually challenged to admit it.

No, nitwit.....There is NO military option regarding NK....NONE...China and Russia know this regardless of whether a cautious Obama or a moron like Trump is sitting in the oval office.

Any military option would place 11 million SK in Seoul and 30,000 US troops in severe danger.
The only solution rests with China....whether that country will adhere to sanctions and whether that country has had enough of the antics of Un....and finally stage a coup since many NK generals are on china's private payroll.

But....NO military option is contemplated by our military, regardless of the orange clown's blustering.
View attachment 142466
Chief of Staff John Kelly gives up on trying to control Trump’s Twitter after latest tweet-spasm: report
Newly appointed White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has already accepted that he will not be able to control President Donald Trump’s inflammatory use of Twitter.

I expect John Kelly's tenure as chief of staff to be rather short.....My guess is that Jarred will eventually be his replacement....I mean, the kid does not have enough to do and is certainly as "qualified" to do that task as he is of the 42 other chores that daddy-in-law has given him.

Snowflakes are yelping like a scalded dog over Trump calling Blumenthal what he is - a 'Phony Viet Nam Con Artist'

Richard Blumenthal Apologizes for Exaggerating Military Service

Trump has never claimed to have been in service and / or exaggerated military service as Blumenthal did, so the attacks on Trump about his lack of military service is yet more sour grapes over a Trump 'victory'.

" multiple instances he misleadingly suggested he served on the battlefield during the Vietnam War. While Blumenthal served six years in the Marine Corps Reserves, he received at least five deferments to keep him out of Vietnam."

There isn't much difference between Trump and Blumenthal except Blumenthal went through training as a Marine. He still got out of combat then LIED ABOUT IT for personal benefit. At least Trump hasn't lied about his not being in the Viet Nam War.

He can't lie about it because he was too busy to go to Vietnam. Trump constantly lies and gets caught as the Administration is forced to admit he led.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.
John Kelly may find that being in combat may be a lark compared to protecting Trump from Himself. There are 2 problems with Trump that Kelly had to curb. Trump getting his information from television and twitter. It looks like the only way that will happen is to break his hands and sabotage the television.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

The trouble is that Richard Blumenthal lied about going to Vietnam. Trump hasn't lied about his military service.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Honor stealing still didn't keep the leftards from voting him in as Senator, how fucked up is that.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.
Why should Trump give the government a discount? He's already donating his salary. If you want to donate money to the government, feel free. There's no law that says Trump has to subsidize the Secret Service.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
Honor stealing still didn't keep the leftards from voting him in as Senator, how fucked up is that.

Snowflakes are totally without honor or integrity. They have voted for criminals many times.
John Kelly may find that being in combat may be a lark compared to protecting Trump from Himself. There are 2 problems with Trump that Kelly had to curb. Trump getting his information from television and twitter. It looks like the only way that will happen is to break his hands and sabotage the television.
Apparently Trump is better at getting information than Hillary or all the fake news operations.
A draft dodging pussy like Trump has no right to criticize anyone's service. I'm honestly surprised that war hawk, pro military conservatives didn't have a problem with his draft dodge.
A draft dodging pussy like Trump has no right to criticize anyone's service. I'm honestly surprised that war hawk, pro military conservatives didn't have a problem with his draft dodge.
You mean the way all these snowflakes calling for war against Russia had no problem with the draft dodger Slick Willy?
A draft dodging pussy like Trump has no right to criticize anyone's service. I'm honestly surprised that war hawk, pro military conservatives didn't have a problem with his draft dodge.
The Orange Pussy who hid from Vietnam calling someone out for Vietnam ? WTF

‘Non-stop bullying and hypocrisy’: Boston paper shreds draft-dodging Trump for attacking veteran Blumenthal
Responding to President Donald Trump’s vicious tweets aimed at Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) over his military service, a columnist for the Boston Globe unloaded on the president for his continuing attacks on veterans after having ducked the military himself.
A draft dodging pussy like Trump has no right to criticize anyone's service. I'm honestly surprised that war hawk, pro military conservatives didn't have a problem with his draft dodge.
The Orange Pussy who hid from Vietnam calling someone out for Vietnam ? WTF

‘Non-stop bullying and hypocrisy’: Boston paper shreds draft-dodging Trump for attacking veteran Blumenthal
Responding to President Donald Trump’s vicious tweets aimed at Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) over his military service, a columnist for the Boston Globe unloaded on the president for his continuing attacks on veterans after having ducked the military himself.
As always, the douche bag snowflake is comparing two situations that aren't comparable. It's their favorite tactic, but what else can they do when their hero is caught red handed?

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