Trump Considering Son-In-Law Jared Kushner For Next Chief Of Staff

With thanks to nat4900
ust as a short recap of what Trump is facing in the courts (and courts of public opinion) shows that he is the "perfect" object of why the RICO Act was passed.......We have:

  • Mueller's thorough and effective investigation
  • The NYSD investigating his campaign finance fraud and "hush money" payments
  • The AG of NYS delving into the wrongdoings of the Trump so-called Foundation
  • We all know Trump's outright breaches of the Emolument Clause and the House will investigate
  • Now we have the DOJ investigating Trump's Inauguration Committee scams with foreign donors.
  • We will also soon have the House pursuing an expose of Trump tax returns
  • Finally, we have the Zervos defamation lawsuit for which Trump....under oath...most respond to.

Indeed, the MOST important objective for the orange charlatan is to be re-elected, hoping that the statute of limitations will have some of these lawsuits expire........and, of course, his moronic [but, dwindling] base will vote for him in 2020 just because the cult membership compels them to do so.

But, rest assured that the next two years will be a hell of a lot of fun to watch unfold.......
Not even that.

I’ve seen enough to know Trump is a good man. A man who is working hard to repair the damage corrupt/stupid politicians have done over the years.
I’ll be voting for him again in 2020.
The MOST CORRUPT administration EVER in the USA.....and fool you twice shame on you
That’s funny coming from a guy who wanted hillary. lol
What's happening to trump is 10x worse than Benghazi and Email BS
Are you in competition with deanrd for the village idiot award?
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
The MOST CORRUPT administration EVER in the USA.....and fool you twice shame on you
That’s funny coming from a guy who wanted hillary. lol
What's happening to trump is 10x worse than Benghazi and Email BS
Are you in competition with deanrd for the village idiot award?
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
His big accomplishment is to make his presidency the most corrupt ever in our history
That’s funny coming from a guy who wanted hillary. lol
What's happening to trump is 10x worse than Benghazi and Email BS
Are you in competition with deanrd for the village idiot award?
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
His big accomplishment is to make his presidency the most corrupt ever in our history
We’re back to you wanting hillary.

Do you ever stop and ask yourself why everyone thinks you’re an idiot?
Trump die hards will never see him for what he really is, fortunately, they are the minority --

WASHINGTON ― Having run through his first choices for his chief of staff vacancy without any luck, President Donald Trump is considering his own son-in-law for the job.

Jared Kushner, the husband of Trump’s daughter Ivanka and already an official White House adviser, met with Trump Wednesday about the job, a top Republican close to the White House told HuffPost. He and two others close to Trump or the White House who confirmed Kushner’s interest in the position did so on condition of anonymity to discuss the president’s staffing considerations freely.

Kushner has been pushing his own candidacy with Trump, citing his work on a criminal justice reform package and a claimed ability to work with Democrats, one person said. “I don’t know why he thinks that, when the Democrats are mainly going to be coming after Trump,” the source said.

More: Trump Considering Son-In-Law Jared Kushner For Next Chief Of Staff

Gee, what could possibly go wrong with that? What do you think?
Jared is too valuable negotiating Trade and other things. Handcuffing him to Chief of Staff would stifle his usefulness at all the other things he does. Make Ivanka Chief of Staff.
What's happening to trump is 10x worse than Benghazi and Email BS
Are you in competition with deanrd for the village idiot award?
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
His big accomplishment is to make his presidency the most corrupt ever in our history
We’re back to you wanting hillary.

Do you ever stop and ask yourself why everyone thinks you’re an idiot?
And I'm back to Trump is President NOW you dolt You been taking Bri pat pills?
unlimited power is apt to corrupt the mind of those who possess it. where law ends, there tyranny begins. that's all i'm gonna say on this here.
Are you in competition with deanrd for the village idiot award?
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
His big accomplishment is to make his presidency the most corrupt ever in our history
We’re back to you wanting hillary.

Do you ever stop and ask yourself why everyone thinks you’re an idiot?
And I'm back to Trump is President NOW you dolt You been taking Bri pat pills?
Trump is doing a great job at fixing the BS democrats created. It’s why I’ll voting for him again.
Trump has done everything you wanted him to do and you have the nerve to call some one else the village idiot??
What does his accomplishments have to do with your ignorance?
His big accomplishment is to make his presidency the most corrupt ever in our history
We’re back to you wanting hillary.

Do you ever stop and ask yourself why everyone thinks you’re an idiot?
And I'm back to Trump is President NOW you dolt You been taking Bri pat pills?
Trump is doing a great job at fixing the BS democrats created. It’s why I’ll voting for him again.
What BS ? 75 straight months of 6 digit employment ,almost a dow triple ??This moron gave an unneeded tax cut so when we do have problems down the line we won't get out so easy
unlimited power is apt to corrupt the mind of those who possess it. where law ends, there tyranny begins. that's all i'm gonna say on this here.
Yes and republicans must learn they didn't elect a king
When will democrats learn why people don’t like navigating piles of poop on sidewalks?
Trump over his miserable lifetime has left piles on his own A grifter a crook with lawyers
You’ll have my vote.
unlimited power is apt to corrupt the mind of those who possess it. where law ends, there tyranny begins. that's all i'm gonna say on this here.
Yes and republicans must learn they didn't elect a king
When will democrats learn why people don’t like navigating piles of poop on sidewalks?
Trump over his miserable lifetime has left piles on his own A grifter a crook with lawyers
You’ll have my vote.
But I won't make 107 million in inauguration $$$ disappear Was it those huge lol crowds ? A thief like he is doesn't change stripes
If he's given the job, that is a serious case of nepotism.

He'd hardly be the first president to do so

Actually, if he did make his son CoS, he would be the FIRST president to appoint a relative to that office since it was created back in 1946 under Truman.

Don't believe me? Look for yourself...................................

List of White House Chiefs of Staff - Wikipedia


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