Trump: Fine with same-sex marriage


It's funny how you think you can have a rational discussion with Sil about gay marriage and gay rights.

I am well aware that it's a fool's errands, but I was bored and had a dash of free time. I know I would have better luck reaching a houseplant or a doily. lol
Obergefell will never be reversed. Ever. I think anyone trying to get it reversed has no clue how the Supreme Court works. It always moves forward, not backward. It's docket is ALWAYS full and it has zero time or inclination to revisit issues they already decided. It's a huge waste of effort and emotion to kick against the goads.

What about Plessey?
Your wife deserves better. No real man EVER hits his wife.

exactly my point. But you ever watch video of the Kleins, where she's just cowering why he bravely tells a bunch of Christian assholes how he bravely wrecked her business fighting against that gay couple?

I feel sorry for the poor woman.
I think you're delusional. You safety pin Leftists hate Christians who never beat our wives or condone spousal abuse but then you rim-job Muslims who beat their wives like pouring morning cereal and make instructional videos on how to properly beat them.

It's just further proof you all don't have the moral high ground on ANY issue.
Hence the reason the NEVER EVER listen to them. Especially when they use their fake hypocritical laughable moral superiority.

They are nothing but corrupt lying double talking scumbags.

Literally, that is all they are.
What about Plessey?

Of course court cases can be overturned; however, allowing gays to marry is hardly comparable to the grave injustice of involuntary servitude.

It's based on the same illogical reasoning. The Court decided to answer a social issue question when the rest of the country wasn't ready to do so, and on far shakier grounds than overturning Plessey.

Roe V Wade is over 40 years old. Has it ended the abortion debate?

Best thing to do would be to modify Obergfell to say States cannot be forced to issue SSM licences, but all existing ones are valid, and they have to honor out of state licences as well.
I've already warned many fellow Trump Voters that Trump is not a staunch Conservative or Constitutionalist. He's never claimed to be. He does lean Liberal on some issues. So Trump Voters shouldn't come along later whining about how Trump lied to them. He never promised em staunch 'Christian Conservatism.' For me, if he just stands by his pledges to secure our border, reform our Immigration System nightmare, and appoint a couple reasonable Supreme Court Justices, he'll always have my support.

I'm not concerned with much else. Nothing's gonna change in regards to our massive Debt and starting more Wars. That'll stay the status quo. We are gonna get more Debt and Wars. And i'm not interested in social issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage either. Those are just old tired issues both Parties use to divide the People further. Trump only needs to deliver on a couple things for me. The rest is just silly stuff to get the sheep all worked up about. Just remember what you voted for. You didn't vote for a staunch Christian Conservative or Constitutionalist. You voted for the only viable alternative to the corrupt Clintons. Nothing more, nothing less.
So you think Trump should have embarked on a feckless campaign based on reversing Obergefell which isn't ever going to happen?

Trump wasn't a great alternative to the corrupt Clintons. He was the only alternative. He's no Religious Conservative or Constitutionalist. Folks just gotta remember why the really put him in there. Otherwise, they're gonna be very disappointed.
Give us all your thoughts on this.


Well, we are waiting mac.

On Hillary flip-flopping on gay marriage?

No surprise. She's a standard issue dishonest pol.

Did you think you "had" me there? And is it safe to say that Trump is another standard issue dishonest pol?

I've already warned many fellow Trump Voters that Trump is not a staunch Conservative or Constitutionalist. He's never claimed to be. He does lean Liberal on some issues. So Trump Voters shouldn't come along later whining about how Trump lied to them. He never promised em staunch 'Christian Conservatism.' For me, if he just stands by his pledges to secure our border, reform our Immigration System nightmare, and appoint a couple reasonable Supreme Court Justices, he'll always have my support.

I'm not concerned with much else. Nothing's gonna change in regards to our massive Debt and starting more Wars. That'll stay the status quo. We are gonna get more Debt and Wars. And i'm not interested in social issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage either. Those are just old tired issues both Parties use to divide the People further. Trump only needs to deliver on a couple things for me. The rest is just silly stuff to get the sheep all worked up about. Just remember what you voted for. You didn't vote for a staunch Christian Conservative or Constitutionalist. You voted for the only viable alternative to the corrupt Clintons. Nothing more, nothing less.
So you think Trump should have embarked on a feckless campaign based on reversing Obergefell which isn't ever going to happen?

Trump wasn't a great alternative to the corrupt Clintons. He was the only alternative. He's no Religious Conservative or Constitutionalist. Folks just gotta remember why the really put him in there. Otherwise, they're gonna be very disappointed.
Nobody thought he was a Sunday School teacher. Your great epiphany is a well known fact.
I agree with his statement that it is settled law.... it is true.
So is abortion.

Fair to say that's no longer an issue, too?

It never was to me save my personal beliefs on the matter(s). We, on both sides fixate way to much in things that aren't going to change, like it or not. Abortion is the law of the land, no president is going to affect that any more than they will gay marriage.

That's all I am saying.
I think you're delusional. You safety pin Leftists hate Christians who never beat our wives or condone spousal abuse but then you rim-job Muslims who beat their wives like pouring morning cereal and make instructional videos on how to properly beat them.

Yawn, guy, the only reason they tell you to hate Muslims is that they are standing on top of a lot of oil rich people want to sell And they are perfectly happy to sacrifice dumb schlubs like you to get at it.
I think you're delusional. You safety pin Leftists hate Christians who never beat our wives or condone spousal abuse but then you rim-job Muslims who beat their wives like pouring morning cereal and make instructional videos on how to properly beat them.

Yawn, guy, the only reason they tell you to hate Muslims is that they are standing on top of a lot of oil rich people want to sell And they are perfectly happy to sacrifice dumb schlubs like you to get at it.
Your "blood for oil" idiot child rant is at least 2 decades outdated. We don't need or depend on sandnggr oil and we're just one Republican president away from being completely energy independent.

So why are we still sending our seed corn over there? Old habits die hard. Personally I don't want to expend another penny or drop of precious American blood on those goat fuckers which is why I embedded in my signature a pithy solution to the Arab problem.
Your "blood for oil" idiot child rant is at least 2 decades outdated. We don't need or depend on sandnggr oil and we're just one Republican president away from being completely energy independent.

So why are we still sending our seed corn over there? Old habits die hard. Personally I don't want to expend another penny or drop of precious American blood on those goat fuckers which is why I embedded in my signature a pithy solution to the Arab problem.

When you sign up for the military, I'll take your claims seriously.

You think the Oil companies want you do die to sell oil to Americans? Boy, you are naive.
Your "blood for oil" idiot child rant is at least 2 decades outdated. We don't need or depend on sandnggr oil and we're just one Republican president away from being completely energy independent.

So why are we still sending our seed corn over there? Old habits die hard. Personally I don't want to expend another penny or drop of precious American blood on those goat fuckers which is why I embedded in my signature a pithy solution to the Arab problem.

When you sign up for the military, I'll take your claims seriously.

You think the Oil companies want you do die to sell oil to Americans? Boy, you are naive.
I'm an OIF/OEF U.S. Army veteran, jackass.

And the brainless "blood for oil" meme is on your side, not mine. I'm just using your logic to reach the same conclusion, no more precious American troops should die in the sands of countries that hate us and never will. Fuck them.
I'm an OIF/OEF U.S. Army veteran, jackass.

And the brainless "blood for oil" meme is on your side, not mine. I'm just using your logic to reach the same conclusion, no more precious American troops should die in the sands of countries that hate us and never will. Fuck them.

dude, no, seriously, why aren't you signing up right now, not what you did in the past.
I'm an OIF/OEF U.S. Army veteran, jackass.

And the brainless "blood for oil" meme is on your side, not mine. I'm just using your logic to reach the same conclusion, no more precious American troops should die in the sands of countries that hate us and never will. Fuck them.

dude, no, seriously, why aren't you signing up right now, not what you did in the past.
I'm 41. I fulfilled my obligation. You're an ass for demanding more.
I'm an OIF/OEF U.S. Army veteran, jackass.

And the brainless "blood for oil" meme is on your side, not mine. I'm just using your logic to reach the same conclusion, no more precious American troops should die in the sands of countries that hate us and never will. Fuck them.

dude, no, seriously, why aren't you signing up right now, not what you did in the past.

The " shut up if you don't sign up" line of logic in the time of a volunteer army is as dumb as saying only other firefighters can expect firefighters to fight a fire in their house.

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