Trump Has More Stolen Docs

What a lying douchebag.
What am I lying about, rube? Tell me.

You didn't know that Trump wanted the Fed to increase QE and push rates down, so he could BRAG about his economy regardless of the damage it would cause?

Of COURSE you didn't. You rubes aren't told all KINDS OF THINGS in your world.


What am I lying about, rube? Tell me.

You didn't know that Trump wanted the Fed to increase QE and push rates down, so he could BRAG about his economy regardless of the damage it would cause?

Of COURSE you didn't. You rubes aren't told all KINDS OF THINGS in your world.


Depends Dementia Man has been president for almost TWO YEARS, Ol' Mac

Maybe start to get over it
Just posting facts. Which is why you try to change the subject IN A THREAD ABOUT TRUMP.

Silly rube.

You know what's silly? Claiming you post about "issues" when in reality your (mental) issue is your obsession with Trump. While you accuse others of being in a cult, YOU ARE CLEARLY THE CHARTER MEMBER

Kinda funny.
Stealing classified documents is a federal crime. That's been proven.
Trump has never been charged with theft. The word theft has never once been used by either the FBI or the DOJ. Take your weak shit somewhere else.
What if some are sitting on Putins pecker, and Trump sold them to him?
LOL. Do you have any evidence of that or is that just your TDS talking?

Let's see how this all went down. Someone, apparently in Trump's circle, reported that Trump had some classified docs at Mara Lago. They didn't even know before that that there were classified documents there because they had assumed that all that Trump did have had been returned. So, they raided Trump's home not even knowing what classified documents were even there. Now we've got court cases swirled around all of that and they want to continue going through the docs to see which ones Trump had because they didn't know which ones Trump actually had. Now, even though they didn't even know which documents Trump even had in the first place, they "know" that Trump has more. Did I get that about right?
Thinks and has are two very different words. The DOJ thinks Trump has more documents, you claim that is a fact In your title. Just you gaslighting and being dishonest.
If the DOJ thinks Trump has more docs (after all that he has so far done) Trump probably has more docs...especially considering those 48 empty classified folders.
If the DOJ thinks Trump has more docs (after all that he has so far done) Trump probably has more docs...especially considering those 48 empty classified folders.
Who said he has more docs? Got any names?
So, they raided Trump's home not even knowing what classified documents were even there. Now we've got court cases ...... because they didn't know which ones Trump actually had. Now, even though they didn't even know which documents Trump even had in the first place, they "know" that Trump has more.
I'm not so sure that the DOJ and other departments in the government 'did-not-know' what Trump had. I've seen no reporting that they were going in totally blind. Top Secret documents kinda have a 'trail-of-possession' protocol following them. I think.

I am doubtful that they are just handed out without a paper-trail, without somebody knowing who received 'em, when they got 'em, how long they have 'em, and for what purpose. These ain't blank pieces of paper. They have....hold for it.....'secrets' within them. And they are kept track of to one degree or another. They just don't 'go missing'.

Here is how I understand what came down (so far, subject to more information). The Archives was expecting documents from the White House, as they do with every change in Administration. They got some, but someone somewhere in a responsible position who rides herd on such docs.....suspected they didn't get all. And thus requests were made to the Mar-A-Largo for an accounting. Which they got a one. But one someone in the government didn't think was complete. So more requests were made. Even one backed by a subpoena. And more documents were given back. And the Trump team avowed that that is all they have.

Enter one or more whistleblowers in the know. They dropped a dime on the Trump team. More requests were made. Again, the Trump faction said 'That's all, folks'. And by now, the responsible departments within our government didn't believe 'em. Now they were highly suspicious of the Trump group's sincerity. Even Bill Barr in an interview said the Trump group was "jacking them around".
Hence, the search of Mar-A-Lago.

I think the whole thing has been fascinating.
Uncomfortable to varous factions, no doubt. The government....because they don't know for sure if the nation's secrets have been compromised. The Trump group ......and the Trump partisans.....because it makes Trump look like a thief, a liar, and suspected peddler of the nation's secrets.

Still, I stand by my assertion: It has been fascinating.
What am I lying about, rube? Tell me.

You didn't know that Trump wanted the Fed to increase QE and push rates down, so he could BRAG about his economy regardless of the damage it would cause?

Of COURSE you didn't. You rubes aren't told all KINDS OF THINGS in your world.


Do you have a link supporting your claim? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
If the DOJ thinks Trump has more docs (after all that he has so far done) Trump probably has more docs...especially considering those 48 empty classified folders.
“Probably” but you don’t say that, you said “had”, and furthermore in my America, you are innocent until proven otherwise.
Then why all the Repug attention to Hunter Biden jaywalking or whatever he supposedly did when the world is about to come to an end?

LOL relegating the access abuse hunter did to jaywalking....fuck off TDS cuck.

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