Trump insults a war hero

Politics doesn't supercede what that man did in Vietnam, nor what happened to him there.

I agree with you almost all the time Mac, but not here. McCain started this childish back and forth. I appreciate his service, and I can't hope to know the hell he went through; but he betrayed his fellow veterans by supporting cutting benefits for those in the military. TRICARE of all things. He of all people should know better.

McCain Joins Obama s Call for Military Benefit Cuts

Apparently, rotting in a prison cell in North Vietnam didn't teach him enough respect for his fellow veterans. Or was that whole "I want to stay in prison with my comrades" thing just for show? That experience should have taught him that vets deserve to be pampered, appreciated, and supported--- not treated like second class citizens by the government they swore their lives to.

Hey Chief Sitting Couch, the proposal was to make retirees pay a whopping $200 a year for insurance. I'm sure you spend more a year on Twinkies.
They should be paying a hell of a lot more than that. The VA was meant only for injuries suffered during service, not for every paper cut suffered by some fat fuck retired sergeant opening up his government check envelope. Then politicians looking for votes expanded it, helping to bankrupt the country.
I love how he's giving you Leftwats a coronary.
You should be concerned about what he's doing to the Republican Party. He has pissed off a wide and diverse group, damn near as many Republicans as Democrats in congress. If he continues the way he is going, it will be impossible for him to get widespread Republican support.

In 2008, Trump backed McCain contributing the max to his campaign. However since 2008 he has broken with McCain and many other Republicans over immigration and Obamacare. At this point, a thrid party run seems a distinct possibility.
Kinda like how Reagan pissed off a lot of Republicans, huh? He's doing this country a service. We are not well served by two parties that are pretty much the same.
Well if this is service to his country it will be his first. Trump is not going to change the Republican party by pissing off the top Republicans in the party which is exactly what he is dong. However, he may be setting himself up for a third party run. The question in my mind is how would he finance such a run without strong Republican support. Although he has a net worth of 9 billion, almost all of it is tied up in real estate. Hillary's war chest will stand at 2.5 billion and would certainly grow rapidly against Trump.
I think Trump is working with Hilary; it's the only explanation for this level of stupidity that makes sense.
The explanation is that the GOP and Foxnews created Trump the candidate. By staying silent on everything from "You lie!" to Manchurian Candidate to Birthers, they have allowed their party to become a laughingstock.

Registered voters 2015
Republican 20%
Democrat 27%
The balance are registered as independents, which means both parties have a serious problem.
You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
As a Liberal, I couldn't be happier Trump is running. :thup:
Of course you are because Trump is a progressive like yourself.
No, because he's a wrecking ball to the GOP.
You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
As a Liberal, I couldn't be happier Trump is running. :thup:
Of course you are because Trump is a progressive like yourself.
No, because he's a wrecking ball to the GOP.
Trump really resonates with stupid people, they are his base constituency. They are apparently too stupid to be embarrassed.
You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
As a Liberal, I couldn't be happier Trump is running. :thup:
Of course you are because Trump is a progressive like yourself.
No, because he's a wrecking ball to the GOP.
The GOP needs a wrecking ball.
You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
As a Liberal, I couldn't be happier Trump is running. :thup:
Of course you are because Trump is a progressive like yourself.
No, because he's a wrecking ball to the GOP.
The GOP needs a wrecking ball.
The GOP needs an enema. What they got was a wrecking ball.
You leftists are so hypocritical. Trump is a progressive like yourselves, yet you despise him. He believes government is the answer, just like you doofuses. He wants tariffs (high taxes). He is amazingly arrogant just like the a-hole in the WH now, who you guys love and adore. He wants government run HC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To legalize the 1%.

If he were a D, you guys would be on your knees with your mouths open to deep throat The you did Big Ears in 2008.

The Donald is a PROGRESSIVE, yet progressives don't like him.
As a Liberal, I couldn't be happier Trump is running. :thup:
Of course you are because Trump is a progressive like yourself.
No, because he's a wrecking ball to the GOP.
The GOP needs a wrecking ball.
The GOP needs an enema. What they got was a wrecking ball.

The establishment GOP is a mirror image of the D party. They should just join the D party and allow another opposition party to rise. The problem is the oligarchy likes one party rule and apparently many Americans are too dumb or uninformed to see the truth.

Many average Ds like those on this forum, love to bitch about the Rs, when the Rs are no different from the Ds. Shows you how effective the MSM, DNC, and other leftist groups are at manipulating public opinion.
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Trump really resonates with stupid people
. .....

He resonates with you?
As if further reminders of your extremely modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

Are you under the impression that your contributions here make you seem anything other than utterly stupid?
I'm sorry that you're so intimidated. Maybe if you choose subjects that you actually know something about you'd do a little better. I wonder if there are any subjects like that? There must be something you're good at.
Trump really resonates with stupid people
. .....

He resonates with you?
As if further reminders of your extremely modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

Are you under the impression that your contributions here make you seem anything other than utterly stupid?
I'm sorry that you're so intimidated. ...

Don't worry, no one is intimidated by such keen insight as "you're shit," professor.
Trump really resonates with stupid people
. .....

He resonates with you?
As if further reminders of your extremely modest intellectual endowment were actually needed.

Are you under the impression that your contributions here make you seem anything other than utterly stupid?
I'm sorry that you're so intimidated. ...

Don't worry, no one is intimidated by such keen insight as "you're shit," professor.
I can hardly wait to be enlightened with your next pearl of wisdom.
Maybe if you choose subjects that you actually know something about ...

One of my undergraduate degrees is in Political Science. How about you, big mouth?
I hope you didn't take out a student loan for that, I'd say you were robbed.

Scholarship. How about you, big mouth?
And yet ankle biting seems to be about as far as your scholarship takes you. Any opinions about the subject of the OP?

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