Trump is apparently an incredibly clean businessman

I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!

It's not about what Trump did, it's about the amount of evidence.

Here, Donald J. Trump. Here is you illegally parked. You came back to the car, here is a photo of the meter showing "violation" with you standing next to the car. We have three eyewitnesses to your having violated the time limit on the seven quarters you put into the meter. And here is the parking ticket that was issued to you. Which you signed, admitting that you overran the time limit on the meter. Then you paid it.

We have you, dead to rights. The evidence is overwhelming. The only question is do you want to resign now or be impeached and then convicted and removed from office?

A better analogy is that Trump has driven through a small town "speed trap" and was pulled over for allegedly driving over the speed limit but on video later provided...he was shown to be driving slower than the traffic around him. That traffic stop would be thrown out of court as would anything the traffic stop revealed by any real judge in any real court. Trump has been accused of "collusion". After looking at the evidence it's become quite clear that there was no collusion by his campaign ( something which cannot be said of his opponent!) and furthermore that the "authorities" conspired to accuse him of collusion so that they could "make a traffic stop" on his campaign! For THAT...people in places of authority should be answering for what they did!

It's time to investigate the "investigators" because it's been shown quite clearly that they knowingly used phony evidence to start this whole process.
Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!

It's not about what Trump did, it's about the amount of evidence.

Here, Donald J. Trump. Here is you illegally parked. You came back to the car, here is a photo of the meter showing "violation" with you standing next to the car. We have three eyewitnesses to your having violated the time limit on the seven quarters you put into the meter. And here is the parking ticket that was issued to you. Which you signed, admitting that you overran the time limit on the meter. Then you paid it.

We have you, dead to rights. The evidence is overwhelming. The only question is do you want to resign now or be impeached and then convicted and removed from office?

A better analogy is that Trump has driven through a small town "speed trap" and was pulled over for allegedly driving over the speed limit but on video later provided...he was shown to be driving slower than the traffic around him. That traffic stop would be thrown out of court as would anything the traffic stop revealed by any real judge in any real court. Trump has been accused of "collusion". After looking at the evidence it's become quite clear that there was no collusion by his campaign ( something which cannot be said of his opponent!) and furthermore that the "authorities" conspired to accuse him of collusion so that they could "make a traffic stop" on his campaign! For THAT...people in places of authority should be answering for what they did!

It's time to investigate the "investigators" because it's been shown quite clearly that they knowingly used phony evidence to start this whole process.

Both of your analogies fail miserably because they’re based on the presumption that Trump has done nothing wrong, and is being unfairly persecuted by his political opponents.

Trump is a criminal. And he’s been caught. His insane tweetstorms, raging at his enemies, are the behaviours of a guilty man who feels the walls closing in, not a man who is unjustly accused.

Notice how all of his long time business associates were taping him, or had incriminating dirt on him. That speaks volumes.

Anyone who has ever worked for an incompetent idiot documents their every move and covers their asses for that inevitable day when the boss fucks up royally and then tosses them under the bus to save his own hide.

I’ve certainly done it, confirming every idiot instruction received via email. Asking for clarifications on idiot moves and strategies. And keeping copies. Saved my own ass more than once while I looked for better employment.

Cohen, Pecker, Omarosa, Guiliani, Pruitt, DeVos - only the best people he said. Trump’s definition of “best” may be at issue here. Trump seems to think sleaze balls, scammers and “yes” men/women are the “best”. Birds of a feather I guess.
Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!

It's not about what Trump did, it's about the amount of evidence.

Here, Donald J. Trump. Here is you illegally parked. You came back to the car, here is a photo of the meter showing "violation" with you standing next to the car. We have three eyewitnesses to your having violated the time limit on the seven quarters you put into the meter. And here is the parking ticket that was issued to you. Which you signed, admitting that you overran the time limit on the meter. Then you paid it.

We have you, dead to rights. The evidence is overwhelming. The only question is do you want to resign now or be impeached and then convicted and removed from office?

A better analogy is that Trump has driven through a small town "speed trap" and was pulled over for allegedly driving over the speed limit but on video later provided...he was shown to be driving slower than the traffic around him. That traffic stop would be thrown out of court as would anything the traffic stop revealed by any real judge in any real court. Trump has been accused of "collusion". After looking at the evidence it's become quite clear that there was no collusion by his campaign ( something which cannot be said of his opponent!) and furthermore that the "authorities" conspired to accuse him of collusion so that they could "make a traffic stop" on his campaign! For THAT...people in places of authority should be answering for what they did!

It's time to investigate the "investigators" because it's been shown quite clearly that they knowingly used phony evidence to start this whole process.

I don't know that's a "better' analogy, but it's certainly another valid one.

The upshot is that Trump is being personally targeted. Mueller isn't even investigating a crime, just "Trump." And that's what the left want to convict him for. Being Trump
You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!

It's not about what Trump did, it's about the amount of evidence.

Here, Donald J. Trump. Here is you illegally parked. You came back to the car, here is a photo of the meter showing "violation" with you standing next to the car. We have three eyewitnesses to your having violated the time limit on the seven quarters you put into the meter. And here is the parking ticket that was issued to you. Which you signed, admitting that you overran the time limit on the meter. Then you paid it.

We have you, dead to rights. The evidence is overwhelming. The only question is do you want to resign now or be impeached and then convicted and removed from office?

A better analogy is that Trump has driven through a small town "speed trap" and was pulled over for allegedly driving over the speed limit but on video later provided...he was shown to be driving slower than the traffic around him. That traffic stop would be thrown out of court as would anything the traffic stop revealed by any real judge in any real court. Trump has been accused of "collusion". After looking at the evidence it's become quite clear that there was no collusion by his campaign ( something which cannot be said of his opponent!) and furthermore that the "authorities" conspired to accuse him of collusion so that they could "make a traffic stop" on his campaign! For THAT...people in places of authority should be answering for what they did!

It's time to investigate the "investigators" because it's been shown quite clearly that they knowingly used phony evidence to start this whole process.

Both of your analogies fail miserably because they’re based on the presumption that Trump has done nothing wrong, and is being unfairly persecuted by his political opponents.

Trump is a criminal. And he’s been caught. His insane tweetstorms, raging at his enemies, are the behaviours of a guilty man who feels the walls closing in, not a man who is unjustly accused.

Notice how all of his long time business associates were taping him, or had incriminating dirt on him. That speaks volumes.

Anyone who has ever worked for an incompetent idiot documents their every move and covers their asses for that inevitable day when the boss fucks up royally and then tosses them under the bus to save his own hide.

I’ve certainly done it, confirming every idiot instruction received via email. Asking for clarifications on idiot moves and strategies. And keeping copies. Saved my own ass more than once while I looked for better employment.

Cohen, Pecker, Omarosa, Guiliani, Pruitt, DeVos - only the best people he said. Trump’s definition of “best” may be at issue here. Trump seems to think sleaze balls, scammers and “yes” men/women are the “best”. Birds of a feather I guess.

Trump has been investigated for two years now. The longer they can't produce any crimes, the more convinced you are of his guilt. Not interested in being gas lighted by a leftist. The lack of production of crimes proves innocence, not guilt, Mrs. Mao.

Just be honest, you wouldn't give a shit at all in any way about a Democrat. You don't give a shit when they do actually commit crimes.

This is all about greed and envy for you. Trump is just a speed bump in your quest for socialist redistribution of money. When Democrats commit actual crimes, they are still fighting for Marxism, so they aren't a problem.

That's all you care about, and you're 100% consistent in that
It's hilarious how you keep saying Trump is guilty, but if anyone argues with you then you say we don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. You're as dumb as a brick.

And I said Trump is guilty. He needs to be fined for not filing a form. Obama did it 1,300 times, make sure Trump pays whatever Obama did divided by 1,300. It's the right thing to do

Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.
Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
The number of Trump bankruptcies that snowflakes claim ranges anywhere from 4 to twelve.

However, the fact is that Trump has had no bankruptcies since his Atlantic city casinos went bust. Yet, you claim that all his deals are designed to produce bankruptcy. There appears to be a flaw in your "logic."

Trump had six bankruptcies in Atlantic City, two of them coming after he had divested himself of mist of his equity while retaining management of the resorts and the Plaza hotel in New York.

Trump Resort in Puerto Rico, which he didn’t own but was developing and managing having convinced the owner that he could make them millions makes eight.

Trump sold the Toronto Trump Hotel to a Russian but was managing the property on his behalf when bankruptcy was declared.

Trump doesn’t own the Trump Tower in Chicago, having sold most of his shares when the project ran into financial difficulties during construction.

His Trump Tower in Nicaragua is in financial difficulty. The owner had the police throw the company out of his property, but they came right back claiming they had an enforceable contract. Cue the lawsuit.

You can google for links to these stories.

Gotcha, Trump's failed at everything he ever tried. I mean it's not like he's a billionaire now. Oh wait, he is ...

If Trump has deposited the money he inherited from his father into the stock market, he would have more money than he has now.

If not for his scams and his money laundering, he’s be broke.

She's a liar. She made it up. She doesn't know how many million Trump inherited, so she has no idea what his return would have been in the stock market.

But it's difficult to believe since his father died in 1999 and the high estimates of what Trump got are $100 million. Given that he has roughly $6 billion now, that's an increase of 60 times. Trump would have had to have inherited WAY more than the high estimates for her made up statement to be true
I've explained that very thing myself, previously. One of the main things I find annoying about this forum is having to deal with the same accusations over and over and over again.
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Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!
Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

All Gator wants to do is bicker, which is why I have him on ignore. He's just tedious.

I meant literally as in literally. I believe that Democrats would actually do that in those cases. They've proven in spades they will ignore any Democrat crime, including using the FBI and IRS to go after their opponents.

And I meant the Democrats would literally be willing to Impeach Trump for a parking ticket and they've proven over and over with Cohen that they will call minor, trivial offenses a "felony." Read Skylar's stupid shit, he does it all the time.

As I said, Gator wants to bicker, so rather than arguing that he disagrees with me, he said wrongly that I don't know what literally means. Gator literally just proved he doesn't know what literally means. He thinks literally means he disagrees with me. I meant what I said literally. Democrats would call Trump getting a parking ticket a felony and they would literally let Hillary get away with serious crimes. No conjecture, they do both all the time. Literally
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.

Gator continues to prove my point, I have him on ignore for wanting to do nothing but bicker. Instead of just saying he disagrees with you, he just keeps repeating his lie that we don't know what literally means because he disagrees with us.

We said and meant literally. But he won't accept that. He'll just continue to bicker that since he disagrees with our view, he'll keep nagging on the word
That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us
That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.

Gator continues to prove my point, I have him on ignore for wanting to do nothing but bicker. Instead of just saying he disagrees with you, he just keeps repeating his lie that we don't know what literally means because he disagrees with us.

We said and meant literally. But he won't accept that. He'll just continue to bicker that since he disagrees with our view, he'll keep nagging on the word

Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.
You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.
Manafort's next trial will include conspiracy to defraud the United States, failing to register as a foreign agent, money laundering, witness tampering and making false statements.

This is way worse than the first one.

The only one I think Trump's name doesn't come up is witness tampering.

Attorneys estimate three weeks for Manafort’s next trial

Attorneys working on the upcoming Washington, D.C., trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort expect that trial to last three weeks and explore more deeply his lobbying work in Ukraine.

The Washington Post reports that prosecutors have entered 1,500 possible exhibits into evidence and say they will closely examine the extent of Manafort's lobbying for pro-Russia causes in Ukraine.
Cohen, Pecker, and the Trump CFO disagree, kaz.

And nothing they have to say will have anything to do with Trump, Russia or Trump's businesses... paying off hookers is not a matter how badly you want it to be a crime.
Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.
Manafort's next trial will include conspiracy to defraud the United States, failing to register as a foreign agent, money laundering, witness tampering and making false statements.

This is way worse than the first one.

The only one I think Trump's name doesn't come up is witness tampering.

Attorneys estimate three weeks for Manafort’s next trial

Attorneys working on the upcoming Washington, D.C., trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort expect that trial to last three weeks and explore more deeply his lobbying work in Ukraine.

The Washington Post reports that prosecutors have entered 1,500 possible exhibits into evidence and say they will closely examine the extent of Manafort's lobbying for pro-Russia causes in Ukraine.

Hey, dimwit..... manafort has nothing to do with Trump.....none of those charges has anything to do with Trump... you understand that...right?
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.

The two he plead to on campaign finance violations are not crimes, dimwit. The former chair of the FEC stated they committed no crime in paying off the hookers...... so you don't know what you are talking about. Cohen's mistake was taking on hilary's lawyer who is simply using him to help mueller get at Trump, and not looking out for Cohen.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
He obviously does know what it means.

Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.

The actual campaign finance crime was committed by hilary laundering 84 million dollars in campaign money......

84 million dollars.....

This will be the boomerang created by going after Trump paying off the hookers...

Analysis | What's behind the claim that Hillary Clinton got '$84 million of potentially illegal campaign contributions?'

“If state parties never had any actual custody or control, the ‘allocation’ of funds to them was never a contribution to them, but rather an attempt to paper the funds through strawmen on the way to the DNC, where the funds were placed under the control of Team Clinton in Brooklyn,” Backer wrote.

“Thus, the $300,000(ish) from Calvin Klein was not a contribution to each of the participating entities, but rather an excessive contribution to at least the DNC, and since they took that money and put it under the custody and control of Team Clinton, it is an excessive contribution to the campaign. If that’s how it was pitched to donors (I’ll bet you a steak dinner on that one), those doing the pitching violated federal law.”

Campaign finance watchdogs, however, believe that the pro-Trump super PAC may be on to something. Paul S. Ryan, a vice president of Common Cause who works on campaign finance issues, said that “the possibility of this type of scheme was why I was critical of McCutcheon in the first place,” and that some type of probe into practice of new, larger joint fundraising agreements might have been inevitable.

“In my view, the complaint does show enough smoke to warrant investigation into whether there was a fire,” said Ryan. “It would be good to get some guidance from the FEC on this. Either way you cut the Backer complaint, this is either illegal activity, or it’s legal but troubling.”
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Clearly neither do you, which is not uprising at all.
I literally do know what it means.


Then show me the thread where someone literally said that a parking ticket is a felony.

I will be waiting!

Democrats literally keep saying that Trump repaying the loan and not filing the form is a felony.

And again, wanting to continue your butt hurt bull shit on the word, he said that trivial offenses in the WORLDVIEW of leftists is a felony ... if Trump does it. He isn't saying they did say that, he's saying they would say that. They have done that.

I'm just making my point why I have you on ignore for bickering. You're not addressing that you disagree with us. You're continuing to word parse whether he said Democrats said or would do that and saying we don't know what literally means when you just disagree with us

Cohen was charged with and pleaded guilty to 8 felonies, two of which he indirectly implicated Trump in. If it were ever found out that Trump was complicit in the actions of Cohen, then he would indeed be guilty of felony campaign finance violations. This is a fact.

What Cohen was charged with is not the equivalent of a traffic ticket, not even close.

But people like yourself have to pass it off as a parking ticket, that is the only way you can justify your blind devotion to Trump.

Personally, I do not think Trump will get charged with these things, some do.
Manafort's next trial will include conspiracy to defraud the United States, failing to register as a foreign agent, money laundering, witness tampering and making false statements.

This is way worse than the first one.

The only one I think Trump's name doesn't come up is witness tampering.

Attorneys estimate three weeks for Manafort’s next trial

Attorneys working on the upcoming Washington, D.C., trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort expect that trial to last three weeks and explore more deeply his lobbying work in Ukraine.

The Washington Post reports that prosecutors have entered 1,500 possible exhibits into evidence and say they will closely examine the extent of Manafort's lobbying for pro-Russia causes in Ukraine.

Just more raging butt hurt


I'd say let it out, but at this point you've vented so much butt hurt and nothing comes out but more and you're becoming a major contributor to global warming


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