Trump is apparently an incredibly clean businessman

You are so ignorant of details.

Everything that Trump did prior to 1999 in the area of real estate was done via E. Trump & Son starting in the early 70s. In 1999 after Fred died the origial apartments from Trump's dad and grandmother were sold and distributed between the 4 kids, the rest stayed with the company that became known as Trump Inc.
Without his grandmother's business there was no Commodore Hotel, no Trump Tower, no Trump Plaza, all those were done using the resources of his grandmothers company.

There is not a single business that he started on his own succeeded

You'll have to prove that. I'm not going to accept the claims of a psycho Trump hating snowflake at face value. I believe the other siblings received significant percentages of the company.

Well yeah, when you sell something like 6000 apartments in NY City you get turn a pretty penny since most had been owned prior to Donald even being born. The kids split the profit from those 4 ways, Rubin Schron bought them for $600,000,000. All the rest of the property belonging to the company stayed with the company and is now owned by Donald.

Rubin Schron - Wikipedia

  • In 2003, he purchased 6,000 outer borough apartments the estate of Fred Trump.[3]
You proved Schron bought the properties. That's all you proved. Now prove that's the money the Trump siblings received for their inheritance.

I cannot help if you do not know how inheritance works.

I already spent a good deal of my time educating you on the properties you thought Trump developed and you have not yet thanked me for removing a small part of your ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.

With all due respect, Dragon this day and age bringing suit against someone doesn't mean you have a viable case against them! Neither does settling a suit necessarily mean that you've broken the means that sometimes it makes more sense to settle than to fight things out in court!

Is Mueller even investigating "collusion" at this point? Quite frankly, I see nothing that points to that. I see an investigation that has moved on to other things because to be quite blunt...they came up with nothing on that!
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause

He's so clean but he raw dogs a porn star?

You'll have to prove that. I'm not going to accept the claims of a psycho Trump hating snowflake at face value. I believe the other siblings received significant percentages of the company.

Well yeah, when you sell something like 6000 apartments in NY City you get turn a pretty penny since most had been owned prior to Donald even being born. The kids split the profit from those 4 ways, Rubin Schron bought them for $600,000,000. All the rest of the property belonging to the company stayed with the company and is now owned by Donald.

Rubin Schron - Wikipedia

  • In 2003, he purchased 6,000 outer borough apartments the estate of Fred Trump.[3]
You proved Schron bought the properties. That's all you proved. Now prove that's the money the Trump siblings received for their inheritance.

I cannot help if you do not know how inheritance works.

I already spent a good deal of my time educating you on the properties you thought Trump developed and you have not yet thanked me for removing a small part of your ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using
You haven't "educated" me about jack shit. Your failure to prove you claims about Trump's inheritance doesn't mean I don't know how inheritance works. If I recall correctly, Trump's siblings contested the original distribution of their father's estate and went to court over it. They then received a larger share of the estate. I searched for an article about this, but so far I haven't found one.
Well yeah, when you sell something like 6000 apartments in NY City you get turn a pretty penny since most had been owned prior to Donald even being born. The kids split the profit from those 4 ways, Rubin Schron bought them for $600,000,000. All the rest of the property belonging to the company stayed with the company and is now owned by Donald.

Rubin Schron - Wikipedia

  • In 2003, he purchased 6,000 outer borough apartments the estate of Fred Trump.[3]
You proved Schron bought the properties. That's all you proved. Now prove that's the money the Trump siblings received for their inheritance.

I cannot help if you do not know how inheritance works.

I already spent a good deal of my time educating you on the properties you thought Trump developed and you have not yet thanked me for removing a small part of your ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using
You haven't "educated" me about jack shit. Your failure to prove you claims about Trump's inheritance doesn't mean I don't know how inheritance works. If I recall correctly, Trump's siblings contested the original distribution of their father's estate and went to court over it. They then received a larger share of the estate. I searched for an article about this, but so far I haven't found one.

Tell you what, you thank me for educating you and making you a little less ignorant and I will help you with this as well.

Sent from my iPhone using
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


You people are fucking clueless. What was the last building that Trump/property developed? Trump Inc is nothing but a holding company now, they do not do any of their own developing. They sell the Trump name and they buy companies as a holding company and have little to no input in their day to day business operations.
He built the tower in Chicago, dumbass, and he also built the golf course in Scotland. Trump was building resorts all over the world before he ran for office.
Crooked deals on all of them
Prove it, asshole.
Crooked deals on all of them

Bankruptcies on 7 of them. Neither of the resorts in Scotland have ever shown a profit.

These businesses are set up as subsidiary corporations of the Trump Corporation. Resort Corporation (RC) then contracts with the Trump Corporation (TC) to build and manage the RC. The contract calls for big bucks to go to TC for their services in managing the construction, and the Trump name to stay on the resort. Then TC starts selling off shares in the RC, usually divesting itself of most of its shares. TC or Trump personally retains a small stake. 5% to 15%.

When the resort opens, TC runs it under the management agreement, getting a huge management fee for their services and the prestige and good will in being a “Trump Property”. When the resort goes broke because TC bled it dry, Trump goes to another country and makes a deal on another resort property.

None of the above is illegal. Unethical, destructive and bad for business, yes, but not illegal.
The number of Trump bankruptcies that snowflakes claim ranges anywhere from 4 to twelve.

However, the fact is that Trump has had no bankruptcies since his Atlantic city casinos went bust. Yet, you claim that all his deals are designed to produce bankruptcy. There appears to be a flaw in your "logic."

Trump had six bankruptcies in Atlantic City, two of them coming after he had divested himself of mist of his equity while retaining management of the resorts and the Plaza hotel in New York.

Trump Resort in Puerto Rico, which he didn’t own but was developing and managing having convinced the owner that he could make them millions makes eight.

Trump sold the Toronto Trump Hotel to a Russian but was managing the property on his behalf when bankruptcy was declared.

Trump doesn’t own the Trump Tower in Chicago, having sold most of his shares when the project ran into financial difficulties during construction.

His Trump Tower in Nicaragua is in financial difficulty. The owner had the police throw the company out of his property, but they came right back claiming they had an enforceable contract. Cue the lawsuit.

You can google for links to these stories.

Gotcha, Trump's failed at everything he ever tried. I mean it's not like he's a billionaire now. Oh wait, he is ...

If Trump has deposited the money he inherited from his father into the stock market, he would have more money than he has now.

If not for his scams and his money laundering, he’s be broke.
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


You don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump's business dealings as those findings haven't been released yet.

So you're offering us your imagination on how 'incredibly clean' Trump is.

It's hilarious how you keep saying Trump is guilty, but if anyone argues with you then you say we don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. You're as dumb as a brick.

And I said Trump is guilty. He needs to be fined for not filing a form. Obama did it 1,300 times, make sure Trump pays whatever Obama did divided by 1,300. It's the right thing to do

Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?

Directing Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions is a crime. Reimbursing Cohen through fraud is a crime. Compelling others to lie to cover it up is a crime.

That Trump didn't file the proper paperwork for his direction of illegal campaign contributions and fraud is just icing on the cake.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

The way you spin everything to make it sound as bad as you can is clearly a prosecutor making his opening statement, not any sort of critical mind who just wants to know what happened. That's fine, but don't pretend you should have any credibility.

You and I know this is rinky dink shit you wouldn't give half a crap about if it was a Democrat. You've blown off serious Democrat crimes. All you're doing is going through and spinning whatever you can grab onto as hard as you can
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


You don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump's business dealings as those findings haven't been released yet.

So you're offering us your imagination on how 'incredibly clean' Trump is.

It's hilarious how you keep saying Trump is guilty, but if anyone argues with you then you say we don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. You're as dumb as a brick.

And I said Trump is guilty. He needs to be fined for not filing a form. Obama did it 1,300 times, make sure Trump pays whatever Obama did divided by 1,300. It's the right thing to do

Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true
You don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump's business dealings as those findings haven't been released yet.

So you're offering us your imagination on how 'incredibly clean' Trump is.

It's hilarious how you keep saying Trump is guilty, but if anyone argues with you then you say we don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. You're as dumb as a brick.

And I said Trump is guilty. He needs to be fined for not filing a form. Obama did it 1,300 times, make sure Trump pays whatever Obama did divided by 1,300. It's the right thing to do

Oh, directing someone else to commit a felony is also a crime. As is the fraudulent reimbursement scheme that Trump used.

Trump directed Cohen to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. And then lied about the illegal contributions repeatedly to try and cover it up.

And there's a paper trail and sworn testimony to prove it.

Now not filing a form that your lawyer paid your tart off but you paid it back is a "felony?"

So you're arguing Obama committed 1,300 felonies? Wow, you hate the skinny little black guy, don't you?
According to the snowflake worldview, In the case of Trump, a parking ticket is a felony, but Hillary can violate laws with impunity that others are sentenced to long prison sentences for violating.

That's literally true

You need to learn what the word literally means.

Sent from my iPhone using
You don't know what the Mueller investigation has found regarding Trump's business dealings as those findings haven't been released yet.

So you're offering us your imagination on how 'incredibly clean' Trump is.

It's hilarious how you keep saying Trump is guilty, but if anyone argues with you then you say we don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. You're as dumb as a brick.

And I said Trump is guilty. He needs to be fined for not filing a form. Obama did it 1,300 times, make sure Trump pays whatever Obama did divided by 1,300. It's the right thing to do
Skylar is one of the dumbest snowflakes posting in this forum. most of his threads devolve into him saying little more than "Nuh uhn!" repeatedly. presenting evidence to prove my claims while you just make nonsense up.

Like, say....your claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in for his plea deal. You pulled that claim sideways out of your ass, backed by nothing.

I, on the other hand, had the court transcript. Which I cited and linked to. It demonstrated that Cohen was sworn in.

So its the court transcript vs. your imagination. And that has the same winner every time; Not you.
Actually, I just read the transcript, and Cohen was sworn in. However, that still doesn't prove jack shit. your claims before that Cohen wasn't sworn in -backed by nothing- was just hapless, imaginary bullshit then?

Remember.....the only one saying that Cohen wasn't sworn in, was you. The only evidence you ever offered to back that claim, was your imagination.

This is why you citing your imagination means jack shit: you don't know what you're talking about.

He said you were right. Do you know how rare that is on the board? Care4all claimed school gun free zones are State not Federal and wouldn't admit she was wrong when I showed her a link showing they are Federal. Almost no one on the board will acknowledge the are wrong about anything ever. Can't you just acknowledge he did that and not be a dick?

And yes, I do that. When a leftist acknowledges they were wrong on a point, I ALWAYS give them a thank you
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.

Funny how Hillary and her foundation were always different things to you idiots. But now Trump's foundation, that's Trump. Your whole existence is built around hypocrisy and double standards. Politics is just a team sport to you, and you're lame at it
He inherited the entire company that his grandma had started. No business that he started on his own succeeded.
He inherited the company in 1999. Your claim is obvious horseshit.

You are so ignorant of details.

Everything that Trump did prior to 1999 in the area of real estate was done via E. Trump & Son starting in the early 70s. In 1999 after Fred died the origial apartments from Trump's dad and grandmother were sold and distributed between the 4 kids, the rest stayed with the company that became known as Trump Inc.
Without his grandmother's business there was no Commodore Hotel, no Trump Tower, no Trump Plaza, all those were done using the resources of his grandmothers company.

There is not a single business that he started on his own succeeded

You'll have to prove that. I'm not going to accept the claims of a psycho Trump hating snowflake at face value. I believe the other siblings received significant percentages of the company.

Well yeah, when you sell something like 6000 apartments in NY City you get turn a pretty penny since most had been owned prior to Donald even being born. The kids split the profit from those 4 ways, Rubin Schron bought them for $600,000,000. All the rest of the property belonging to the company stayed with the company and is now owned by Donald.

Proof? He doesn't have no proof, he doesn't need no stinking proof!

I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.
Watergate looked like an investigation unrelated to Nixon

Then as his key henchmen fell, it became more and more evidendent that Nixon was involved

Nixon: I am not a crook!
Trump: No collusion, no collusion

Mountain of evidence? Did you seriously just claim that? Wow...are you delusional!

It's not about what Trump did, it's about the amount of evidence.

Here, Donald J. Trump. Here is you illegally parked. You came back to the car, here is a photo of the meter showing "violation" with you standing next to the car. We have three eyewitnesses to your having violated the time limit on the seven quarters you put into the meter. And here is the parking ticket that was issued to you. Which you signed, admitting that you overran the time limit on the meter. Then you paid it.

We have you, dead to rights. The evidence is overwhelming. The only question is do you want to resign now or be impeached and then convicted and removed from office?
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause


Anyone want to guess what would happen if every single American was subjected to the same scrutiny that Trump and his "associates" have been subjected to for the past year? The courts would be swamped with indictments would be my take on that...yet after all this time they still have come up with nothing on Trump despite his overseeing a MASSIVE business empire? Sorry, liberals but not only have you not come up with an impeachable offense to nail Trump seem to have revealed him to be surprisingly by the book. Sucks to be you...

You keep saying that they have nothing on Trump.

This ignores the suit in New York Court regarding the illegal activities of the Trump Foundation, the various Trump U law suits that he settled, and the ongoing investigations.

Just because Mueller hasn’t file his report or publically accused Trump of anything, yet, is neither here nor there. It doesn’t mean he “has nothing”. It means he hasn’t moved against Trump, Stone, Junior, Eric, or Jared despite a mountain of evidence against them shows how cautiously Mueller is proceeding.

It took two years before the Watergate Investigation recommended impeachment charges. The Mueller Investigation just marked its First Anniversary. It takes time to build an air tight case.

With all due respect, Dragon this day and age bringing suit against someone doesn't mean you have a viable case against them! Neither does settling a suit necessarily mean that you've broken the means that sometimes it makes more sense to settle than to fight things out in court!

Is Mueller even investigating "collusion" at this point? Quite frankly, I see nothing that points to that. I see an investigation that has moved on to other things because to be quite blunt...they came up with nothing on that!

Yep. McDonald's had to pay over half a million to a dumb bimbo who bought coffee in a Styrofoam cup, opened the lid, put it between her knees to pour in condiments in a car with a stick shift and burned herself. It's incredible.

Bu bu bu, McDonalds had been told their coffee is hot! Um ... yeah ...
I mean wow. One of the businesses I owned was a restaurant. The government red tape and regulations involved in opening that. And Trump was a developer. He must have dealt with hundreds of corrupt government officials. Government puts up their hurdles, they don't care what it costs you or if you create any jobs. They make that very clear to you.

And yet, with a special prosecutor:

- Focused only on investigating Trump
- With an unlimited budget
- Who has no time restrictions
- With no restrictions onwhat he investigates about Trump
- Who's investigating everyone and anyone Trump ever dealt with any time in their lives, not just when they were working with Trump
- Is willing to get any crime no matter how petty
- And who can even create crimes by analyzing anything said and prosecuting for any contradiction for a crime they created

And they still can't get shit on the guy. Democrats are now hanging their hats on a couple convicted criminals they hope will say anything about Trump to somehow lighten their sentences even though they're both liars.

My hats off to Trump. The guy may be a braggart and a dog to women. But wow, legally, he's incredibly clean. A round of applause

He's so clean but he raw dogs a porn star?


What does that have to do with being a clean business man? Did you even read the OP?

Let me guess, you were educated by government, weren't you?
Bankruptcies on 7 of them. Neither of the resorts in Scotland have ever shown a profit.

These businesses are set up as subsidiary corporations of the Trump Corporation. Resort Corporation (RC) then contracts with the Trump Corporation (TC) to build and manage the RC. The contract calls for big bucks to go to TC for their services in managing the construction, and the Trump name to stay on the resort. Then TC starts selling off shares in the RC, usually divesting itself of most of its shares. TC or Trump personally retains a small stake. 5% to 15%.

When the resort opens, TC runs it under the management agreement, getting a huge management fee for their services and the prestige and good will in being a “Trump Property”. When the resort goes broke because TC bled it dry, Trump goes to another country and makes a deal on another resort property.

None of the above is illegal. Unethical, destructive and bad for business, yes, but not illegal.
The number of Trump bankruptcies that snowflakes claim ranges anywhere from 4 to twelve.

However, the fact is that Trump has had no bankruptcies since his Atlantic city casinos went bust. Yet, you claim that all his deals are designed to produce bankruptcy. There appears to be a flaw in your "logic."

Trump had six bankruptcies in Atlantic City, two of them coming after he had divested himself of mist of his equity while retaining management of the resorts and the Plaza hotel in New York.

Trump Resort in Puerto Rico, which he didn’t own but was developing and managing having convinced the owner that he could make them millions makes eight.

Trump sold the Toronto Trump Hotel to a Russian but was managing the property on his behalf when bankruptcy was declared.

Trump doesn’t own the Trump Tower in Chicago, having sold most of his shares when the project ran into financial difficulties during construction.

His Trump Tower in Nicaragua is in financial difficulty. The owner had the police throw the company out of his property, but they came right back claiming they had an enforceable contract. Cue the lawsuit.

You can google for links to these stories.

Gotcha, Trump's failed at everything he ever tried. I mean it's not like he's a billionaire now. Oh wait, he is ...

If Trump has deposited the money he inherited from his father into the stock market, he would have more money than he has now.

If not for his scams and his money laundering, he’s be broke.

She's a liar. She made it up. She doesn't know how many million Trump inherited, so she has no idea what his return would have been in the stock market.

But it's difficult to believe since his father died in 1999 and the high estimates of what Trump got are $100 million. Given that he has roughly $6 billion now, that's an increase of 60 times. Trump would have had to have inherited WAY more than the high estimates for her made up statement to be true

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