Trump is the only guy who can get away with not releasing his tax returns

Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep
Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep
Von Fuckstick has no policies only "SUGGESTIONS"
Hairclown Von Fuckstick cannot even keep Latino delegates he is that hated that Toxic

Two Calif. Trump Delegates Drop Out After Outcry From Latino Constituents

BY Allegra Kirkland

Trump says you shouldn't take Trump seriously


I have a suggestion for you.
Tax plan? Muslim ban? Build that wall? Cut taxes for all? Eh, you know, they’re just suggestions.

Calling into "Fox & Friends," his final television hit of the morning, Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about the response to his comment that his Muslim ban was "just a suggestion."

"Yeah. It was a suggestion. Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president," Trump said. "Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."

Think of it as blanket flip-flop insurance. Trump can “suggest” anything right now. Like how he’s going to cut taxes, build infrastructure, double the size of the military, and generate a yuuuge budget surplus. Or like how he’s going to leave NATO, make pals with Putin, blackmail Mexico, and reassure our allies that we can be trusted.

None of that stuff has to make sense. None of it has to be consistent day to day or even sentence to sentence. Trump’s campaign so far is just one big spaghetti-flinging expedition, with no promise that any of these “suggestions” is actually going to stick.

But for Trump’s fans, this doesn’t matter. They’re not buying into a plan. It’s obvious to everyone that there is no plan. They’re buying into the idea of the strong, powerful man who tells them what to do.

Trump has suggestions. He’s voters are suggestible. It’s a perfect match.
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You're delusional....or uninformed, or both. Clinton and Reagan both released their tax returns.

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns
Retard. From your link:

"Presidents release tax returns only for years they serve in office and only while they still hold that office. Consequently, Jimmy Carter did not release a return for 1980 nor did Ronald Reagan release one for 1988 — each left office before returns were due."
Damn you are a dumbass. Reagan realeased his tax records in 1980. Jimmy Carter released his in 1975.

You're the one that is retarded, moron. Maybe at the time Reagan was running for President it wasn't customary to release tax returns....but a precedent has been set and Trump not releasing his tax returns is not going to make it easy for him to win....only the dumbasses that support him will let him get away with it....the more intelligent people will know he is hiding something since we know he lies all the time.
Now you're spinning it. First you made the claim Reagan released his tax returns prior to and your own link said otherwise so now it's the customary thing since?

Hey dumbass Reagan did release his tax records in 1980 prior to his presidency . Are you retarded or something?

Presidential candidates have long history of releasing tax returns

"In 1980, former President Ronald Reagan released one year of records. Former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry released 20 years of tax returns when he ran against George W. Bush in 2004, however his independently wealthy wife Teresa Heinz Kerry only released a portion of her 2003 returns after mounting pressure.

Sen. John McCain released two years when he ran for office in 2008, but his wife Cindy, who files separately, released partial returns. President Barack Obama has released 12 years of tax returns."

Yes, he's retarded....he only listens to Faux News, so he thinks he is up to date on politics.......bwahaha He's trying to cover for blowhard Trump, but people aren't going to let the birther get away with his lame excuses for not releasing his taxes. If Hillary hadn't released her taxes, the weasel would be screaming bloody murder.
Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep
Von Fuckstick has no policies only "SUGGESTIONS"
Hairclown Von Fuckstick cannot even keep Latino delegates he is that hated that Toxic

Two Calif. Trump Delegates Drop Out After Outcry From Latino Constituents

BY Allegra Kirkland

Trump says you shouldn't take Trump seriously


I have a suggestion for you.
Tax plan? Muslim ban? Build that wall? Cut taxes for all? Eh, you know, they’re just suggestions.

Calling into "Fox & Friends," his final television hit of the morning, Trump was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about the response to his comment that his Muslim ban was "just a suggestion."

"Yeah. It was a suggestion. Look, anything I say right now, I'm not the president," Trump said. "Everything is a suggestion, no matter what you say, it's a suggestion."

Think of it as blanket flip-flop insurance. Trump can “suggest” anything right now. Like how he’s going to cut taxes, build infrastructure, double the size of the military, and generate a yuuuge budget surplus. Or like how he’s going to leave NATO, make pals with Putin, blackmail Mexico, and reassure our allies that we can be trusted.

None of that stuff has to make sense. None of it has to be consistent day to day or even sentence to sentence. Trump’s campaign so far is just one big spaghetti-flinging expedition, with no promise that any of these “suggestions” is actually going to stick.

But for Trump’s fans, this doesn’t matter. They’re not buying into a plan. It’s obvious to everyone that there is no plan. They’re buying into the idea of the strong, powerful man who tells them what to do.

Trump has suggestions. He’s voters are suggestible. It’s a perfect match.
That's true. Trump has only suggestions which some consider promises and others consider policy. However, one thing is for sure, he has no fundamental philosophy on which to establish national goals and without it he can not successfully lead his party much less lead the nation.
You dems look so damn petty and whiny all rolled into one. he said why he couldn't release them (he's being Audited).... so go bitch to YOUR IRS about it you know that Guberment you all so love to run your life>

Yes, he DID say that the reason he can't release them is because he's being audited. But guess what? You can still release your tax returns to the public even when you're being audited, because Richard Nixon released his even though it was being audited.

Trump is hiding something.

Flashback: Richard Nixon Released Tax Returns While Under Audit
Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep

Here is a link to some of Hillary's policies, moron. She doesn't keep changing her mind from hour to hour like doofus Trump.

Hillary for America starts right here | Hillary for America
And here are the Trump policies or promises, or maybe they are just suggestions:
Build a Wall
Deport 8 Million People
Ban Muslims
Determine how international trade works and then fix it
Cut taxes, Increase taxes, and simply taxes
Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep

Here is a link to some of Hillary's policies, moron. She doesn't keep changing her mind from hour to hour like doofus Trump.

Hillary for America starts right here | Hillary for America
And here are the Trump policies or promises, or maybe they are just suggestions:
Build a Wall
Deport 8 Million People
Ban Muslims
Determine how international trade works and then fix it
Cut taxes, Increase taxes, and simply taxes

You forgot to add that he is going to make Mexico pay for the wall....that's very important, as it will not increase our debt!
Were is THE POLICIES your party is running on? No one cares about this stupid stuff except DNC tool/sheep

Here is a link to some of Hillary's policies, moron. She doesn't keep changing her mind from hour to hour like doofus Trump.

Hillary for America starts right here | Hillary for America
And here are the Trump policies or promises, or maybe they are just suggestions:
Build a Wall
Deport 8 Million People
Ban Muslims
Determine how international trade works and then fix it
Cut taxes, Increase taxes, and simply taxes

You forgot to add that he is going to make Mexico pay for the wall....that's very important, as it will not increase our debt!
The likelihood that Mexico would ever pay for that wall are about zero. This insistence that Mexico pay for the Wall shows how little Trump understands about international negotiations. If the president of Mexico agreed, he would be impeached. You can not publicly insult a national leader and his people and expect any cooperation.
The OP / Title is a lie. As there is no law forcing people to release their tax returns ANYONE can 'get away with' not making their tax returns available for public viewing.
The OP / Title is a lie. As there is no law forcing people to release their tax returns ANYONE can 'get away with' not making their tax returns available for public viewing.
You are an idiot if you think its a lie. No one said it was a law. There is a tradition that he is breaking which he will get away with in the mind of the OP.
The OP / Title is a lie. As there is no law forcing people to release their tax returns ANYONE can 'get away with' not making their tax returns available for public viewing.

Actually, you're right, there isn't any law that says a candidate must release their tax returns. However, there IS a precedent that was set in the early 70's, and has been followed since. Every last candidate since the early 70's has released their tax returns with the exception of Trump.

And......................being audited is no excuse. Nixon released his while they were being audited.
The OP / Title is a lie. As there is no law forcing people to release their tax returns ANYONE can 'get away with' not making their tax returns available for public viewing.

Actually, you're right, there isn't any law that says a candidate must release their tax returns. However, there IS a precedent that was set in the early 70's, and has been followed since. Every last candidate since the early 70's has released their tax returns with the exception of Trump.

And......................being audited is no excuse. Nixon released his while they were being audited.

I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone who supports Obama would complain about someone else not follow precedent.
According to people that work with Trumpoline tax......... He is worth between 150 millions to 250 millions. That is far from 10 billions that he arrogantly published.
All the very rich people I know do NOT brag their richest. Most or all of the well known billionaires do NOT brag how rich they are........... Trumpoline right in your face I am very rich.
The OP / Title is a lie. As there is no law forcing people to release their tax returns ANYONE can 'get away with' not making their tax returns available for public viewing.

Actually, you're right, there isn't any law that says a candidate must release their tax returns. However, there IS a precedent that was set in the early 70's, and has been followed since. Every last candidate since the early 70's has released their tax returns with the exception of Trump.

And......................being audited is no excuse. Nixon released his while they were being audited.

I find it absolutely hilarious that anyone who supports Obama would complain about someone else not follow precedent.
Obama released his returns, dummy.
According to people that work with Trumpoline tax......... He is worth between 150 millions to 250 millions. That is far from 10 billions that he arrogantly published.
All the very rich people I know do NOT brag their richest. Most or all of the well known billionaires do NOT brag how rich they are........... Trumpoline right in your face I am very rich.
How much Trump is worth of course has no bearing on how good a president he would make. It doesn't matter if he's worth a million, or 10 billion, his lack of knowledge of both the political system and how government functions, and his inability to express his ideas clearly make him completely unsuitable as a president. The guy is a great ad liber and has wonderful one liners, but I doubt that's going to help him much as president.
It's no ones god damned business what anyone else's tax returns are, which is why it is completely legal to keep them private.

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