Trump just said ON LIVE TV from Florida if the wall is not funded DACA is dead.

He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?
This is great news. It's 'The Art of the Deal' in action!
Steve, I want you to promise not to call it a good deal if the wall isn't funded. You are known for saying that Trump is a genius for doing anything.

I said it before, if Trump took a shit on the street. Steve would call it chocolate and take out a spoon and start eating it...
maybe, but by the same token, trump could find a cure for cancer, provide world peace, and get pelosi to make sense just once and people on here would still hate him.
maybe, but by the same token, trump could find a cure for cancer, provide world peace, and get pelosi to make sense just once and people on here would still hate him.

They liked Trumps "Mike Pence" imitation on his trip to Texas for hurricane Harvey.
maybe, but by the same token, trump could find a cure for cancer, provide world peace, and get pelosi to make sense just once and people on here would still hate him.

They liked Trumps "Mike Pence" imitation on his trip to Texas for hurricane Harvey.
this where he was racist and the donation was only a tax write off? that kinda like/praise?

trump musta blushed something fierce.
White House Back-Tracks on Trump Pledge to Donate $1 Million of ‘Personal Money’ to Harvey Relief

White House Back-Tracks on Trump Pledge to Donate $1 Million of ‘Personal Money’ to Harvey Relief

On Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that President Trump would donate $1 million of his “personal money” to Hurricane Harvey victims. But on Friday, her story had changed and she said she wasn’t so sure.

When asked whether the money would be coming from the president himself or from his foundation, in typical Trump administration fashion, she dodged giving an answer by saying that she hadn’t “had the chance” to confer with the president about that yet, despite having already made an announcement about the supposed charitable donation the day before
I don't care what other Americans want. My priority is to my family and my business. That is what defines my opinions and my opinion is BUILD THE DAMN WALL

If they had to raise you taxes to pay for the wall. Woudl you still want it?

Would you oppose a middle class tax cut, in order to fund the wall?
I have no set positions on taxes with the exception of corporate taxes. They need to be lowered to become competitive with the rest of the world. Having said that make them come up for a vote again after a two year period and if the results don't show growth in businesses in the US sunset them.
I have no set positions on taxes with the exception of corporate taxes. They need to be lowered to become competitive with the rest of the world. Having said that make them come up for a vote again after a two year period and if the results don't show growth in businesses in the US sunset them.

You know that businesses already get a "tax cut" by hiring new employees, expanding their business, coming up with new products etc.

What would they do with a Trump tax cut, they can't already do now?
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?

Fine, congress can end birthright citizenship for those here illegally having babies. NO welfare or other benefits for illegal aliens. Those Dreamers can immediately start the process and no skipping ahead or shortcuts.
I have no set positions on taxes with the exception of corporate taxes. They need to be lowered to become competitive with the rest of the world. Having said that make them come up for a vote again after a two year period and if the results don't show growth in businesses in the US sunset them.

You know that businesses already get a "tax cut" by hiring new employees, expanding their business, coming up with new products etc.

What would they do with a Trump tax cut, they can't already do now?
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.

So you want corporate welfare.

Like when Carrier got $7 million dollars to keep jobs in the USA, and they shipped half of them to Mexico.
Fine, congress can end birthright citizenship for those here illegally having babies. .

Not without ratification from 3/4ths of the states. It's the 13 amendment.

NO welfare or other benefits for illegal aliens. .

That was done decades ago.

They get welfare because of their children and some just get it when they shouldn't, like Obama's aunt did. It's bullshit that they are not allowed to collect benefits. It was also made clear to them that they could go on the Obamacare website and sign up because no questions would be asked about their status. They also work here illegally.

The 13th amendment was not intended to allow illegals to sneak in and give birth. Keep deporting those here illegally and maybe they'll stop trying to take advantage of us if they know there are serious consequences for their actions. We could adopt Mexico's immigration laws.
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?

As expected--:badgrin: He campaigned on Mexico funding his freaking wall--and they told him to shove it up a dark spot. Then he tweeted out around noon today, that illegals who are here, should remain here. Steve Bannon--Breitbart news must have called him after that, and now he's back to if no funding for his border wall then there will be no DACA.

I really don't want to waste billions of tax payer dollars on a worthless wall. At the end of this video it tells you how much we have already spent for border security.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to really secure the border is with motion detectors "that they can't see" along with more border patrol stations. Anything they can see---can and will always be compromised.
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The 13th amendment was not intended to allow illegals to sneak in and give birth. .

When they passed the federal income tax, they did not intend it to be permanent

If you don't like the amendment, start the process of repealing it, like they did with the 18th amendment.
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Would you oppose a middle class tax cut, in order to fund the wall?

Not likely that both will happen. We shall see but seems doubtful. Besides Mexico is going to pay for it "believe me!"
they will. that process has to get setup once budgeting is done and the proper procedures are in place. it isn't that hard. there are multiple ways to get that money. simple. perhaps he goes to mexico and says you fund the wall or you get all 800,000 back. It would take a big chunk out of them economically don't you think if they had to cover 8000,000 people?

Are they cutting a check, paying cash or paying in drugs? I mean we were told Mexico would pay. Not double talk but pay the freight! Do you have the check or cash?
did trump say cash? just asking

Good question exactly what did he say? Mexico was going to PAY for it, and Mexico was going to LIKE it
Pretty sure we know both are lies, I mean since he has to go to the US congress for funding and all.
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.

So you want corporate welfare.

Like when Carrier got $7 million dollars to keep jobs in the USA, and they shipped half of them to Mexico.
If you insist on putting words in my mouth like a fucking child dont exoect me to resoond to you ya dickhole
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.

So you want corporate welfare.

Like when Carrier got $7 million dollars to keep jobs in the USA, and they shipped half of them to Mexico.

Tax payer loses every time.
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.

So you want corporate welfare.

Like when Carrier got $7 million dollars to keep jobs in the USA, and they shipped half of them to Mexico.

Tax payer loses every time.
Taxpayers can't lose what was never theirs to begin with. Taxes paid in belong to those who paid them. Thus any lowered tax rates also belong solely to them.
Your entitlement can go suck a cock
I pretty familiar with business taxes as I've run a business for nearly 30 years now.
As to corporate taxes I am referring to retaining jobs here via competition. Just like States compete with tax incentives, countries do too.

So you want corporate welfare.

Like when Carrier got $7 million dollars to keep jobs in the USA, and they shipped half of them to Mexico.

Tax payer loses every time.
Taxpayers can't lose what was never theirs to begin with. Taxes paid in belong to those who paid them. Thus any lowered tax rates also belong solely to them.
Your entitlement can go suck a cock

Those who get the sweet tax deals still collect services. These services are then paid for by the TAX PAYER! Services aren't free. Why are huge corporations entitled to get services paid for by tax payers?

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