Trump just said ON LIVE TV from Florida if the wall is not funded DACA is dead.

Given that both building the wall and killing DACA are measurably unpopular, Trump is marrying himself to two politically toxic positions in one swoop.
what isn't popular about the wall? it won him the presidency you must be confused.

No, it didn't.
Actually, it did. Trump's supporters only care about one issue: Mexicans and Muslims.

On everything else, they are flexible.

Based on the only available evidence we have, the exit polls, HRC actually beat Trump on the wall issue itself.
then she must have fallen off of it. she is selling books and not presidenting.

He beat her on trade issues, in the Rust Belt. Jesus. How many times do you people need that explained to you?
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?
He said lot of lies....
We will be tough on Saudi arabia.....goed and dance with them.
I have a great medical plan......fails to show us that plan.
Mexico will pay for the wall.....america will pay for it.
I will have the best team....most of the team fired or left.
I will unite Americans....most divided America we have ever seen.
I will defeat Isis in 30 days.....wake me up when that happens.
Is the whole subject of the "wall" fake news? Even before the election Trump stated that only half the 2000 mile border with Mexico needed a wall because of natural barriers. So we're down to 1000 miles. How much of that is where the present fence just needs to made more secure is something I question. If the entire 650 miles of existence fence is within that 1000 then we're only talking about a 350 mile extension.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.

An epic win is losing the popular vote by 2.9 million? Certainly a UNIQUE win.

I wanted to ask the nut what a non-epic win would look like, but I just didn't feel the need to hear more stupidity from him.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.
As Politifact noted, Trump did not "whoop Hillary's ass": Trump's electoral college victory not a 'massive landslide'
Yes he did whoop her ass. Sorry illegal votes don't count in this country.

The above is the kind of post that tells you all you need to know about the intellectual bankruptcy of modern American conservatism.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.
As Politifact noted, Trump did not "whoop Hillary's ass": Trump's electoral college victory not a 'massive landslide'
Yes he did whoop her ass. Sorry illegal votes don't count in this country.

The above is the kind of post that tells you all you need to know about the intellectual bankruptcy of modern American conservatism.
No actually the little liars like you and all those fake voters in places like California did the final push that killed the peoples love affair with the crooked ass democrats.
The President knows exactly what he's doing and knew what Chuck and Nancy would do.....I wonder if Nancy was slurring her words by the time dinner was over....she's been hitting the bottle pretty hard lately.
Even in a drunken comatose brain damaged state, Pelosi got what she wanted.

She has no idea what she wants other than 3 o'clock to roll around so she can get hammered. You should try that...whatever drugs you're on have left you feeble-minded....booze might keep you off your keyboard.
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?
80 percent of Americans want illegals to have legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

The majority of Americans also want stronger border security.

These are not contradictory positions.

Trump will grant amnesty to the DACA kids, and he will get a token brick or two for his wall.

I just wish I could see the faces of the pseudocons when Trump signs an amnesty bill.
Bullshit 80% want the illegals deported asap.

There is exactly ZERO evidence to support that wild claim.
He said and i quote "if the wall is not funded we will become the obstructionists"

A reaction to the blowback this morning?
80 percent of Americans want illegals to have legal status and/or a path to citizenship.

The majority of Americans also want stronger border security.

These are not contradictory positions.

Trump will grant amnesty to the DACA kids, and he will get a token brick or two for his wall.

I just wish I could see the faces of the pseudocons when Trump signs an amnesty bill.
Bullshit 80% want the illegals deported asap.

There is exactly ZERO evidence to support that wild claim.
I already posted that information and where it can be found in many threads in this forum. Dream on about your crap as that is all you have at this point, YOU LOST!!!! You can't even face the reality it.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.
As Politifact noted, Trump did not "whoop Hillary's ass": Trump's electoral college victory not a 'massive landslide'
anyone biased can print anything they want. the people know that 60% of states won is a landslide. the losers just like to whine and play it down. cause, they don't wish to admit to such a grand failure.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.

An epic win is losing the popular vote by 2.9 million? Certainly a UNIQUE win.
yes, 60% of the states, wow huge!!!!!!!!!!!
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.
As Politifact noted, Trump did not "whoop Hillary's ass": Trump's electoral college victory not a 'massive landslide'

Get real fool Trump won over 300 electoral votes he squashed Hillary like a bug.
what isn't popular about the wall? it won him the presidency you must be confused.

No, it didn't.
Actually, it did. Trump's supporters only care about one issue: Mexicans and Muslims.

On everything else, they are flexible.

Based on the only available evidence we have, the exit polls, HRC actually beat Trump on the wall issue itself.
then she must have fallen off of it. she is selling books and not presidenting.

He beat her on trade issues, in the Rust Belt. Jesus. How many times do you people need that explained to you?
the wall, fk dude even one of your own stated it was. just relax grasshopper and learn.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.

An epic win is losing the popular vote by 2.9 million? Certainly a UNIQUE win.

Yes since there's no such thing as the popular vote, or the pantsuit vote. No popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign ads, campaign events, are you feeling stupid yet? Yeah thought so.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.

An epic win is losing the popular vote by 2.9 million? Certainly a UNIQUE win.

Yes since there's no such thing as the popular vote, or the pantsuit vote. No popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign ads, campaign events, are you feeling stupid yet? Yeah thought so.
Take out all the erroneous voter rolls and he also won the popular vote by a landslide.
Art of the Fail. LOL

He also started in on Clinton, stating HE won the debates and the election; he was sworn in over seven months ago and STILL repeats "I won ______".

Well Trump did whoop Hillary's ass in an epic win, she's still medicating with alcohol.

An epic win is losing the popular vote by 2.9 million? Certainly a UNIQUE win.

I wanted to ask the nut what a non-epic win would look like, but I just didn't feel the need to hear more stupidity from him.

Well if you lose the House, then the Senate, then the White House that's a non-epic win, wait that's actually a loss. How does it feel to get your ass kicked all over Washington? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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