Trump: Low Taxes are "Ridiculous"

How is a flat tax with no loop holes supporting the rich?
Let's assume we roll with a flat tax idea of 15%, you do realize a majority of taxable income is held by a minority of the population? We already struggle to pay for our programs that benefit the poor/middle class as it is, and the debt spiraled when we cut taxes back on the rich.. The only ones who benefit from a flat tax are the wealthy.

As an upper middle class citizen I dont see these benefits you're referring to.
I do however see the the so called poor in America paying nothing and living high on the hog compared to actual poor people around the world.
Dear god, it's this mentality that disturbs me the most. WIC/medicare/medicaid/grants/loans/highways/FCC.. the list goes on, we have this mentality that if we don't see the benefits, they must not exist at all. "So called poor" I'm sorry, but poverty exists, hell, restaurant managers are relying on WIC these days..

Yeah,benefits that we pay for yet the so called poor use and pay nothing for.
Sounds like they have a pretty sweet deal.

Maybe, but making the poor pay as much could lead to less college, no home and more problems. The rich don't have this problem no matter what.

The grass hopper and the ant come to mind.....
Low taxes on hedge fund managers, that is.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump blasted hedge fund managers on Sunday as mere "paper pushers" who he said were "getting away with murder" by not paying their fair share of taxes.

In a telephone interview on CBS's "Face the Nation," Trump vowed to reform the tax laws if elected and said the current system was harming middle class Americans who currently faced higher tax rates than traders on Wall Street.

"The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky," Trump said.

"They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them - they are paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It's ridiculous, ok?"

Trump's comments were referring to the so-called "carried interest loophole" - a provision in the tax code which allows private equity and hedge fund managers pay taxes at the capital gains rate instead of the ordinary income rate.

Many fund managers are in the top income bracket, but the capital gains tax bracket is only 20 percent.

While these individuals are also required to pay an additional 3.8 percent surtax on their net investment income, this total rate is still far lower than the 39.6 percent rate that top wage earners must pay on their ordinary income.​

Trump says tax code is letting hedge funds 'get away with murder'

I happen to agree with Trump on this. As does Hillary Clinton. And Bernie Sanders.

But when I've discussed this with conservatives here on the board in the past, they've disagreed with me, saying hedge fund managers shouldn't pay higher taxes.

The richest most successful hedge fund managers have disproportional given money to democrats, ie Obama.

That defies logic!

Why would the "richest most successful hedge fund managers have disproportional given money to democrats" since that would be going against their own self interests?
As an upper middle class citizen I dont see these benefits you're referring to.
I do however see the the so called poor in America paying nothing and living high on the hog compared to actual poor people around the world.
Dear god, it's this mentality that disturbs me the most. WIC/medicare/medicaid/grants/loans/highways/FCC.. the list goes on, we have this mentality that if we don't see the benefits, they must not exist at all. "So called poor" I'm sorry, but poverty exists, hell, restaurant managers are relying on WIC these days..

Yeah,benefits that we pay for yet the so called poor use and pay nothing for.
Sounds like they have a pretty sweet deal.
What the fuck are you talking about? The poor in this nation deserve to be helped, have food security, affordable education.

Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Dear god, it's this mentality that disturbs me the most. WIC/medicare/medicaid/grants/loans/highways/FCC.. the list goes on, we have this mentality that if we don't see the benefits, they must not exist at all. "So called poor" I'm sorry, but poverty exists, hell, restaurant managers are relying on WIC these days..

Yeah,benefits that we pay for yet the so called poor use and pay nothing for.
Sounds like they have a pretty sweet deal.
What the fuck are you talking about? The poor in this nation deserve to be helped, have food security, affordable education.

Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.
Yeah,benefits that we pay for yet the so called poor use and pay nothing for.
Sounds like they have a pretty sweet deal.
What the fuck are you talking about? The poor in this nation deserve to be helped, have food security, affordable education.

Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? The poor in this nation deserve to be helped, have food security, affordable education.

Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.
Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.

Really? How would you know?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.

Really? How would you know?
Common sense? Employment statistics? Failed welfare drug tests?
That defies logic!

Why would the "richest most successful hedge fund managers have disproportional given money to democrats" since that would be going against their own self interests?

A lot of Wall Street types give money to the Democrats.
I find this interesting, it seems both parties are giving in to corruption.
People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.

Really? How would you know?
Common sense? Employment statistics? Failed welfare drug tests?

None of which answer the question.
The fundamental problem is that those who control this conversation are convincing you people that this is an "us vs. them", zero-sum game. It is not! The budget of the federal government is WAY TOO HIGH. Those of us who pay income taxes pay more than we should have to in order to fund the bloated federal budget. If you want to get mad at someone, have someone to blame, then get mad at the federal government for consistently failing to cut spending and failing to cut the size of the government.

True but don't mention cutting our incredibly bloated military. It makes RWs crazy if you suggest we should stop buying shit that doesn't work, that we don't need and that we stop fighting other country's wars for them and move into the 21st century.

Other countries invest in their own people, education, railroads, infrastructure but not the US.

This is exactly why a flat tax is needed.
No more loop holes no more deductions,everyone pays.
Exactly............Scrap the current code. Simplify...........and make the system fair for everyone..............

They want the loop holes gone and so do I, but they for some strand reason want the same fucked up system we have now. Which is stupid.

They want the "rich" to pay more but don't want to pay their own fair share

Why do you support the rich and think they should be treated better then anyone else?

I'm all for a flat tax...go back to your whining about infrastructure and be sure to pay your fair share, if you're not you're a hypocrite

the rich use more resources so why should they not pay more?

They do pay more. Without the rich paying taxes this country would have nothing.
Which they have. So what are you bitching about?
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.

How much you want to bet that HWGA is on Social Security Disability and went on at the age of 46.
That defies logic!

Why would the "richest most successful hedge fund managers have disproportional given money to democrats" since that would be going against their own self interests?

A lot of Wall Street types give money to the Democrats.
I find this interesting, it seems both parties are giving in to corruption.

The Wall Street Casino bosses consider it a justifiable overhead in order to reduce regulations so that they can loot at will.
I know they have these things, (apart from affordable education) but people like you want to fuck them over.

People like you want to steal my hard earned money and give it to the lazy.
Fuck off,I was poor at one time and have no college education yet I was able to overcome that and retired at 46.
If I can do that they can damn sure do the same.
Haha? What the fuck? Typical of those who hate the poor.

I dont hate em..I just dont give a fuck about em.
Maybe if they stopped sitting on the porch drinking forties and smoking blunts all day they might be able to make something of themselves.
That's not what the majority of poor people do.. at all... You're an idiot, attempting to paint a picture to justify your idiocy.

How much you want to bet that HWGA is on Social Security Disability and went on at the age of 46.

I'll take that bet. How much can you stand to lose?
Low taxes on hedge fund managers, that is.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump blasted hedge fund managers on Sunday as mere "paper pushers" who he said were "getting away with murder" by not paying their fair share of taxes.

In a telephone interview on CBS's "Face the Nation," Trump vowed to reform the tax laws if elected and said the current system was harming middle class Americans who currently faced higher tax rates than traders on Wall Street.

"The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky," Trump said.

"They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them - they are paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It's ridiculous, ok?"

Trump's comments were referring to the so-called "carried interest loophole" - a provision in the tax code which allows private equity and hedge fund managers pay taxes at the capital gains rate instead of the ordinary income rate.

Many fund managers are in the top income bracket, but the capital gains tax bracket is only 20 percent.

While these individuals are also required to pay an additional 3.8 percent surtax on their net investment income, this total rate is still far lower than the 39.6 percent rate that top wage earners must pay on their ordinary income.​

Trump says tax code is letting hedge funds 'get away with murder'

I happen to agree with Trump on this. As does Hillary Clinton. And Bernie Sanders.

But when I've discussed this with conservatives here on the board in the past, they've disagreed with me, saying hedge fund managers shouldn't pay higher taxes.
Why should hedge fund managers pay higher taxes? How is that remotely fair?
the key words he said were "tax reform"...the hair splitters and nit pickers would complain no matter what he said.
If he said the sky was blue and grass was green the hyperpartisans would figure out some way to twist it and spread disinformation.

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