trump promises to "lock people up" if re-elected

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him
Are you stupid or something ?

Trump was speaking about once upon a time letting them go for their exceedingly great crimes committed against him and other's in the past, otherwise letting them off the hook because he was a well balanced and fair individual who became President. This gave him rise above their alleged criminal bull shite and behavior's.

After he truly saw how dirty they really are though, it is now that he realizes he should have prosecuted them for their crimes, otherwise instead of figuring that he had a nation to run and terrorist to kill instead of doing so.

He has figured since that it's way past time to right this ship. Stay tuned.

Gloves are off.
By that standard he should be able to have 75% of the DOJ behind bars in his first week.
Yeah, but Trump won't stoop to their levels. He'll just give it his best shot to MAGA, and finish the job this time.
As always, you screwed everything up because you’re a compulsive lying hack bitch troll.

Your libturd persecutors and the Brandon regime’s DOJ don’t mind indicting people for the commission of no crimes at all. So take the beam out of your own eye, STD Clap.
Remember when your dirtbag pal Trump & his sidekick Bill Barr trird to imprison Michael Cohen for writing a book exposing what a criminal pile of shit that Trump is, you asswipe? Or how about your assbuddy Trump & his goon squad accusing election workers of fraud without a shred of evidence to back up their claim, BackAgainForMoreTrumpAss?

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him
He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to look into HRC if he was elected. He did this at the debate. He did, in fact, weaponize the DOJ.

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him

Be very afraid.

After all, Trumps never uttered a hyperbolic word in his life until now.
Trump the one car gangster funeral fuckup is looking at life behind bars & shagged by Bubba with just one conviction.

Tick tock tick tock.

Yep, looking for bets on whether or not he spends a day in prision.
America is done with Trump. We are putting an end to the clown show once and for all. If a few MAGAs lose their shit over it - so be it. They will be put down like feral hogs.

Seven years of FAILURE, is what you have.

You've been trying to wrestle that same pug for 7 years, and all you got is muddy.

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Trump will have a short leash. If the shit happens if he is elected, he will be criticized and worse from his own. No swampers in his administration. This is what Republican voters are up against.
Trump trusted Barr and Durham would do the right thing and put Hillary in prison. Second time around he'll make damn sure justice is served.

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies have no sense of self-awareness AT ALL!!!

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