trump promises to "lock people up" if re-elected

No. Because they didn’t, you lying scumbag.

Also never happens, you lying piece of shit.
Fuck you, Trump's mainline asseater. Cohen's lawyer stomped on The Ape Trump along with his knuckle dragger Barr when they tried to lock up Cohen for writing a book after he was paroled, you lying cocksucker.

Now you can go shove your head back up your own ass instead of Trump's.
Trump can't even get his own ass out of this sling. He can't campaign when it matters because he has to sit in court. He's gonna send Barron out.
Election interference... The new Democruds way.

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him
Trump is Hitler!
Fuck you, Trump's mainline asseater. Cohen's lawyer stomped on The Ape Trump along with his knuckle dragger Barr when they tried to lock up Cohen for writing a book after he was paroled, you lying cocksucker.

Eat more shit, you lying cockgobbler.
Now you can go shove

You’re still nothing but a punk ass bitch liar.

Now you can go drown in a lake of fire-AIDS and die, if you can.
Eat more shit, you lying cockgobbler.

You’re still nothing but a punk ass bitch liar.

Now you can go drown in a lake of fire-AIDS and die, if you can.
Truth really hurts your feelings doesn't it you poor thing? Is a Kleenex needed for the tears? :abgg2q.jpg:

If it's that bothersome you can always go off yourself.
The Orange Baboon-God will never again set foot in the White House.

But his near-future orange jump suit will go nicely with his orange-tinted fake sun-tan makeup.

People who live in glass 91-felony-charge houses are genuine idiots for throwing stones.
Spoken by a devil's minion...Rules for radicals - If the law is broken and the heat is on, then accuse the law enforcer with false claims of breaking the law in hopes to throw him off the trail of the real law breaker's. Tactic #1 of the Leftist.
Shocking isn't it? Not!


Say didn't that douchebag Trumpyberra say on numerous occasions that he was going to lock up Hillary?

He told Glenn Beck he will have no choice. He said they are ' doing it to us. Does he realize people need to break the law before they can be "locked up?" Or does that matter to him
Felons belong in jail, just hope there is enough room for all your ilk jimboliar.
His extreme stance on justice creates problems at home and abroad. The world isnt simple, this is why we have laws, judges and in America (unlike Canada), people who fight for human rights. Trump ironically is facing the heat he wished on other "bad guys". He feels unfairly treated and he probably is, but, this is why we MUST be empathetic as a species and as leaders. He never seens to have any when it matters.
Plenty of evidence on felons like Biden.....good start there.
I wager he will lose his mind or suffers a cataclysmic mental issue, because he is becoming unhinged with each word he insanely mutters. In his effort to move his cult to start civil war to protect him from his legal woes, he is becoming a raging lunatic...even more than he has been for years.
This seems like a self confession jimboliar. Your mind is clearly gone and you belong to the only cult.
Trump and everybody in his circle of "political" security clearances, lost them the minute Biden got sworn in.
Of course they would, otherwise just like the secrets have been kept safe from prying eyes in Ukraine, the same has been put into action here. I hope Biden and his son's operating in Ukraine didn't spark the Russia/Ukraine war as a result of. That would be huge if that is found to be the case. Unbelievable.

As was once said when he was elected, that Biden would be one of the worst national security disaster's this nation will have ever known.

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