Trump proves he invested 6 mill in veterans organizations.

It's about you thinking you have a say when he does something.

You speculate and have no proof. When you make claims, you should be able to back them up. Now, prove the money wouldn't have been given without the media. Prove means having something to support your claim. All you have is "he didn't do it when konradv thought he should".
Facts are facts. Trump kept claiming he raised six million and made a personal donation of one million. That was a lie and the media called him out on it. It was not a coincidence that suddenly checks got cut and he finally made the one million donation after the embarrassing exposure.

Where are the facts? All you have is a claim because of timing. That isn't proof.
The facts are in front of you, but like a typical Trump cult follower, you simply refuse to acknowledge he is lying to you.
He has been lying about the funds he collected and his personal donation for months. That is a fact. If you want to fall for his scam and believe it is just a coincidence of timing that suddenly after his fraud was exposed the missing funds were raised and finally distributed and the that is your delusion, but the fact is he made claims that were untrue.

What facts? You have provided nothing but speculation. You believe timing is proof. No wonder an unqualified black got elected to a government job as President. You thought skin color was a qualification.
There it is, the fallback default defense. When a Trump supporter can not defend Trump, bring up Obama or Clinton.
Dude, when someone says they made a million dollar donation and the media reports the donation was not made, the liar is caught red handed lying. Trump is a pathological and habitual liar. This is just one in the long, long list he has been caught telling.

When a Liberal can't provide anything but speculation, they call something a fact because they said it.

Defend "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD" lie by your BOY. When caught lying, you ass lickers puckered up and fell in line defending that liar.
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You Liberals are full of shit.

True. Though many already heard the accusations and the lib media won't exactly make this update front page news, if they cover it. So, this lie will live on, like many others.

You Liberals are full of shit.

True. Though many already heard the accusations and the lib media won't exactly make this update front page news, if they cover it. So, this lie will live on, like many others.

Just like the lies that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists, or Trump said that McCain is no hero or the lie that Trump called all women pigs, or the lie that Trump made fun of Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle, etc.

The media are lying scum. They will do ANYTHING to stop Trump.
Just like the lies that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists,
Actually, Dishonest Don said they were not just rapists but also killers, and not just Mexicans.

"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country,"
Donald J Trump, June 2015
He proved he got shamed into paying the money he originally lied about paying.
Just like the lies that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists,
Actually, Dishonest Don said they were not just rapists but also killers, and not just Mexicans.

"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country,"
Donald J Trump, June 2015

Yes, and he was speaking of the illegals coming in, which is pretty much proven now.

Criminals come here into the USA, commit felonies and Obama deports them.

Then the criminals come back,rinse and repeat.
He proved he got shamed into paying the money he originally lied about paying.
Bullshit. Prove he was not vetting the recipients as he and dozens of other people working on this project have said.

You liberals are such fucking liars, as well as losers.
Just like the lies that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists,
Actually, Dishonest Don said they were not just rapists but also killers, and not just Mexicans.

"You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans — I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists, and they're coming into this country,"
Donald J Trump, June 2015

What he said is true. We do indeed have rapists, killers, terrorists and drug dealers coming into this country illegally. The only way to reduce the numbers is to secure the borders. Yes, that means it would be harder for anyone to come in, including those 'looking for a better life' but that is how it should be. Those seeking to become Americans will have to follow the laws in place. If not enough are able, it's because we have limits. Those limits are in our best interests and that is how it should be.

I am sick of the left claiming people are racist because they want laws upheld to make this country safer. Mexico, in particular, needs to step up to the plate and do more for their people instead of encouraging them to come here so they can send money back to Mexico.
What fucking bizzaro world do you righties live in!??

3months ago trump claimed to give all that money to vets. But he didn't . He lied . He cuts a check only after fact finders hounded him. And you fools have the nerve to start a "see , you were wrong " thread?!?

You Liberals are full of shit.

He says so. He's lied so many things (the below are things off the top of my head.)

Crank calling journalists
Not paying legal fees for people who duke it out for his pleasure at his campaign events
Saying he didn't make fun of a man's birth defect.
Saying he wasn't insinuating if a woman was on her period

A more complete list of the whoppers Trump tells are listed here:

Trump Tramples Facts

Anyway, if he did give that to would show up on his tax returns....

The same Tax Return he refuses to release.


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