Trump proves he invested 6 mill in veterans organizations.

You Liberals are full of shit.

A few million bucks from a billionaire? Big fucking deal.

It was a big deal when you thought you had proof he didn't donate it.

It was a big deal when it was revealed that he was lying about the amount he had raised and his million dollars personal investment. That is why it was in the media. He got caught lying about the issue. It forced him to send out checks the day a big article appeared in the media and forced him to make good on the million dollars investment. The big deal is that he got caught red-handed lying and how he has once again snookered his cult followers to look away from the scandal and delude themselves.
The whole charity TV event was a gimmick to start with. It got him a ton of PR and TV time. Some vets groups saw the scam for what it was and told him they didn't want his PR stunt money.
Where's the tax return?
It would be interesting to see his "pre currently being audited returns" back before 2008, you know, when the Iraq war was in full swing and vets were coming home wounded and many of them crippled. How much did he donate to the vets during the war years?
Love this:

Someone tell me about that Clinton clown that got called out. That's all the Clintons do is scam.
Trump proved he paid $5.6 million to veteran charities and bragged publicly he raised $6 million. I guess he kept 400,000 for himself.

You gonna have yourself a cry, bud? I guess you weren't there in grade school the five hundred times they went over rounding up.
Trump proved he paid $5.6 million to veteran charities and bragged publicly he raised $6 million. I guess he kept 400,000 for himself.

25th minute of the video, fuckface. Trump talks about raising almost $6 mil and that it'll probably end up over that.
Trump proved he paid $5.6 million to veteran charities and bragged publicly he raised $6 million. I guess he kept 400,000 for himself.

I like how "he said so" is always considered "proof". Noticeably, when asked for evidence to support his claims, he said, "It's no one's business". Hey, Orange Jesus: if you're bragging about it as a sign that people should vote for you, and expect to be admired and rewarded with votes for it, then it's our business.
Most of the money was donated over the last week since questions had been asked by the media, according to veterans' associations. What if they hadn't asked? Would the money just have been put to attack ads? It seems kind of sleazy to brag about something that hadn't happened yet and possibly never would have.
So he's supposed to do things on the schedule you set for him?
Lyin' Don shouldn't brag about things he hasn't actually done. It's kind of a "Stolen Valor" thing.

Afraid to answer my question? You don't get to set his schedule. He could buy and sell your sorry ass a millions times over. You need to worry about your miserable existence.

Yes, how dare these arrogant voters think they have any right to expect or demand anything from a candidate who is GENEROUSLY allowing them to vote for him? The nerve of these peons, thinking that just because he wants to run their country, that should mean they have some claim on him, or something.
Afraid to answer my question? You don't get to set his schedule. He could buy and sell your sorry ass a millions times over. You need to worry about your miserable existence.
This isn't about me. It's about Lyin' Don. The veterans' groups must have been grateful to the media he's calling "sleazy". Without them they may never have seen a dime.

It's about you thinking you have a say when he does something.

You speculate and have no proof. When you make claims, you should be able to back them up. Now, prove the money wouldn't have been given without the media. Prove means having something to support your claim. All you have is "he didn't do it when konradv thought he should".

It's rapidly becoming about YOU thinking we DON'T have a say when he does something . . . or, more accurately, he CLAIMS to have done something in order to pander for votes. Whose country do you think this is, anyway? The voters, or Donny "Orange Messiah" Trump?
The issue is crazy. Why should he have to prove he donated the money when democrats are immune from criticism when they never gave a freaking dime? What the hell do they want? Democrats even paraded a Vet before the cameras to claim that Trump was using Vets by donating money to Vet organizations. The world is upside down to lefties.

Why should he? How about because we're supposed to be better than they are. At least, we USED to try to be. Now we're apparently not even pretending.
What fucking bizzaro world do you righties live in!??

3months ago trump claimed to give all that money to vets. But he didn't . He lied . He cuts a check only after fact finders hounded him. And you fools have the nerve to start a "see , you were wrong " thread?!?

I hate to agree with you, Timmy, because I think you're a dumbass, but Trump and his Trumpettes seem determined to make this the year that leftists are actually right about things occasionally. That press conference of his was the most blatantly hypocritical piece of shit I've seen since the last time Hillary gave a press conference.

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