Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

and Comey has no credibility because of it....frankly though he was merely falling orders, the lawless Obama interfere in the investigation and made clear his DOJ would not prosecute her under any circumstances
no he did not. Sheesh, you guys sure follow your propaganda machine, to the hilt! Get out of your hole!!
she did not lie to congress....that was republicans lying about saying she lied to congress!!!

get your facts straight, instead of all twisted!!!

and no, Comey did not say, that SHE lied....that was Gowdy, setting Comey up, for a campaign ad he was putting together.....

Well that's just a lie.

no he did not. Sheesh, you guys sure follow your propaganda machine, to the hilt! Get out of your hole!!
dude he literally got on TV and in an unprecedented matter concluded in the middle of the “investigation” she didn’t compete a crime. He signal to his agents, we aren’t going to prosecute

moreover he lied the entire time about knowing about the illegal server
The FBI doesn't know what the term statute of limitations is. Be patient.

95 % of the agency is good people . Don't you ever watch Hannity?
Durham couldn’t even get one conviction of some low level issue not even related to what he was investigating.


Also, what happened to the conspiracy ex-judge gableman in WI?

Bush was the one who introduced "the ownership society"

You can look it up.

Ownership society is a slogan for a model of society promoted by former United States president George W. Bush. It takes as lead values personal responsibility, economic liberty, and the owning of property.
No, it’s the mutual fund capitalism slogan that gwb made.

Bush was the one who introduced "the ownership society"

You can look it up.

Ownership society is a slogan for a model of society promoted by former United States president George W. Bush. It takes as lead values personal responsibility, economic liberty, and the owning of property.

That's true.
No, it’s the mutual fund capitalism slogan that gwb made.

Dubya had a huge initiative to push minority home ownership. It wasn't well done. Too many young people were spending more than 50% of income on their mortgage.
Oh and you cared soo much when it was Hillary. Perhaps he should have burned it, bleached bit it, used a hammer on it, or lost it like your side does all the time.

He for sure should not have taken ANY of that stuff with him.
They never argued anything about top secret information...and yes you can release information about ongoing investigations. The Govt can argue to try and keep it under seal, as they tried to here...ultimately losing because the Court didn't find their arugment all that meaningful, but was willing to let them redact some individual names...which frankly, is no big deal.

They have til Thursday at noon to provide the Court with this information, sounds like the :Court is getting a little annoyed with their delays and stonewalling tactics.

You really need to keep up to date FuckBoi. The Judge has issued his written opinion which states he probably won't release much, if any, of the Affidavit:

He for sure should not have taken ANY of that stuff with him.

You really need to keep up to date FuckBoi. The Judge has issued his written opinion which states he probably won't release much, if any, of the Affidavit:

geez lady, i provided a link to the actual Order…he ruled against the Govt, and order it will be released. Albeit with redactions, and gave the Govt til Thursday at noon to submit their proposed redactions which he will review and determine if it’s too much.

Read the actual order not your propaganda
and Comey has no credibility because of it....frankly though he was merely falling orders, the lawless Obama interfere in the investigation and made clear his DOJ would not prosecute her under any circumstances

There were 5 more investigations of Hillary's emails under Donald Trump's DOJ, including a review of the Comey investigation by the Inspector General, and not one of these investigations found any wrong doing on the part of Hillary Clinton. Nor did ANY of them recommend charges.
There were 5 more investigations of Hillary's emails under Donald Trump's DOJ, including a review of the Comey investigation by the Inspector General, and not one of these investigations found any wrong doing on the part of Hillary Clinton. Nor did ANY of them recommend charges.
i’m the IG investigation found massive wrong doing on her part
There were 5 more investigations of Hillary's emails under Donald Trump's DOJ, including a review of the Comey investigation by the Inspector General, and not one of these investigations found any wrong doing on the part of Hillary Clinton. Nor did ANY of them recommend charges.
Link us up to these 5 investigations under Trump.

Here are a few tidbits for you to savor, Dragoncrotch.

Classified information in emails[edit]

In various interviews, Clinton has said that "I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified."[106] However, in June and July 2016, a number of news outlets reported that Clinton's emails did include messages with some paragraphs marked with a "(c)" for "Confidential."[107][108] The FBI investigation found that 110 messages contained information that was classified at the time it was sent. Sixty-five of those emails were found to contain information classified as "Secret;" more than 20 contained "Top-Secret" information.[109][110] Three emails, out of 30,000, were found to be marked as classified, although they lacked classified headers and were only marked with a small "c" in parentheses, described as "portion markings" by Comey. He added it was possible Clinton was not "technically sophisticated" enough to understand what the three classified markings meant[111][112][113] which is consistent with Clinton's claim that she wasn't aware of the meaning of such markings.[114]

An interagency dispute arose during the investigation about what constitutes “classified” status when information acquired and considered “owned” by intelligence agencies is also independently and publicly available through “parallel reporting” by the press or others. In one reported instance, an email chain deemed by the intelligence community to contain classified information included a discussion of a New York Times article that reported on a CIA drone strike in Pakistan; despite wide public knowledge of the drone program, the CIA — as the "owning agency" — considers the very existence of its drone program to be classified in its entirety. Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield noted, "When policy officials obtain information from open sources, ‘think tanks,’ experts, foreign government officials, or others, the fact that some of the information may also have been available through intelligence channels does not mean that the information is necessarily classified.”[121][5]

State Department inspector general reports and statements[edit]

On July 24, 2015, Linick and McCullough said they had discovered classified information on Clinton's email account,[123] but did not say whether Clinton sent or received the emails.[123] Investigators from their office, searching a randomly chosen sample of 40 emails, found four that contained classified information that originated from U.S. intelligence agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA).[123] Their statement said that the information they found was classified when sent, remained so as of their inspection, and "never should have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system."[123]

In a separate statement in the form of a letter to Congress, McCullough said that he had made a request to the State Department for access to the entire set of emails turned over by Clinton, but that the Department rejected his request.

On August 10, 2015, the IC inspector general said that two of the 40 emails in the sample were "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information"

According to an unnamed source, a secondary review by the CIA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency endorsed the earlier inspectors general findings concluding that the emails (one of which concerned North Korea's nuclear weapons program) were "Top Secret" when received by Clinton through her private server in 2009 and 2011, a conclusion also disputed by the Clinton campaign.[128]

The IC inspector general issued another letter to Congress on January 14, 2016. In this letter he stated that an unnamed intelligence agency had made a sworn declaration that "several dozen emails [had been] determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels." Other intelligence officials added that the several dozen were not the two emails from the previous sample and that the clearance of the IC inspector general himself had to be upgraded before he could learn about the programs referenced by the emails

On January 29, 2016, the State Department announced that 22 documents from Clinton's email server would not be released because they contained highly classified information that was too sensitive for public consumption.
At the same time, the State Department announced that it was initiating its own investigation into whether the server contained information that was classified at the time it was sent or received.[133]

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