Trump was horrified that he won the election

"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
Last edited:
What B.S........ like a guy with a book has no reason to dis Trump?
You know so much that just isn't so. lol. You believe anything some media whore spews out.
It's amazing how much the left KNOWS that just isn't true .... sometimes, it's like standing in front of sewer pipe --- the shit just washes over you.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
Careful!!! Careful!!!!

Logic will make their heads explode ....
Trump was horrified that he won the election

Imagine how the rest of the world feels.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
This is now the second time you've, with regard to my OP's remarks, broached that line of inquiry. Of the people on USMB, you are among the few whom I expected would not miss the reflective and "subjunctive" nature of most of what I wrote in the OP, yet in twice pursuing the notion of those remarks' circumscribing one's, my, uncertainty about the nature and extent of Trump's and his campaign's involvement with Russian state actors and surrogates, it seems you have. From you, I find that abashing for I've neither considered you among the "NOKD" folks here hagriding thoughtful discourse nor among those on whom are lost meanings carried in conjugation and syntax.​

why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win?

As I think I've on USMB said before, it's not clear to me that he sought Russian aid; moreover, neither it is clear to me that he sought it so much as availed himself of it. If Trump did collaborate with or acquiesce to Russians' insinuation into in the 2016 electoral processes, whether the manner in which he did so was or wasn't criminal is also not clear to me. It is my expectation that one outcome of the various investigations into the nature and extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 electoral process is my having enough information to develop for myself a clear understanding of precisely those things.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
This is now the second time you've, with regard to my OP's remarks, broached that line of inquiry. Of the people on USMB, you are among the few whom I expected would not miss the reflective and "subjunctive" nature of most of what I wrote in the OP, yet in twice pursuing the notion of those remarks' circumscribing one's, my, uncertainty about the nature and extent of Trump's and his campaign's involvement with Russian state actors and surrogates, it seems you have. From you, I find that abashing for I've neither considered you among the "NOKD" folks here hagriding thoughtful discourse nor among those on whom are lost meanings carried in conjugation and syntax.​

why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win?

As I think I've on USMB said before, it's not clear to me that he sought Russian aid; moreover, neither it is clear to me that he sought it so much as availed himself of it. If Trump did collaborate with or acquiesce to Russians' insinuation into in the 2016 electoral processes, whether the manner in which he did so was or wasn't criminal is also not clear to me. It is my expectation that one outcome of the various investigations into the nature and extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 electoral process is my having enough information to develop for myself a clear understanding of precisely those things.
I suck at crossword puzzles.....what does NOKD mean?
I’m so sorry to fall below your expectations. I in haste saw a contradiction with the “collusion” narrative and the “Trump did not want to win” narrative and wanted to point that contradiction out. I asked a second time because I was uncertain if it was clear how I was referencing the question to your OP. Your first answer that there is an ongoing investigation to determine collusion, while a statement of fact, seemed lacking in that regard.

I sorry for thinking you were in the camp that is certain that team Trump is guilty of collusion with the Russians. Perhaps I made such a mistake because you seem to support removing Trump from office through impeachment for misdeeds.
what does NOKD mean?

Literally, it's "not our kind, dear." Sometimes it's said/seen as NOCD, "C" being "class," or as NQOKD/NQOCD, "Q" being "quite." Que or not, the "not quite" aspect is ever present.

In my home/family, the acronym was used by my parents' generation as an imperiously withering and derisory description of people whom they didn't consider peers of some sort -- social, intellectual, professional, or some combination of the three. They pronounced it as "knocked." I recall as a child hearing Granny express her indication, and apparently concern, that the school I and my brothers attended had begun to admit "NOKD n*ggers."

Among my and younger generations in the family, the toplofty connotations (racist or not) have disappeared, which, inasmuch as we have a wholly different view and experience set with people from across society's spectrum, is, I suppose, no surprise. For us, the term is used to indicate the presence/absence contextual (sometimes) and/or probitive (fairly often) peerage which is something we, unlike our parents and grandparents, acknowledge without regard to one's social (socioeconomic) class. Unlike for my parents, wealth has absolutely nothing to do with it; wealth does not these days imply, "buy," or militate for assuming in one be rectitude.

How people outside my family use it varies. One has to know the person who uses it to know fully what they mean.

As I have used it in conversing with you, it merely means that I perceived you as being above the hijinks of trying to "spin" what one, I, writes to mean something other than what they wrote and, in turn, disingenuously attempting to corral their remarks onto a path having nothing to do with the scope and context of what they wrote. I still don't think you were necessarily doing that, or being among the curs who do, but it appears you didn't fully understand me.

That after your having asked whether I thought Trump colluded with Russians and I replied that I don't know -- that element of doubt is expressed in the OP as well -- you asked essentially the same question again, albeit from a different angle, suggests you didn't understand me. It suggests that insofar as if I don't know whether Trump colluded with, sought help from, etc. the Russians, I could not possibly have a position on why he in fact did or would have done so. Thus, I have come to suspect that in reading my OP, you missed the "subjunctive" mood and the element of uncertainty it conveys.

You'll notice that I surrounded "subjunctive" with quotes. I did that because I realise that instead of conjugating my OP's relevant verbs in the subjunctive, I opted to use the word "wonder," which denotatively indicates the presence of a counterfactual or of a measure of uncertainty. The mood is the same, but it's a more direct way to convey it.

Lastly, I above wrote "suspect" because I'm well aware that my OP is loaded with grammatical typos. I call them typos here because I recognize the errors and I know I penned that post after a day of lollygagging and cocktailing around the house while my lady friend was out shopping with her friends. My will to review what I wrote was notably diminished from even the perfunctory levels I'm typically given to performing when posting on USMB. I'm thus not in a position to conclude that the oversight/miscomprehension of the OP derives from your not "getting it." I see now the words I neglected to insert in that post makes it among the more inapt composed ones that I've written.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.

no wonder they call folks like you sheeple
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.

Wow, yet more BS that progressives believe hook line and sinker.....

The amount of absolute crap that has been published about this guy, that you people swoon over, is astonishing. What is even more astonishing is after it is proven false you blissfully ignore those facts, and move on to the next supposed outrage.

They are going with the "Thrown Spaghetti" approach, flinging anything they can at the wall and waiting to see what sticks.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
This is now the second time you've, with regard to my OP's remarks, broached that line of inquiry. Of the people on USMB, you are among the few whom I expected would not miss the reflective and "subjunctive" nature of most of what I wrote in the OP, yet in twice pursuing the notion of those remarks' circumscribing one's, my, uncertainty about the nature and extent of Trump's and his campaign's involvement with Russian state actors and surrogates, it seems you have. From you, I find that abashing for I've neither considered you among the "NOKD" folks here hagriding thoughtful discourse nor among those on whom are lost meanings carried in conjugation and syntax.​

why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win?

As I think I've on USMB said before, it's not clear to me that he sought Russian aid; moreover, neither it is clear to me that he sought it so much as availed himself of it. If Trump did collaborate with or acquiesce to Russians' insinuation into in the 2016 electoral processes, whether the manner in which he did so was or wasn't criminal is also not clear to me. It is my expectation that one outcome of the various investigations into the nature and extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 electoral process is my having enough information to develop for myself a clear understanding of precisely those things.
I suck at crossword puzzles.....what does NOKD mean?
I’m so sorry to fall below your expectations. I in haste saw a contradiction with the “collusion” narrative and the “Trump did not want to win” narrative and wanted to point that contradiction out. I asked a second time because I was uncertain if it was clear how I was referencing the question to your OP. Your first answer that there is an ongoing investigation to determine collusion, while a statement of fact, seemed lacking in that regard.

I sorry for thinking you were in the camp that is certain that team Trump is guilty of collusion with the Russians. Perhaps I made such a mistake because you seem to support removing Trump from office through impeachment for misdeeds.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.
This is now the second time you've, with regard to my OP's remarks, broached that line of inquiry. Of the people on USMB, you are among the few whom I expected would not miss the reflective and "subjunctive" nature of most of what I wrote in the OP, yet in twice pursuing the notion of those remarks' circumscribing one's, my, uncertainty about the nature and extent of Trump's and his campaign's involvement with Russian state actors and surrogates, it seems you have. From you, I find that abashing for I've neither considered you among the "NOKD" folks here hagriding thoughtful discourse nor among those on whom are lost meanings carried in conjugation and syntax.​

why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win?

As I think I've on USMB said before, it's not clear to me that he sought Russian aid; moreover, neither it is clear to me that he sought it so much as availed himself of it. If Trump did collaborate with or acquiesce to Russians' insinuation into in the 2016 electoral processes, whether the manner in which he did so was or wasn't criminal is also not clear to me. It is my expectation that one outcome of the various investigations into the nature and extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 electoral process is my having enough information to develop for myself a clear understanding of precisely those things.
I suck at crossword puzzles.....what does NOKD mean?
I’m so sorry to fall below your expectations. I in haste saw a contradiction with the “collusion” narrative and the “Trump did not want to win” narrative and wanted to point that contradiction out. I asked a second time because I was uncertain if it was clear how I was referencing the question to your OP. Your first answer that there is an ongoing investigation to determine collusion, while a statement of fact, seemed lacking in that regard.

I sorry for thinking you were in the camp that is certain that team Trump is guilty of collusion with the Russians. Perhaps I made such a mistake because you seem to support removing Trump from office through impeachment for misdeeds.

Fair.enough. We're good.

Let me apologize to you for penning such a poorly composed OP. You owed me no apology; that's clear to me. I see now that I can't rightly blame anyone for not "reading my mind" through the compositional mistakes it contains.
Perhaps I made such a mistake because you seem to support removing Trump from office through impeachment for misdeeds.

Well, you're not mistaken about that. I do. It's just that I don't know whether his actions with Russians constitute, by legal standards, misdeeds. (I know well too that impeachment is political, not legal; thus it need not adhere strictly to jurisprudential standards and precedents.) Were we to have more "Russia" information than we do and I felt a credible case, be it in strict accordance with case law or be it simply rising to the level of "conduct unbecoming," I'd be among the first to advocate for impeaching Trump in connection with his "Russia" activity that shows criminal or "conduct unbecoming" activity.

That I would, of course, is a function of the degree of rectitude I expect from a POTUS. After reading my "NOKD" explication, you likely glean how that is. AFAIK, Trump's long since demonstrated far too much "conduct unbecoming," so I'd vote to impeach/remove him today and without regard to what be found in the "Russia" investigations. That man's sordid set of lies, misrepresentations, palterings, etc. before he became POTUS were enough for me not to vote for him in the first place, so you know they're enough for me to send him packing, "Russia" or no "Russia."

What I won't do is make something of the "Russia" thing for which I haven't ample information to support my charges. The cavalcade of circumstantial evidence against Trump doesn't escape me, but so far, everything "Russia" is circumstantial. That body of evidence is, however, enough to merit the investigations being conducted in earnest, and I can wait for the investigations to finish and release information before I start in on Trump as a result of what the inquiries find. For now, the "Russia" investigation is an "unhatched chicken" that I know better than to count for it may or may not "hatch."
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
So he didn’t collude with Russia to help him win?
I don't know. That is what various investigators are trying to determine.
Well, if he didn’t want to win the election, why in the hell would he seek help from the Russians to help him win? The primise of this thread throws the motive for collusion with the Russians under the bus.

I suspect the motive there has less to do with the electoral results such info might produce, and far more to do with what Rump is really interested in and has always specialized in, i.e. trolling. Coming up with the most scathing insults possible to all his perceived "enemies" as befits the emotional makeup of a ten-year-old.

Really simple as that. Keep in mind we're not dealing here with a mature intelligent adult type. You have to see the freak show for what it is, on its own terms. He has no thought process any deeper than "me hate you". Which is why he was both surprised and overwhelmed when he actually landed the job via a perfect storm of timing. And why he then fired the guy who made it possible.
The sheep fall for fake news every time. :lol:

It isn't a "news" story.
No, it isn't. It's called fake news.

If it does not purport to be real "news" ---- then it cannot be "fake" news either. Not exactly rocket surgery.

This is an analysis. If it were "news" there would be an event involved. The only event even referenced is a year old. Analysis of course is opinion, which cannot be "fake".

"Fake news" OTOH means relating an incident that never happened, e.g. "Hillary has Parkinon's", e.g. "Three Million Amish Mobilize to Vote for Rump". Fabricated events. There's no fabricated event here.
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Are democrats recycling this now? This came from even before the election. It was the campaign that Trump didn't want to win.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
Shit just falls out of you.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
Shit just falls out of you.

See your doctor. And next time watch your diet.
"Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried"
-- Yahoo News

From the article:
Trump’s longtime friend and former head of Fox News Roger Ailes used to say “if you want a career in television, first run for president.” And that’s just what Trump did, with plans to start a news network and become “the most famous man in the world.”
He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorizedthat he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.The Associated Press wrote thatTrump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

So now we know. Not only should people not have voted for Trump, he and his wife would have preferred that people did not do so!

That revelation almost makes wonder whether Trump's shenanigans -- the irresponsibility, the callousness about the Office of the POTUS, the incessant paltering, the puerily pointless bombasts, his glibness about the nuclear threat implications of his taunts, the indiscriminate belligerence, the lip-service-only stance when it comes to leading the charge to effect his agenda, his refusal to read intel reports, his insistence on maintaining conflicts of interest, the lack of transparency, his refusal to release his tax return(s), etc. -- of a mind to make himself the victim and thereby get himself impeached and removed from office. It's not as though he hasn't already portrayed himself thus...rigged election, witch hunt, fake news, etc.

Too, it's no wonder that other world leaders have moved to disregard -- or worse as shown by the recent U.N. vote, oppose -- Trump-run U.S. Might Trump have confided in them that he doesn't really want to be POTUS?

I wonder whether when remarking about shooting someone on Fifth Ave., was something he said to ensure that he wouldn't be elected. It's certainly a presumptuous enough remark that one would have thought no voters would countenance a POTUS candidate saying it and, in turn, nonetheless vote for the candidate.
/——/ So why would he collide with the Russians to win? Why would he fly around the country frantically during the last few days campaigning if he wanted to lose? Mitt taught us how to lose by coasting across the finish line.

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