Trump will take it a step far

Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.
Other than the Hillary thing I agree.

Or I wish dems had the Senate to keep trump in check.

But then part of me says let the Republicans have complete control so no excuses if their way don't work

The Republicans don't have a way. They are bought and paid for in most cases like Democrats. And I'm sorry that you decided to put your head so far up your ass that you can't see Hillary for what she is. But that's what partisans do.
No I see what Hillary was. I just also wanted that supreme Court pick and i don't want trump rubber stamping McConnell Ryan legislation

Fair enough.
Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.
Other than the Hillary thing I agree.

Or I wish dems had the Senate to keep trump in check.

But then part of me says let the Republicans have complete control so no excuses if their way don't work

The Republicans don't have a way. They are bought and paid for in most cases like Democrats. And I'm sorry that you decided to put your head so far up your ass that you can't see Hillary for what she is. But that's what partisans do.
No I see what Hillary was. I just also wanted that supreme Court pick and i don't want trump rubber stamping McConnell Ryan legislation

Fair enough.
Have you seen my thread I'm a Republican Now? For the most part, so far it's still true. He hasn't done anything yet that has made me want to switch parties. I'm not poor, black, Muslim, going to school and I never plan on getting an abortion.

Neither have the congress or supreme Court. I might not agree with republicanism but I didn't win the election so it doesn't matter what party I prefer. And I'll be honest that so far I don't hate the new gop
Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.
You couldn't be more wrong about Trump's cabinet choices, especially Tillerson, or about Trump's moral compass. All through the campaigns, even as he was being blasted by nearly the whole political establishment, right and left, he stuck to what he believed was right for America, showing a strong commitment to doing what he thought was right, a strong moral compass. Having won the presidency, he will now face his greatest challenge, not from his enemies but from his allies. He will be lobbied hard to veer away from the pragmatism that characterized his campaigns on the one hand by the conservative ideologues among his allies to show a more robust commitment to conservative ideologies and on the other hand by political "old hands" who will try to persuade him to play it safe and stay with the old policies rather than risk failure by trying for great changes. Will President Trump be able to stick to his principles and stay true to himself or will he yield to the comfort of going along with some of his "allies"?
Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.

Yeah, but who cares what the God-Emperor thinks about Snowden? What practical significance does it have? Here is what will come out of those opinions: Nothing at all.

Trump's opinion of a single guy is now definitive evidence that he has no moral compass? Why? Don't be a regressive, who would think disagreeing with an irrelevant opinion is the end of the world.
I agree and disagree. What I think is we (for the first time in many years) have a President that doesn't care about the title, doesn't care about making money, doesn't care about his legacy. I think we have a guy that finally cares about the country.

That being said, it doesn't mean you have to agree with him all the time. In fact you might disagree with him plenty. What nobody (outside political hacks) can disagree with his his intentions.

What would be the reason for executing Snowden? Trump doesn't want a light shined on the corruption. And he definitely has his business interests that seem to be benefitting from all of this. This is a guy who praised Hillary when it was already well known that she was corrupt.

Yes he did, and unlike your typical professional politician, he explained why.

The whole system is corrupt. Trump came out and stated this is how the game is played. If you want to succeed in business, you have to get involved in politics whether you agree with it or not. Pay to play.

Bill Gates found that out long ago. He stayed out of politics and kept his money for himself and his company; that was until Clinton sent his guard dogs out to fine his company a millions dollars a day for some phony monopoly charge. There was no monopoly. I used Apple products since my first computer. I never needed any Microsoft products because I had no choice but to buy them.

When it comes to pay to play, Trump is an insider revealing all the dirt and corruption (yes, that he had no choice but to be involved in) in politics. Who better than an insider to clean all this up?

So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.

1. Stop insulting Lucifer by comparing the whore of Babylon to the fallen Angel...( Clinton is the whore of Babylon if you are confused )

2. I believe Trump is another Nixon and will get caught doing something that
will force the GOP to impeach him if the Democratic Party side with the HOP and not use it to win in 2020...
Of course I like that Trump is taking a battering ram to the corporate media. I do want lower taxes. It's great that he's not espousing bad immigration policies and a rigged health care system that are a total slap to our American faces. So, in essence I'm even more pleased with him than any president in my lifetime (sadly). But I can't trust a guy who says that a guy like Snowden who sacrificed everything to shine a light on the corruption should be executed. The fact that he hired a CIA guy who touts the same venom is not good. Hiring an oil robber baron to be secretary of state is likely a sign of corruption. Hiring a sleezeball for attorney general is par for the course but not comforting. So, while I like much of what Trump has done; I don't feel like he has any sort of great moral compass. It just sometimes appears so by comparison to other forces. How will he take it to far and what will be the consequences? I don't know. Don't confuse this with buyer's remorse though. Hillary Clinton was the devil in disguise. I'm still plenty happy that we dodged that bullet.
I agree and disagree. What I think is we (for the first time in many years) have a President that doesn't care about the title, doesn't care about making money, doesn't care about his legacy. I think we have a guy that finally cares about the country.

That being said, it doesn't mean you have to agree with him all the time. In fact you might disagree with him plenty. What nobody (outside political hacks) can disagree with his his intentions.

What would be the reason for executing Snowden? Trump doesn't want a light shined on the corruption. And he definitely has his business interests that seem to be benefitting from all of this. This is a guy who praised Hillary when it was already well known that she was corrupt.
Justice will execute Snowden...some patriots pay with their lives, it's what makes America work.....
Do wages go up? And not just for CEOs I mean labors wages. That's what I want to see

Really? And just how would a President go about increasing wages in the private sector?
Trump said one way was by not flooding the market with cheap immigrant labor.

Supply and demand

Yes, he could work on it but that's far from an immediate solution. He would not only have to make it near impossible for foreigners to get in, but get rid of the ones that are already here. Even if he focused on that for two terms, we would still have illegals here more than likely.
The thing about Trump is that he has his flaws but is a saint compared to that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent Crooked Hillary asshole.

Thank god she is not President now. That would have been a disaster for this country.

If Trump lowers taxes and reduces regulations that stimulates the economy, fixes health care and stop this destructive open border immigration then he will do fine as a President. Much better than the Kenyan Catastrophe.
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Do wages go up? And not just for CEOs I mean labors wages. That's what I want to see

Really? And just how would a President go about increasing wages in the private sector?
Trump said one way was by not flooding the market with cheap immigrant labor.

Supply and demand

Yes, he could work on it but that's far from an immediate solution. He would not only have to make it near impossible for foreigners to get in, but get rid of the ones that are already here. Even if he focused on that for two terms, we would still have illegals here more than likely.
Of course we will always have some illegals. Canada has illegals too. Just not as many as we do. For one reason Canadian companies aren't hiring.

You have to admit for 8 years we were encouraging/defending illegals. We didn't realize it was causing a problem.

I knew. Thom hartmann wrote about it in2006 and I've posted it before.

Now that trumps getting tough on this we see liberals defending illegals and sanctuary cities. I think that's a mistake0
Do wages go up? And not just for CEOs I mean labors wages. That's what I want to see

Really? And just how would a President go about increasing wages in the private sector?
Trump said one way was by not flooding the market with cheap immigrant labor.

Supply and demand

Yes, he could work on it but that's far from an immediate solution. He would not only have to make it near impossible for foreigners to get in, but get rid of the ones that are already here. Even if he focused on that for two terms, we would still have illegals here more than likely.
Of course we will always have some illegals. Canada has illegals too. Just not as many as we do. For one reason Canadian companies aren't hiring.

You have to admit for 8 years we were encouraging/defending illegals. We didn't realize it was causing a problem.

I knew. Thom hartmann wrote about it in2006 and I've posted it before.

Now that trumps getting tough on this we see liberals defending illegals and sanctuary cities. I think that's a mistake0

You have to understand the goal of the Democrat party, and that is to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as possible. Once they've accomplish that, we will be a one-party government for eternity.
Do wages go up? And not just for CEOs I mean labors wages. That's what I want to see

Really? And just how would a President go about increasing wages in the private sector?
Trump said one way was by not flooding the market with cheap immigrant labor.

Supply and demand

Yes, he could work on it but that's far from an immediate solution. He would not only have to make it near impossible for foreigners to get in, but get rid of the ones that are already here. Even if he focused on that for two terms, we would still have illegals here more than likely.
Of course we will always have some illegals. Canada has illegals too. Just not as many as we do. For one reason Canadian companies aren't hiring.

You have to admit for 8 years we were encouraging/defending illegals. We didn't realize it was causing a problem.

I knew. Thom hartmann wrote about it in2006 and I've posted it before.

Now that trumps getting tough on this we see liberals defending illegals and sanctuary cities. I think that's a mistake0

You have to understand the goal of the Democrat party, and that is to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as possible. Once they've accomplish that, we will be a one-party government for eternity.
I was going to be a hippocrite and say whites shouldn't be first class but why shouldn't they use their demographic to vote a certain way just like all other groups do. Gloves are off. Trumps even going to undo a law that restricts religions from openly being political. Why not? If our society is so easily manipulated, that doesn't surprise me and I guess people are free to be manipulated
Really? And just how would a President go about increasing wages in the private sector?
Trump said one way was by not flooding the market with cheap immigrant labor.

Supply and demand

Yes, he could work on it but that's far from an immediate solution. He would not only have to make it near impossible for foreigners to get in, but get rid of the ones that are already here. Even if he focused on that for two terms, we would still have illegals here more than likely.
Of course we will always have some illegals. Canada has illegals too. Just not as many as we do. For one reason Canadian companies aren't hiring.

You have to admit for 8 years we were encouraging/defending illegals. We didn't realize it was causing a problem.

I knew. Thom hartmann wrote about it in2006 and I've posted it before.

Now that trumps getting tough on this we see liberals defending illegals and sanctuary cities. I think that's a mistake0

You have to understand the goal of the Democrat party, and that is to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as possible. Once they've accomplish that, we will be a one-party government for eternity.
I was going to be a hippocrite and say whites shouldn't be first class but why shouldn't they use their demographic to vote a certain way just like all other groups do. Gloves are off. Trumps even going to undo a law that restricts religions from openly being political. Why not? If our society is so easily manipulated, that doesn't surprise me and I guess people are free to be manipulated
You voted

You have to understand the goal of the Democrat party, and that is to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as possible. Once they've accomplish that, we will be a one-party government for eternity.

The biggest impediment to the Democrats zeal to impose socialism on this country is a White man that goes to church, has a job and owns a gun.
I was going to be a hippocrite and say whites shouldn't be first class but why shouldn't they use their demographic to vote a certain way just like all other groups do.

Why? Because when minorities vote Democrat, they are applauded because they supposedly are voting for a party that protects their race. When whites do the exact same thing, they are racists.

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