Trump will take it a step far

What would be the reason for executing Snowden? Trump doesn't want a light shined on the corruption. And he definitely has his business interests that seem to be benefitting from all of this. This is a guy who praised Hillary when it was already well known that she was corrupt.

Yes he did, and unlike your typical professional politician, he explained why.

The whole system is corrupt. Trump came out and stated this is how the game is played. If you want to succeed in business, you have to get involved in politics whether you agree with it or not. Pay to play.

Bill Gates found that out long ago. He stayed out of politics and kept his money for himself and his company; that was until Clinton sent his guard dogs out to fine his company a millions dollars a day for some phony monopoly charge. There was no monopoly. I used Apple products since my first computer. I never needed any Microsoft products because I had no choice but to buy them.

When it comes to pay to play, Trump is an insider revealing all the dirt and corruption (yes, that he had no choice but to be involved in) in politics. Who better than an insider to clean all this up?

So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
Yes he did, and unlike your typical professional politician, he explained why.

The whole system is corrupt. Trump came out and stated this is how the game is played. If you want to succeed in business, you have to get involved in politics whether you agree with it or not. Pay to play.

Bill Gates found that out long ago. He stayed out of politics and kept his money for himself and his company; that was until Clinton sent his guard dogs out to fine his company a millions dollars a day for some phony monopoly charge. There was no monopoly. I used Apple products since my first computer. I never needed any Microsoft products because I had no choice but to buy them.

When it comes to pay to play, Trump is an insider revealing all the dirt and corruption (yes, that he had no choice but to be involved in) in politics. Who better than an insider to clean all this up?

So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
Yes he did, and unlike your typical professional politician, he explained why.

The whole system is corrupt. Trump came out and stated this is how the game is played. If you want to succeed in business, you have to get involved in politics whether you agree with it or not. Pay to play.

Bill Gates found that out long ago. He stayed out of politics and kept his money for himself and his company; that was until Clinton sent his guard dogs out to fine his company a millions dollars a day for some phony monopoly charge. There was no monopoly. I used Apple products since my first computer. I never needed any Microsoft products because I had no choice but to buy them.

When it comes to pay to play, Trump is an insider revealing all the dirt and corruption (yes, that he had no choice but to be involved in) in politics. Who better than an insider to clean all this up?

So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?
So, Trump enriches himself by playing the game. He still plays the game; and you somehow think he'll have the motivation to clean it up? No. If he had that kind of moral fortitude it would be readily apparent. I'm not saying he can't do some good; but he will not be some sort of political savior.

Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?
Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Just what was so terrible about the economy?
Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Just what was so terrible about the economy?

What was so terrible? Record breaking Americans out of work and not looking for jobs, median family income stagnant, record high government dependents.
Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
So your employer drops their health care coverage and its Obamas fault? You are a borderline idiot
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Just what was so terrible about the economy?

What was so terrible? Record breaking Americans out of work and not looking for jobs, median family income stagnant, record high government dependents.
We had record breaking unemployment under Bush, you got your presidents confused. Record breaking Americans out of work? How does that fly after we just added 15 million new jobs over the past 8 years.
And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
So your employer drops their health care coverage and its Obamas fault? You are a borderline idiot

Yep, because he Fd up the entire system. Employers were virtually obligated to provide the benefit because without it, they wouldn't be able to get decent workers or keep the ones they had. After Commie Care, it gave employers the option to drop coverage with less risk of losing employees. It spread like cancer across the country.

Now people have to buy their own insurance with AFTER TAX money. In the meantime, the feds raked in billions of dollars every year since with fines from people that couldn't afford to buy insurance.
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Just what was so terrible about the economy?

What was so terrible? Record breaking Americans out of work and not looking for jobs, median family income stagnant, record high government dependents.
We had record breaking unemployment under Bush, you got your presidents confused. Record breaking Americans out of work? How does that fly after we just added 15 million new jobs over the past 8 years.

So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
So your employer drops their health care coverage and its Obamas fault? You are a borderline idiot

Yep, because he Fd up the entire system. Employers were virtually obligated to provide the benefit because without it, they wouldn't be able to get decent workers or keep the ones they had. After Commie Care, it gave employers the option to drop coverage with less risk of losing employees. It spread like cancer across the country.

Now people have to buy their own insurance with AFTER TAX money. In the meantime, the feds raked in billions of dollars every year since with fines from people that couldn't afford to buy insurance.
Its hard to have a reasonable conversation with a died in the wool racist. We have about 13 million people insured by the ACA, and they aren't complaining. Isn't it interesting that the ACA is almost the exact same plan Mitt Romney installed in the state of MA. Not only didn't you complain, you even voted for the guy, but now that a plan comes from a back man, it commiecare. Go crawl back under your rock
Still playing the game how? What has he done that would personally enrich himself these last couple of weeks?

Trump is not playing the game, he's exposing the game.

Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude
You mean tell that to QE infinity.....idiot....
What does QE have to do with anything?
That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
So your employer drops their health care coverage and its Obamas fault? You are a borderline idiot

Yep, because he Fd up the entire system. Employers were virtually obligated to provide the benefit because without it, they wouldn't be able to get decent workers or keep the ones they had. After Commie Care, it gave employers the option to drop coverage with less risk of losing employees. It spread like cancer across the country.

Now people have to buy their own insurance with AFTER TAX money. In the meantime, the feds raked in billions of dollars every year since with fines from people that couldn't afford to buy insurance.
Its hard to have a reasonable conversation with a died in the wool racist. We have about 13 million people insured by the ACA, and they aren't complaining. Isn't it interesting that the ACA is almost the exact same plan Mitt Romney installed in the state of MA. Not only didn't you complain, you even voted for the guy, but now that a plan comes from a back man, it commiecare. Go crawl back under your rock
We talk to you anyway.....
Trump has influence on plenty of things now that directly affect his business and people who he has done business with. In fact, Muslim countries with which he has much business with were not banned. That's just one example. There are plenty out there. Am I trying to view Trump in a bad light re: business? No. I'm just making the point that he does have conflicts of interest and that I seriously doubt he is altruistic. He's much closer to a megalomaniac frankly.

And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
My son had to take out a loan against his house to pay for medical care under obama care.
What does QE have to do with anything?

QE is how the stock market grew in a terrible economy. The feds dumped trillions of dollars into the market that artificially inflated it.
Just what was so terrible about the economy?

What was so terrible? Record breaking Americans out of work and not looking for jobs, median family income stagnant, record high government dependents.
We had record breaking unemployment under Bush, you got your presidents confused. Record breaking Americans out of work? How does that fly after we just added 15 million new jobs over the past 8 years.

View attachment 111800
Now act like a big boy and figure out why
And what was Hillary doing with her so-called charity? Do you really believe that people and companies were paying her and her husband hundreds of thousands of dollars because they gave such great speeches? For crying out loud, when she was running for President, she couldn't get people to listen to her for free.

Just for your information, those seven countries that Trump pointed out were the exact same seven countries DumBama targeted as problems. If it were not unconstitutional, I'm sure Trump would have banned all Muslims from entering this country.

Trump wants to bring back or keep jobs in this country. The only way to do that is to cater to businesses, and yes, he has businesses that his family now runs. Should he just allow our economy to drift along like the last several years because he's afraid to initiate policies that may create jobs or keep companies here??
So our economy has drifted along for the last several years? tell that to the stock market, or the employment market. Obama had brought us a long way back from the Bush disaster, and to that you owe him a debt of gratitude

That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
My son had to take out a loan against his house to pay for medical care under obama care.
Thats the beauty of a message board. You can lie all day long and no one cares
That big-eared Bozo did more harm to me than all the other Presidents in my lifetime combined. I don't owe him anything other than hate.
Just what harm did he do to you?

Commie Care. Thanks to that moron, employers began to drop that benefit for their employees; my employer included.

I'm 56 years old and have had coverage my entire life until that fool invited the White House with his socialist plans.
So your employer drops their health care coverage and its Obamas fault? You are a borderline idiot

Yep, because he Fd up the entire system. Employers were virtually obligated to provide the benefit because without it, they wouldn't be able to get decent workers or keep the ones they had. After Commie Care, it gave employers the option to drop coverage with less risk of losing employees. It spread like cancer across the country.

Now people have to buy their own insurance with AFTER TAX money. In the meantime, the feds raked in billions of dollars every year since with fines from people that couldn't afford to buy insurance.
Its hard to have a reasonable conversation with a died in the wool racist. We have about 13 million people insured by the ACA, and they aren't complaining. Isn't it interesting that the ACA is almost the exact same plan Mitt Romney installed in the state of MA. Not only didn't you complain, you even voted for the guy, but now that a plan comes from a back man, it commiecare. Go crawl back under your rock

You really don't understand our country or Constitution, do you?

A state can do whatever it pleases for the people. What the federal government is to provide is listed in the US Constitution. Our founders didn't want the people to be dependent on the federal government otherwise we would end up with what we have today.

People on Commie Care are not complaining? Better look around the internet again. Plenty of people are disgusted with the commie plan. It's overpriced junk coverage unless you're a lowlife that doesn't work or brings in little income. Then Commie Care has taxpayers buy the coverage for you.

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