Trump wins again on Border wall

They come here for more than just jobs. Anybody that thinks jobs are the exclusive reason doesn't understand the subject.
Economic/Jobs is by far the main reason.
"Exclusive" is You Strawman/superlative special.
How juvenile.

And I repeat, the Wall is the solution of an Idiot while e-Verify is much better in ALL respects.

Then maybe you should read all the previous posts before responding.

I just posted a link to a company that was sued by illegal immigrants who were not hired because of their legal status. It was judged by an appointee of Hussein.

So what good is E-veryfiy if you can still get sued for not hiring those that are not legal to hire?

A wall (border barriers of any kind) have worked not only in the US, but in countries all over the world. The real problem is people like you who are blindly brainwashed by their political leaders feeding you lies that barriers do not work without providing any evidence to their claim. You are simply a parrot.

Need links to show barriers work, just ask. They are not very hard to find.

The problem with our country and illegal immigration today are Democrats.
It would have been in the article and if they had been someone would have found it by now.

Why would it be in the article? The big story is busting the illegals, not the employer.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

I support enforcing those laws. Prove they were.

Tree company hit with $95 million fine for illegal hiring

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

So why aren't more companies being held responsible for hiring illegals? Thank your liberal judges for that one.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

One case where someone went to jail. It needs to be thousands going to jail.

No, the roofer was sentenced in 2018.

Yes it took that long to get through the courts. Busted under Obama though.

So you want to imprison employers and close down American businesses. What a great plan. Now tell me, what about their American employees? What about the tax revenue loss to the city, state and federal governments?

Do you want our immigration laws enforced or not? Obviously by asking this you do not. Is this not where we ask "don't want to do the time? Don't do the crime".

you read the last link, an Obama appointed judge allowed a lawsuit against a company that was not hiring illegals. So this is the position of an employer: If you hire illegals, you can end up paying hefty fines by the federal government, and possibly imprisoned. If you don't hire illegals, you can wind up being sued and possibly sued out of business by those same illegals you refused to hire.

The ultimate solution would be to make being here illegally a first degree felony, punishable by a minimum five year prison sentence; that's for the first offense, and of course, being deported the day you leave prison.

That would solve most of our illegal immigration problems in this country. You wouldn't need a wall, you wouldn't need to lock up American employers, we wouldn't need more border agents, you wouldn't need to worry about our Visa problem.

The only problem would be the illegals flooding our southern border to get the hell out of the country quick enough.

The obvious solution is to fully enforce the laws we have but you obviously are not interested in that.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well.
Why should Mexico be accountable?

Is THERE problem? Or Guatamala’s?

Who’s problem is it?
Mexico is part of the problem when they freely let them cross their territory to invade OURS.
abolish the drug war to stop creating refugees. us the express wall building clause, right wingers.
protect and defend the united States from all enemies both domestic and abroad.
invaders from the south want to steal what makes us great.
We are rich enough we can afford to be picky who we let in.
you are confused. we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
Wall them off and they're not our problem any longer.
our foreign drug war is not our problem.
They come here for more than just jobs. Anybody that thinks jobs are the exclusive reason doesn't understand the subject.
Economic/Jobs is by far the main reason.
"Exclusive" is You Strawman/superlative special.
How juvenile.

And I repeat, the Wall is the solution of an Idiot while e-Verify is much better in ALL respects.

Then maybe you should read all the previous posts before responding.

I just posted a link to a company that was sued by illegal immigrants who were not hired because of their legal status. It was judged by an appointee of Hussein.

So what good is E-veryfiy if you can still get sued for not hiring those that are not legal to hire?

A wall (border barriers of any kind) have worked not only in the US, but in countries all over the world. The real problem is people like you who are blindly brainwashed by their political leaders feeding you lies that barriers do not work without providing any evidence to their claim. You are simply a parrot.

Need links to show barriers work, just ask. They are not very hard to find.

The problem with our country and illegal immigration today are Democrats.
Junk Bonds not Junk Laws!
Yes it took that long to get through the courts. Busted under Obama though.

And convicted under Trump.

Do you want our immigration laws enforced or not? Obviously by asking this you do not. Is this not where we ask "don't want to do the time? Don't do the crime".

How about holding those same standards for illegals?

I see you are avoiding the entire picture. You say employers should not hire illegals, and then our idiotic justice system allows those very same illegals to sue the potential employer. But you have no problem with that. If a business owner wants to avoid being sued and hires these people, then throw the owner in jail.

I have a better idea: Never allow Democrats to have leadership again, and perhaps we won't get such activist judges in our court system so we can create solutions for these problems.

People like you are okay with sanctuary cities, okay with sanctuary states, okay with local leaders warning their illegals the feds are coming, okay with liberals giving illegals drivers license, okay with them giving illegals free healthcare, but place the entire blame on them being here on our businesses when these people your side invited in to break our laws are looking for work.

Illegal Aliens Arrested In Workplace Raid Sue ICE, IRS For Racial Profiling

The obvious solution is to fully enforce the laws we have but you obviously are not interested in that.

Sure I am, that's why I voted for Trump instead of Hillary or any other leftist.
How about holding those same standards for illegals?

I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

I see you are avoiding the entire picture. You say employers should not hire illegals, and then our idiotic justice system allows those very same illegals to sue the potential employer. But you have no problem with that. If a business owner wants to avoid being sued and hires these people, then throw the owner in jail.

A person can sue for anything.

I have a better idea: Never allow Democrats to have leadership again, and perhaps we won't get such activist judges in our court system so we can create solutions for these problems.

People like you are okay with sanctuary cities, okay with sanctuary states, okay with local leaders warning their illegals the feds are coming, okay with liberal stated giving illegals drivers license, okay with them giving illegals free healthcare, but place the entire blame on them being here on our businesses when these people your side invited in to break our laws are looking for work.

Illegal Aliens Arrested In Workplace Raid Sue ICE, IRS For Racial Profiling

The obvious solution is to fully enforce the laws we have but you obviously are not interested in that.

Sure I am, that's why I voted for Trump instead of Hillary or any other leftist.

As long as so many such as yourself will make excuses for the business owners, I will do the same with those accepting their offers of employment.
I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both. You are also ignoring that the Democrats are doing everything in their power to bring those people into the country. An employer can't hire an illegal that isn't here.

A person can sue for anything.

Yes they can thanks to Democrats pandering to their trail lawyer donors at election time, but illegals shouldn't have that right. The day they file a lawsuit, they should be thrown out of the country.

As long as so many such as yourself will make excuses for the business owners, I will do the same with those accepting their offers of employment.

It's not an excuse, it's reality. I provided two links to it and I'm sure their are more. You are saying hold businesses liable for not hiring illegals, but when they do to avoid the problem, make them accountable for that as well.

So tell me, what is an employer supposed to do? He can't refuse to hire them, and he can't hire them. What is the employer supposed to do?
I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both.

No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

However there is hope. The House is controlled by your people now. Write them and suggest harsher penalties against business owners for hiring illegals, and pass legislation that illegals have no right to sue employers for following the law.
I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both.

No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

If you don't actually want to comment on what I said, OK, I understand.
I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both.

No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

If you don't actually want to comment on what I said, OK, I understand.

That's exactly what I did. You're trying to blame Trump for what a judge does to employers who are busted hiring illegals, and I explained to you that's out of the President's authority.
I've stated many times I am for holding both sides accountable. As long as we are largely ignoring one aspect, I'm going to promote the other.

No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both.

No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

If you don't actually want to comment on what I said, OK, I understand.

That's exactly what I did. You're trying to blame Trump for what a judge does to employers who are busted hiring illegals, and I explained to you that's out of the President's authority.

You have not provided a single case where Trump has arrested and charged an employer. Not a one.

You have provided a few where Obama did.

A judge has nothing to do with that. us the express wall building clause, right wingers.
protect and defend the united States from all enemies both domestic and abroad.
invaders from the south want to steal what makes us great.
We are rich enough we can afford to be picky who we let in.
you are confused. we have a refugee problem on our southern border.
Wall them off and they're not our problem any longer.
Unfortunately it walls in our less working and bigger crime rubes
Amusing how we stole the land from them also
No, you are ignoring that Trump is doing both.

No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

If you don't actually want to comment on what I said, OK, I understand.

That's exactly what I did. You're trying to blame Trump for what a judge does to employers who are busted hiring illegals, and I explained to you that's out of the President's authority.

You have not provided a single case where Trump has arrested and charged an employer. Not a one.

You have provided a few where Obama did.

A judge has nothing to do with that.

No, I provided several links where ICE under the leadership of Trump did bust businesses- plenty of them. But Trump doesn't put on a robe and hear a case. That's what judges do.
No he isn't. I'm not arguing in circles. I have never once even heard Trump mention the employers.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States, not a sitting judge. These cases don't go to Trump, they go to the court system which Trump does not control. Even his two picks for the SCOTUS sided with liberal positions repeatedly. Trump just stays out of it because it's not his job to interfere in court decisions that he's not personally involved with.

If you don't actually want to comment on what I said, OK, I understand.

That's exactly what I did. You're trying to blame Trump for what a judge does to employers who are busted hiring illegals, and I explained to you that's out of the President's authority.

You have not provided a single case where Trump has arrested and charged an employer. Not a one.

You have provided a few where Obama did.

A judge has nothing to do with that.

No, I provided several links where ICE under the leadership of Trump did bust businesses- plenty of them. But Trump doesn't put on a robe and hear a case. That's what judges do.

He arrested the employees, not the employers. Obama did far more of both.

Judges do not bring the charges. Trump does.

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