Trump wins again on Border wall

.......we don't need a wall. We don't. What we need is states to be punished for ignoring federal immigration laws. We NEED to investigate, and have certain local or state officials investigated for collusion with foreign nationals......

Whats wrong with doing both? All of the above.

We can do the stuff you suggest AND build the wall.

Just like missile defense systems, there are different layers to catch the few that make it though the first layers. The wall will sharply lower the burden on the systems and policies that you are suggesting and thus make them more successful..
Good question. For starters? We wouldn't need A without B. A=Wall. B=contractors. We wouldn't need a wall if contractors weren't hiring illegal aliens to begin with . Its a conundrum. So, I say, lets go after the states and localities that give illegal sanctuaries, its cheaper and more to the point. Investigate them and the practice itself. It can't be constitutional, since it was never given over to the voice of the people and it also arguable harms their well being. So why not pursue this legally?

States can not enforce immigration laws. States can do nothing about stopping the Feds from enforcing the laws.
States still owe it to their lawful voting citizens to represent them to their fullest ability. We are a step are away from fascism when the local government sidesteps that and dictates immigration policy or anything else without our consent. Yes?

I'm not sure what you are asking. States can not dictate immigration policy.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.

Kooool. That should be enough to get a good start on that wall.

No, because the article only goes to the raid, not the court proceedings afterwards. How do you write an article of an event that just happened and also the upcoming court proceedings in the same piece?

Just because they didn't doesn't mean you are right. It means you are too lazy to lookup the court cases IF MSM even writes about them. Maybe if I have time later, I'll do just that. I know there are plenty of them because this isn't the first time I had this debate, and posted a host of court hearings against the owner(s) where they either paid heavy fines, were imprisoned, or both.

Didn't I just say that????

I fully support enforcing those laws. We do not. You say it happened. Prove it. Otherwise you are just blowing smoke. Yes, the if the owner had been arrested it would have made the article.

Owner should have been hauled off with the employees..

Who says they weren't?

It would have been in the article and if they had been someone would have found it by now.

Why would it be in the article? The big story is busting the illegals, not the employer.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

I support enforcing those laws. Prove they were.

Tree company hit with $95 million fine for illegal hiring

Waste Management Fined $5.5 Million for Immigration Abuse

Owner of Gire Roofing gets 3 years in prison for visa fraud, employing illegal aliens

So why aren't more companies being held responsible for hiring illegals? Thank your liberal judges for that one.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch
I fully support enforcing those laws. We do not. You say it happened. Prove it. Otherwise you are just blowing smoke. Yes, the if the owner had been arrested it would have made the article.

Owner should have been hauled off with the employees..

Who says they weren't?

It would have been in the article and if they had been someone would have found it by now.

Why would it be in the article? The big story is busting the illegals, not the employer.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

I support enforcing those laws. Prove they were.

Tree company hit with $95 million fine for illegal hiring

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

So why aren't more companies being held responsible for hiring illegals? Thank your liberal judges for that one.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

One case where someone went to jail. It needs to be thousands going to jail.
Let me reiterate: This is still a democracy, as of 2019. You can vote for various judges or various picayune minutiae and odds and ends. Mill levys and such. Yep we vote on that little piddly stuff. But whether or not your city gives sanctuary , OK, that's WAY to important to let actual American poor or middle class or even ANYBODY else to vote on? Instead its imposed on us unilaterally without our consent, and, if I might add, rather um, as they say surreptitiously. Is this really how a democratic government acts? Sneaky and cloak and dagger? Sorry, that's not my version of democracy.
I fully support enforcing those laws. We do not. You say it happened. Prove it. Otherwise you are just blowing smoke. Yes, the if the owner had been arrested it would have made the article.

Owner should have been hauled off with the employees..

Who says they weren't?

It would have been in the article and if they had been someone would have found it by now.

Why would it be in the article? The big story is busting the illegals, not the employer.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

I support enforcing those laws. Prove they were.

Tree company hit with $95 million fine for illegal hiring

Waste Management Fined $5.5 Million for Immigration Abuse

Owner of Gire Roofing gets 3 years in prison for visa fraud, employing illegal aliens

So why aren't more companies being held responsible for hiring illegals? Thank your liberal judges for that one.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch
Good defense costs money. There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
Who says they weren't?

It would have been in the article and if they had been someone would have found it by now.

Why would it be in the article? The big story is busting the illegals, not the employer.

What Are the Penalties for Hiring an Illegal Immigrant?

Hiring illegal immigrants can lead to many severe penalties, such as:

  • Criminal and civil fines
  • Loss of business licenses
Most fines are broken down to the following:

  • First offenders can be fined $250-$2,000 per illegal employee.
  • For a second offense, the fine is $2,000-$5,000 per illegal employee.
  • Three or more offenses can cost an employer $3000-$10,000 per illegal employee. A pattern of knowingly employing illegal immigrants can mean extra fines and up to six months in jail for an employer.
This does not include “harboring” illegal immigrants, or employing ten or more illegal immigrants in one year. Harboring an illegal immigrant can lead to ten years of prison time.

Additionally, employers should be aware of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations(RICO) Act. Employers can be sued under the act for hiring illegal immigrants, and can face large settlement deals.

The lawfully documented workers of the Zirkle Fruit Company recently settled a class action lawsuit brought under RICO. The suit alleged that their employer knowingly hired undocumented workers, driving down their wages.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants

I support enforcing those laws. Prove they were.

Tree company hit with $95 million fine for illegal hiring

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

Busted under Obama.

So why aren't more companies being held responsible for hiring illegals? Thank your liberal judges for that one.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

One case where someone went to jail. It needs to be thousands going to jail.

No, the roofer was sentenced in 2018.

So you want to imprison employers and close down American businesses. What a great plan. Now tell me, what about their American employees? What about the tax revenue loss to the city, state and federal governments?

Now if you read the last link, an Obama appointed judge allowed a lawsuit against a company that was not hiring illegals. So this is the position of an employer: If you hire illegals, you can end up paying hefty fines by the federal government, and possibly imprisoned. If you don't hire illegals, you can wind up being sued and possibly sued out of business by those same illegals you refused to hire.

The ultimate solution would be to make being here illegally a first degree felony, punishable by a minimum five year prison sentence; that's for the first offense, and of course, being deported the day you leave prison.

That would solve most of our illegal immigration problems in this country. You wouldn't need a wall, you wouldn't need to lock up American employers, we wouldn't need more border agents, you wouldn't need to worry about our Visa problem.

The only problem would be the illegals flooding our southern border to get the hell out of the country quick enough.
So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well.
Why should Mexico be accountable?

Is THERE problem? Or Guatamala’s?

Who’s problem is it?
Mexico is part of the problem when they freely let them cross their territory to invade OURS.
Hmm, Contractors and corruption . Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex. Yes, he did. But little did he warn us of the post war industrialist contractors. They the contractors , I mean We the people ...THEY want cheap labor...exploit, err , hire cheap Mexican labor. They are here illegally? Hmm, a rich lobbyist calls up a few lawyers. Gets a few of the legal and the advertising people together and speculate: Its doable; exploiting poor Mexicans and making it look moral! Call them immigrants! Brilliant! Everything else falls into place. Jesus Christ are we that dumb to buy into that? Apparently my state government is, in fact they don't even bother to ask Us what we want on this. Nope, they ask what the bleeding contractors want. Those that pay the piper... So is the sad state of democracy now in America.
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So why doesn’t Trump use that money to improve humanitarian conditions at the border?

I guess for the same reason we don't have bars, casinos, and strip clubs in our prisons: it will only make it more inviting for others to come in.

The reason our border is flooded and creating this humanitarian crisis is because the Democrats put out the welcome mat. Leftist organizations sent their lawyers over the border to instruct people how to cheat the system, and Congress being Democrat led promising those people eventual acceptance into our country if they break our laws. In fact it was not until recent weeks when Democrats abandoned the claim that there was no crisis, and finally admitted there was.

The tides have turned. Not only will we have a wall, but because of Trump's genius strategy to hold Mexico accountable for those that travel through their country to get here, we are greatly reducing those coming here in the first place. Add to that, Trump changed the criteria to apply for asylum (which most know they don't apply) to not do so at our border, but instead, at a US embassy in their own country. Plus you do not qualify for asylum if you crossed Mexico go get here and refused their asylum offer.

Prior to all this, parents would send their teen daughters on this dangerous journey to the US with a pocket full of birth control pills for "when" they get raped multiple times. This is not to mention all the people who have died or been killed along the way.

Trump is putting a stop to that because these people know the fate of their children are better off in their hands instead of coyotes and drug lords to guide them along the way.

So this is not only a win for Trump, but a win for those innocent children as well. maintaining horrific and brutal conditions for incarcerated kids at border is a “win” for children.

I don’t know what universe you occupy.

No, I said just don't make it inviting. I also wrote how it's more sensible to really close down our border so those kids don't have to suffer the journey in the first place.
It isn’t going to stop them.
In fact, it will.
U.S. Supreme Court lets Trump use disputed funds for border wall

The supreme Court ruled Trump CAN use money he diverted from other sources to build the wall. He wins again and the dems lose.

Build that wall and keep out the riff raff.
I thought Mexico was paying for it? Once again a republican lie about their big spending.
Oh, look, someone who thinks that what was meant was that Mexico was going to cut us a check.

How droll.
They come here for more than just jobs. Anybody that thinks jobs are the exclusive reason doesn't understand the subject.
Economic/Jobs is by far the main reason.
"Exclusive" is You Strawman/superlative special.
How juvenile.

And I repeat, the Wall is the solution of an Idiot while e-Verify is much better in ALL respects.
Can I say this AGAIN? Contractors, the word of the day. Democracy? Old hat. The contractors, they tell Us what we want, er, need. Need to move the Airport? Our idiotic sycophant politicians ask: HOW FAR? Oh the contractors say, we need buy lots of land! Oh, our incredulous bright eyed politicians then ask: Where? Oh, 20 miles away, because of no reason whatsoever. Not because we are also speculating on the land, oh that would be dishonest. Oh yes, your fine city is going to need a light rail system and a nice new baggage facility that wont ever work in a million bazillion years but the contractors made big smart promises with big bright shoe button contractor eyes. Our politicians say OK, lets do it! But then the contractor says gloomily, all it will cost is your eternal soul. Or giving Mexican illegals sanctuary.Deal? So none of those messy referendums because We cant have people vote on stuff! And the high mucky mucks shook hands with that big devil contractor and signed over everyone's right to vote on anything for perpetuity. And that kids, is the story of contractors.
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Can I say this AGAIN? Contractors, the word of the day. Democracy? Old hat. The contractors, they tell Us what we want, er, need. Need to move the Airport? Our idiotic sycophant politicians ask: HOW FAR? Oh the contractors say, we need buy lots of land! Oh, our incredulous bright eyed politicians then ask: here? Where? Oh, 20 miles away, because of no reason whatsoever. Oh, yes, and its going to need a nice new train and a nice new baggage facility that wont work! Our politicians say OK, lets do it! But then the contractor says gloomily, all it will cost is your eternal soul. Or giving Mexican illegals sanctuary? Deal? So none of those messy referendums.
Nope And so the high mucky mucks shook hands with that big devil contractor and signed over everyone's right to vote on anything for perpetuity. And that kids, is the story of contractors.
Lay off the drugs.

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