Trump won't pursue Hillary investigation/prosecution...

My contention is that he as President need not investigate anything himself. Until Trump makes a statement regarding this, I call it BS propaganda.
Give me a fucking break dude. Do you think Hillary was backstage on election night throwing shit at her staff and acting like a drunken crack fiend? "sources" lol
The Clinton Foundation is under investigation by the FBI so who knows what they will turn up.

Both Bill and Hillary could land in jail, or not.

Either way the Clinton's are done in politics and good riddance.
Trump isn't doing anything right now. How can he!?!? Any little move he makes liberals are going to be all over him like a pack of wild dogs.

The Liberals are already doing that now. Trump needs to appoint a special prosecuting attorney to look into the Hillary Scandal. There is crime there that was ignored for the sake of the Presidential election / Hillary Clinton.

If nothing is done the perception that there are 2 Americans - one for citizens where they are governed under the law and one where politicians are allowed to live above the law - will continue to exist, continuing to poison this nation.

Bringing Hillary to Justice would be a signal that adherence to the Constitution and Rule of Law and that those two apply to EVERYONE would be one of the best medicines for this country.

America has had enough of the elitist, 'ruling class' politicians never being held to the same standards, being allowed to exempt themselves from all law as they see fit.

He's already said he won't pursue it any longer there, easilyfooled65.
She's already been investigated, over a year and a half on just the emails, and another 3 years With all the Benghazi investigations, and nothing that reached a CRIMINAL level was found, as per the FBI and Congress critters with their 8 investigations.

If Trump cronies go after her again, and once again have nothing criminal, then it will SHOW that he and his ilk, lied through their teeth, during the run for the election. It will also show, that he and his Republican establishment ilk USED our law enforcement services to simply attack a political opponent, which is what dictators and minions do to their opponents.

And lastly, Trump knows if his team continues with this unethical behavior of using tools in Justice system for going after opponents, then he will know that the same measures WILL BE DONE towards him by the Democrats in congress, investigating him for every wrong and idiotic move he makes....and the Dems simply have to say to him and the R's in a language Donald totally understands, ''YOU STARTED IT''! :D
Do you believe that Obama was unethical getting his justice department and IRS go after his opponents?
He DID NOT DO THAT Steve, 2 years of investigations or longer, over 100000 emails read and searched, and there was absolutely no link at all to President Obama....

it was ALL A LIE and political posturing, by the Republicans to win you over.... it's what they do...investigation after investigation after investigation after investigation....and all end, with nothing criminal was done....

Think of the 100's of millions of our tax dollars spent on all of these simply partisan investigations dragged on and on, for these R's to NEVER be able to prove their accusations....

It's shameful, a disgrace to watch these congress critters and FBI sliver through their time in congress or working for the tax payer doing nothing but these useless investigations that find out nothing different that we didn't know before they even started....while the FBI lets the orlando Pulse night club mass murderer, slip through their fingers....and congress is a 'do nothing congress' and our country falls in to shambles....
I would not be surprised if this was part of some loyalty test where Trump says something controversial to a potential pick or aide and once it gets leaked, he knows that person is untrustworthy... look for more of this as we go along.
My contention is that he as President need not investigate anything himself. Until Trump makes a statement regarding this, I call it BS propaganda.

You dopes are so fucking confused you have no idea of what is happening around you. Trump has you fools totally baffled with bullshit. :laugh2:
[QUOTE="Timmy, post: 15885750, member: 55842
Please . She did nothing like the others you mention .If she's guilty of a crime then so it everyone who emailed her .[/QUOTE]
Repeating the lie over and over does NOT make it true, but by all means keep dong so if it makes you feel better. This has repeatedly been gone over, the evidence presented...and rejected by Hillary-supporters. Nothing will change, so it is pointless to go back over it with someone who does not matter.

An Independent Prosecutor, not an Obama 'stacked deck', should be appointed. Hillary / Libs, however, are frightened as hell of THAT.
My contention is that he as President need not investigate anything himself. Until Trump makes a statement regarding this, I call it BS propaganda.

You dopes are so fucking confused you have no idea of what is happening around you. Trump has you fools totally baffled with bullshit. :laugh2:
Says the people who supported Hillary, a crooked elitist who could not even beat Trump with a rigged election. :p
You watch. If this holds up, all the Trumptards around here that were boasting that Trump was going to deliver them Hillary's head on a platter will flip and start praising Trump for not doing it.

That's how cults work. The Master is always right.

the proper thing to do would be to continue the investigation/prosecution, then after the guilty verdict issue a pardon that would be conditional on no one in the Clinton family ever running for any political office at any level of government.

We do not put our political opponents in jail in this country. Even though they may deserve it.
Hillary does not need to go to jail because she is a 'political opponent' - she needs to be convicted because she BROKE THE LAW! So far she has gotten away with crimes that have already resulted in military members and other Americans being prosecuted.

Her going to jail would NOT be a lesson that we send our political opponents to jail - it would be that in this country there is no ruling or protected class that is too big to jail for committing crimes!

THAT needs to be the lesson.

I agree with you, but from a practical standpoint, she will never go to jail. Not saying that's right, but its the way it is. Acceptance of a pardon from obozo or Trump is an admission of guilt. She is done, a two time loser, proven criminal.

Now, if you want to prosecute, lets take on the Clinton foundation and shut it down, then return the Clinton millions to the taxpayers that it was stolen from.
You watch. If this holds up, all the Trumptards around here that were boasting that Trump was going to deliver them Hillary's head on a platter will flip and start praising Trump for not doing it.

That's how cults work. The Master is always right.

the proper thing to do would be to continue the investigation/prosecution, then after the guilty verdict issue a pardon that would be conditional on no one in the Clinton family ever running for any political office at any level of government.

We do not put our political opponents in jail in this country. Even though they may deserve it.
Hillary does not need to go to jail because she is a 'political opponent' - she needs to be convicted because she BROKE THE LAW! So far she has gotten away with crimes that have already resulted in military members and other Americans being prosecuted.

Her going to jail would NOT be a lesson that we send our political opponents to jail - it would be that in this country there is no ruling or protected class that is too big to jail for committing crimes!

THAT needs to be the lesson.

You tweet that to Trump. He's the one selling you suckers out.

so you want her prosecuted? interesting

This might be a ploy to discourage Obama from issuing a pardon, to let him think one won’t be necessary. Also, it provides freedom to the new AG to act independent.
She's already been investigated, over a year and a half on just the emails, and another 3 years With all the Benghazi investigations, and nothing that reached a CRIMINAL level was found, as per the FBI and Congress critters with their 8 investigations.

If Trump cronies go after her again, and once again have nothing criminal, then it will SHOW that he and his ilk, lied through their teeth, during the run for the election. It will also show, that he and his Republican establishment ilk USED our law enforcement services to simply attack a political opponent, which is what dictators and minions do to their opponents.

And lastly, Trump knows if his team continues with this unethical behavior of using tools in Justice system for going after opponents, then he will know that the same measures WILL BE DONE towards him by the Democrats in congress, investigating him for every wrong and idiotic move he makes....and the Dems simply have to say to him and the R's in a language Donald totally understands, ''YOU STARTED IT''! :D
Do you believe that Obama was unethical getting his justice department and IRS go after his opponents?
He DID NOT DO THAT Steve, 2 years of investigations or longer, over 100000 emails read and searched, and there was absolutely no link at all to President Obama....

it was ALL A LIE and political posturing, by the Republicans to win you over.... it's what they do...investigation after investigation after investigation after investigation....and all end, with nothing criminal was done....

Think of the 100's of millions of our tax dollars spent on all of these simply partisan investigations dragged on and on, for these R's to NEVER be able to prove their accusations....

It's shameful, a disgrace to watch these congress critters and FBI sliver through their time in congress or working for the tax payer doing nothing but these useless investigations that find out nothing different that we didn't know before they even started....while the FBI lets the orlando Pulse night club mass murderer, slip through their fingers....and congress is a 'do nothing congress' and our country falls in to shambles....

take your head out of your ass for just a few minutes. you are the most brainwashed poster on this board. you buy into every left wing talking point 100%, no filters, no thinking, just buy in and repeat.

There are many varied things Hitlery and the clinton crime foundation are under investigation for. Trump saying he won't pursue prosecution however doesn't mean that if they do find things on her, that if prosecution is recommended, what Trump said does NOT mean that he would pull an obama and just let it slide.
Give me a fucking break dude. Do you think Hillary was backstage on election night throwing shit at her staff and acting like a drunken crack fiend? "sources" lol

I don't know what that means.
Conway has already addressed this dumbass.
Just being reported. Is anyone keeping track of Trump's broken promises?

Just like we kept track of the last guys broken promises. Did you keep track of the last guys broken promises?

Don't be be a fool. No one cares about Obama's supposed failures, many the result of a dishonorable opposition.

Trump was elected as an outsider, and fooled a whole lot of people. He's just begun the transformation of the US from a democratic republic to a pure plutocracy:

Welcome to the United Corporatocracy, a fully owned and operated private enterprise whose Executive
office is located on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, and operations are on Wall Street, also in Manhattan.​

There are many varied things Hitlery and the clinton crime foundation are under investigation for. Trump saying he won't pursue prosecution of however doesn't mean that if they do find things on her, that if prosecution is recommended, what Trump said does NOT mean that he would pull an obama and just let it slide.

"Fooled once, shame on me, fooled twice, shame shame on me"; how many fools are chronically ill and no amount of reality will ever cure them?
My contention is that he as President need not investigate anything himself. Until Trump makes a statement regarding this, I call it BS propaganda.

You dopes are so fucking confused you have no idea of what is happening around you. Trump has you fools totally baffled with bullshit. :laugh2:
Says the people who supported Hillary, a crooked elitist who could not even beat Trump with a rigged election. :p

How in the fuck was it rigged if Trump won?
That is some dumb shit.

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