Trump's Climb Is Steeper Than Carter's

12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:


The only poll that matters takes place in early November.

We'll see you then.
12.8 percent in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:


Until I see Biden get thousands to fill an arena during a pandemic, I don't believe any poll. To me they are all fairy tales.
Trump can't get thousands to fill an arena. :lol:

He thought a million people were showing up. :lol:
Trump thought a MILLION would show up! OMG!

He did, right? Ha Ha Ha! F'n dumbass he is.

I think he had 11.7 million over the net.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

Although things are looking rosy, we cannot, I repeat CANNOT take this slimebag for granted. His rabid base is w/him all the way and the Republican party is a party of lemmings, so given a binary choice they will knowingly drink the poison.

We have to come out and defeat this bastard w/OVERWHELMING force!
Amen to that. Not going to believe he is gone until I see them frog march his fat ass out.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I was there. Carter was a disaster, we had hyper inflation and a bunch of Muslim misfits took our embassy who made America the laughing stock of the world. Carter owned all of that. China and Black Lives Matter owns the mess we are in now.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:


The only poll that matters takes place in early November.

We'll see you then.
Personally, I think polls should be prohibited during an election year. They influence people too much, and based on 2016, they're not worth the paper they printed on.
Argumentum ad populum
Once again, Trump has no path to the White House

As he props his feet upon the Resolute desk . . . yawn.
To be fair, Trump would never put his feet on the desk.

The feeble fat fuck can't lift his legs that high.
Biden is at the "special needs" level now. Prog Doctors are removing chromosomes and genes from dead aborted baby husks to inject into him so he can animate. Once a day...everyday!
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
Absolutely. I don't know how much of a "perfect storm" it was--I definitely don't think he's got only a one in a million shot of being reelected. I think you're undervaluing the strong conservative feeling in this country, and also the dislike or mistrust of minorities. Not everyone is a drooling racist retard that stands with Trump on immigration and "law and order." And he did have the economy doing better than it has done in years. They are strong suits for Trump with the right. His supporters have entirely bought his propaganda about Covid and climate change. Of course, businessmen are loving him.

It's gonna take more than turning out the vote. We have to really really really hope that Biden chooses a strong, charismatic and energetic VP. Because he's about as inspiring as a glass of midafternoon Ensure. I like the guy, I'm okay with the platform, but we need more.
Are you retarded?
He got 6,000+ plus the other day.
6200 in a venue that holds almost 20,000. An "overflow stage" that was dismantled "midperformance"

And 1 million tickets given one...
12.8 percent in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:


Until I see Biden get thousands to fill an arena during a pandemic, I don't believe any poll. To me they are all fairy tales.
Trump can't get thousands to fill an arena. :lol:

He thought a million people were showing up. :lol:
And they did. Funny thing about technology, you can be there without actually being there.

10.1 Million People Watched Trump’s Tulsa Rally Online ...
Are you retarded?
He got 6,000+ plus the other day.
6200 in a venue that holds almost 20,000. An "overflow stage" that was dismantled "midperformance"

And 1 million tickets given one...
1...I think Trump is crazy because he doesn't really need rallies as everybody knows who they're voting for.
3...People got the tickets; the question is who. I would order one just for a souvenir.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
And vote FOR Trump because Biden and the rest of the Communist Democrats need to be destroyed.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
I'm sure most people in the entertainment industry, such as yourself, voted for Hillary.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
I'm sure most people in the entertainment industry, such as yourself, voted for Hillary.

Entertainment industry? I have been told I can be mildly entertaining, but I have yet to make any money from it. I will add that to the list of silly wrong guesses people have made about me though.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
I'm sure most people in the entertainment industry, such as yourself, voted for Hillary.

Entertainment industry? I have been told I can be mildly entertaining, but I have yet to make any money from it. I will add that to the list of silly wrong guesses people have made about me though.
I thought you were a stage sound system engineer.
12.8 points in the job approval hole.

Biden is outfundraising him.

Unemployment above 13 percent.

120,000 Americans died due to his denial of the disease and incompetence.

"America is on the right track" trails "America is on the wrong track" by a hellacious 41 points!

And then there's Coronafest 2020:

I don't believe it. A student and I were just looking at the most recent Fox News poll, which has Trump down by 12 points. What we both found really crazy was that only 9% of rural voters were supporting Trump. We live in a rural area and I can tell you for a fact that isn't true here. And I doubt we're much different from rural areas elsewhere. Trump is still strongly supported here for carrying out the Republican agenda.

All I could do was remind my student (who was only 13 when Trump was elected and doesn't remember anything about it) that Hillary Clinton had 5/1 odds to win by the bookies. Of course, that was down a lot from when the campaign started, but the world was still completely stunned that he won.

He could do it again. This thing ain't anywhere close to over. Do NOT make that mistake again.

Trump's election was a perfect storm. Lots of odd things came together to give him the win. It was a 1 in 1000 event. For that to be repeated would be a 1 in a million event. However, we can't even take that chance. Everybody has to do everything in their power to end his presidency, and most important is everybody has to vote.
I'm sure most people in the entertainment industry, such as yourself, voted for Hillary.

Entertainment industry? I have been told I can be mildly entertaining, but I have yet to make any money from it. I will add that to the list of silly wrong guesses people have made about me though.
I thought you were a stage sound system engineer.

Nope. My brother had a sound company for a while, and I helped him with some of the electronics, but the only engineering degree I have is civil engineering.

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