trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

thanks fer yer comment OldRocks !! But its got nothing to do with being 'brown' spanish speaking islanders . Its just that they are islanders and are laid back , fishing under the sun , moon and stars , swimming in the sea , having 'luaus' and 'siestas , fiestas or similar and they got no time or will to secure civilization and infrastructure till its gone and then they'll blame everyone but themselves OldRocks .
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.
So you are saying "fuk 'em, let 'em die"?
Cold. Republicans are cold.
------------------------------------- NO , don't let them die , help them out but always remember that they are 'puerto ricans' or islanders similar to 'haitians' DeanRD .
Since they are brown and speak Spanish, they cannot possibly be Americans, correct? You are one evil bigot.
He's saying they're lazy dumbasses, which is what caused their problems.
My tenants are Puerto Rican refugees of Hurricane Maria. They say the roads & bridges washed out, truck drivers had no water, food, fuel or roads to keep themselves & their families alive day to day, so they could not transport shipping containers from ports to rebuild infrastructure.

Trump is CIC and could have deployed as much military power as he wanted for 90 days without asking congress. Trump FAILED!!! Trump Lied & Americans Died!
The Army is prepared to rapidly deploy portable bridges, emergency hospitals, generators, communications and water desalination
They have thousands of helicopters that can deliver much needed supplies
We have done it in war torn countries to support civilian populations......why can’t we do it in our own country?

So the army is entirely made up of Engineers and MP's? you know the ones who actually know what to do in situations like this?

How does deploying 3 companies of abrams tanks and their crews help in this situation?

Were no engineers sent in?

You do realize how STUPID you sound...right?

Can you answer the questions?

Probably not.

You are one of the most persistent leg humpers that trump has. You should consider taking Melania's place since she hates touching his orange skin anymore.
"Trump didn't send timely assistance to PR." Now there's something all Americans can rally around.
chain of command . The governor of 'puerto rico' is the head of 'puerto rico' and is in charge until he calls for help . If Federal aid was slow it is due to him being slow and not calling for help .
You took care of business with no Government assistance?
Do tell?

We sure did. Unlike you we all know what we can and can't do. Hurricanes are a way of life down here.

Tell me. Did you shag your sorry ass to PR to help out since you are so concerned??

Nah. I didn't think so. Another big mouth with ideas that someone else should deal with.
This thread isn't about Benghazi. Of course you know that. Its just another jab and anybody you can take a jab at.

PR lost 5,000 because it was a hurricane numbnuts. They had plenty of warning and didn't do much. If blame can be assigned for a natural disaster then lay the blame where it belongs. On them.

Benghzi saw four deaths due to an unpreventable attack

Puerto Rico saw 5000 deaths due to Trump administration indifference and incompetence


Sorry. Benghazi was preventable. They had months of warnings and our State Department did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross pulled their people out of the area which is what our State Department should have done.

As for PR. They had warning but didn't do enough to help their citizens. What did you expect Trump to do??

You are pathetic.
Seven GOP investigations all concluded there was nothing they could do

Trump could have prevented 5000 deaths if he had given a shit

Sure there were investigations. Did you think that they would find fault with a Govt. agency?? Silly you.

They had months of warnings that others took seriously enough to remove their people from the area.

The anniversary of the 9-11 attack was coming up. Any dummy would have realized what a great time for an attack.

Our State Department did nothing and that nothing got our people killed.

And explain to all of us how Trump could have prevented a hurricane?? We'd all like to know. Also explain why PR did nothing to protect it citizens. Enquiring minds want to know.


Investigate Trump killing 5000 Puerto Ricans

Last I heard a hurricane killed them. Now, unless you are God, there is no way to stop a hurricane.

You to funny.
You took care of business with no Government assistance?
Do tell?

We sure did. Unlike you we all know what we can and can't do. Hurricanes are a way of life down here.

Tell me. Did you shag your sorry ass to PR to help out since you are so concerned??

Nah. I didn't think so. Another big mouth with ideas that someone else should deal with.
This thread isn't about Benghazi. Of course you know that. Its just another jab and anybody you can take a jab at.

PR lost 5,000 because it was a hurricane numbnuts. They had plenty of warning and didn't do much. If blame can be assigned for a natural disaster then lay the blame where it belongs. On them.

Benghzi saw four deaths due to an unpreventable attack

Puerto Rico saw 5000 deaths due to Trump administration indifference and incompetence


Sorry. Benghazi was preventable. They had months of warnings and our State Department did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross pulled their people out of the area which is what our State Department should have done.

As for PR. They had warning but didn't do enough to help their citizens. What did you expect Trump to do??

You are pathetic.

Florida has been sucking off tax payers for years. Yet..they keep building in hurricane and flood prone areas.

Tax payers have bailed you out!

Of course they have just like every other state with a natural disaster.

Its the Govt. way and its taken by every State. of course the money used is our own tax dollar so its more like the taxpayers paying then the Govt.

We have a worthless POS as president. More people of color will die and he doesn't care. Steve Miller celebrates....

OMG another asshole screaming the racist tag.

The hurricane didn't care about the color of the victims but you sure did.

Racist anyone???
We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

LMAO don't worry. He won't admit to finding anything.

He and the other lefties on this board thing people can stop a hurricane.

They also think its our responsibility to rebuild a territory. A territory that was a shithole before the Hurricane arrived. The Govt. of PR had plenty of warning and sure didn't do much to protect its citizens.

Of course you won't see any of them shagging ass to PR to help. They would much rather criticize Trump and spout their bullshit about how he didn't do enough.

It sure wasn't his responsibility to prepare PR for a hurricane. That was the PR Govts. responsibility and they failed.

Light a fucking candle and move the fuck on. LOL
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived

trump's incompetence and racism made it worse.....
--------------------------------------------------- you ASSUME a whole lot there as your judgement on TRUMPS competence is simply your opinion . Governor of 'puerto rico' had said that Trump was very helpful , --------------- and yer ASSUMPTION of 'racism' is simply your Opinion and assumption . Check out my 2 articles on the bad infrastructure that existed in ' puerto rico' long before the hurricane JimH .
Trump is their president

He is responsible for helping people who need medicine, clean water, health services

Paper Towels are not enough
The mainland states that were wiped out came back on line in hours....PR is an island nation..they were given millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies....and you want to blame Trump? a president in his second year? are you retarded or something?
I live in NJ
After Hurricane Sandy, our power was out for eight days and we are one of the wealthiest states in the US
Very few of our power lines outside the cities are below ground

Trump is in charge. If people are dying, you escalate the vast resources of our country to save them
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived

trump's incompetence and racism made it worse.....
--------------------------------------------------- you ASSUME a whole lot there as your judgement on TRUMPS competence is simply your opinion . Governor of 'puerto rico' had said that Trump was very helpful , --------------- and yer ASSUMPTION of 'racism' is simply your Opinion and assumption . Check out my 2 articles on the bad infrastructure that existed in ' puerto rico' long before the hurricane JimH .
The Governor knew that you have to kiss Trumps ass to get help
The Army is prepared to rapidly deploy portable bridges, emergency hospitals, generators, communications and water desalination
They have thousands of helicopters that can deliver much needed supplies
We have done it in war torn countries to support civilian populations......why can’t we do it in our own country?

So the army is entirely made up of Engineers and MP's? you know the ones who actually know what to do in situations like this?

How does deploying 3 companies of abrams tanks and their crews help in this situation?

Were no engineers sent in?

You do realize how STUPID you sound...right?

Can you answer the questions?

Probably not.

You are one of the most persistent leg humpers that trump has. You should consider taking Melania's place since she hates touching his orange skin anymore.

Well done! I cannot imagine her shame and frustration...
Trump is their president

He is responsible for helping people who need medicine, clean water, health services

Paper Towels are not enough
The mainland states that were wiped out came back on line in hours....PR is an island nation..they were given millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies....and you want to blame Trump? a president in his second year? are you retarded or something?
I live in NJ
After Hurricane Sandy, our power was out for eight days and we are one of the wealthiest states in the US
Very few of our power lines outside the cities are below ground

Trump is in charge. If people are dying, you escalate the vast resources of our country to save them

That just shows you how fucked up PR's infrastructure was before the two storms hit.

The issue in PR is even the backbone systems, the transmission lines, the step down transformers, and the generating stations were in terrible shape before the storm. With Sandy the issue was the distribution system, not the transmission system, and even that, as you said, took 8 days, in a situation where it only took 2-3 days to send in repair crews from other States.

And those repair crews are not useful to fix transmission systems, which are more specialized crews, and work under rougher conditions.

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