trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

Waiting for Link

I have a message for the U.S. Congress: Watch out what relief funds you approve and let our local government handle. Don’t let the Puerto Rican government play the victim and fool you. They have no clue what they are doing, and I worry that they will mishandle anything that comes their way

Puerto Rico was a disaster long before Maria ravaged the island

Even Before Hurricane Maria Hit, Puerto Rico Was In Financial Ruin

6 reasons why Puerto Rico slid into financial crisis

Puerto Rico’s Economy Was a Mess Before Hurricane Maria. It Will Only Make Recovery Harder
You continue to LIE! Nowhere in those links does it say: "Obama gave Puerto Rico millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies"
We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

No no...
You said they were given money to underground lines.....YOU LIED....YOY ARE A LIAR...
PREPA is responsible for $9bn of Puerto Rico’s $73bn of debt. As PREPA and other agencies borrowed billions of dollars from international creditors (and from each other, a practice some have compared to a Ponzi scheme), the utility started skimping on maintenance. In 2014 an austerity law prompted hundreds of experienced employees to retire and claim their pensions before cuts took effect. They were never replaced. The result, according to Synapse’s report, was generator failures, blackout rates four times higher than other American utilities, rising consumer costs, environmental violations and an increasing numbers of worker injuries and fatalities. A three-day blackout in 2016 caused by a fire at the Aguirre plant foreshadowed the darkness and economic standstill Hurricane Maria would bring. “We took the risk and we are paying the price,” says Mr Torres, peering at his poster.

In the aftermath of the hurricane, debate is swirling about how to fix the electrical system and who should pay. “We must rebuild better,” Governor Ricardo Rosselló has said, voicing enthusiasm for a proposal from Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, to deploy solar panels and batteries throughout the island to decrease dependence on the weak grid. This is a fine idea, but also an expensive one. Besides, federal emergency aid—the House of Representatives approved a $36.5bn package on October 12th, though only a fraction will go to Puerto Rico—can typically be used only to reconstruct what existed before the disaster.

The reconstruction has begun in an unusual fashion. Puerto Rico has hired a tiny Montana-based contracting company called Whitefish Energy to oversee grid restoration. Normally, states and municipalities contact a “mutual aid network” that can quickly mobilise thousands of repairmen. “But Puerto Rico never said ‘Hey, we need crews’,” says Mike Hyland of the American Public Power Association (APPA), which represents 1,100 utilities. Mr Rosselló originally claimed he could not get in touch with the APPA, and then later explained that he began negotiating with Whitefish before Hurricane Maria. The company had responded to a request for repair work after Hurricane Irma, and it appeared to be Puerto Rico’s cheapest option. José Roman of the Puerto Rican Energy Commission, an independent body created in 2014 to regulate and monitor PREPA, confirmed that no official bidding process took place. “The government was in emergency mode,” he said.

“It wasn’t like all the big guys were jumping up and down to go to a bankrupt island,” said Ken Luce, a spokesman hired by Whitefish a week ago. The company, which has two full-time employees, began as a joint-venture in 2015 with a Brazilian company called Comtrafo to build a transformer plant in Montana, a project that has since sputtered out. The Puerto Rican government declined to provide details on the contract, but Mr Luce said that Whitefish demanded only a $2m deposit for supplies and crews. It has 220 men on the island, though it plans to increase these to around 1,000 in order to meet the government’s goal of 95% power restoration by Christmas. Until several days ago, Whitefish’s website consisted of a single page with a photo of a helicopter and the contact information for a spokesman.

Puerto Rico’s ability to get the lights back on—and get them to stay on—may determine the island’s future. People will not wait indefinitely for schools without electricity to reopen if they can afford flights to mainland America. Yarimar Bonilla, a Puerto Rican anthropologist at Rutgers University, asked thousands of residents how they felt about Puerto Rico’s territorial status. They told her that, historically, reliable government services like electricity, water and communications made them feel superior to their non-American neighbours like Dominicans and Cubans. The blackouts made people wonder.

The story of Puerto Rico’s power grid is the story of Puerto Rico
Kissmy is a liar and worthy of the ignore option....I cannot stand liars....that is why I dislike our Liar in Chief so much....
No no...
You said they were given money to underground lines.....YOU LIED....YOY ARE A LIAR...



calm yourself shorthorn.....:abgg2q.jpg:
PREPA is responsible for $9bn of Puerto Rico’s $73bn of debt. As PREPA and other agencies borrowed billions of dollars from international creditors (and from each other, a practice some have compared to a Ponzi scheme), the utility started skimping on maintenance. In 2014 an austerity law prompted hundreds of experienced employees to retire and claim their pensions before cuts took effect. They were never replaced. The result, according to Synapse’s report, was generator failures, blackout rates four times higher than other American utilities, rising consumer costs, environmental violations and an increasing numbers of worker injuries and fatalities. A three-day blackout in 2016 caused by a fire at the Aguirre plant foreshadowed the darkness and economic standstill Hurricane Maria would bring. “We took the risk and we are paying the price,” says Mr Torres, peering at his poster.

In the aftermath of the hurricane, debate is swirling about how to fix the electrical system and who should pay. “We must rebuild better,” Governor Ricardo Rosselló has said, voicing enthusiasm for a proposal from Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, to deploy solar panels and batteries throughout the island to decrease dependence on the weak grid. This is a fine idea, but also an expensive one. Besides, federal emergency aid—the House of Representatives approved a $36.5bn package on October 12th, though only a fraction will go to Puerto Rico—can typically be used only to reconstruct what existed before the disaster.

The reconstruction has begun in an unusual fashion. Puerto Rico has hired a tiny Montana-based contracting company called Whitefish Energy to oversee grid restoration. Normally, states and municipalities contact a “mutual aid network” that can quickly mobilise thousands of repairmen. “But Puerto Rico never said ‘Hey, we need crews’,” says Mike Hyland of the American Public Power Association (APPA), which represents 1,100 utilities. Mr Rosselló originally claimed he could not get in touch with the APPA, and then later explained that he began negotiating with Whitefish before Hurricane Maria. The company had responded to a request for repair work after Hurricane Irma, and it appeared to be Puerto Rico’s cheapest option. José Roman of the Puerto Rican Energy Commission, an independent body created in 2014 to regulate and monitor PREPA, confirmed that no official bidding process took place. “The government was in emergency mode,” he said.

“It wasn’t like all the big guys were jumping up and down to go to a bankrupt island,” said Ken Luce, a spokesman hired by Whitefish a week ago. The company, which has two full-time employees, began as a joint-venture in 2015 with a Brazilian company called Comtrafo to build a transformer plant in Montana, a project that has since sputtered out. The Puerto Rican government declined to provide details on the contract, but Mr Luce said that Whitefish demanded only a $2m deposit for supplies and crews. It has 220 men on the island, though it plans to increase these to around 1,000 in order to meet the government’s goal of 95% power restoration by Christmas. Until several days ago, Whitefish’s website consisted of a single page with a photo of a helicopter and the contact information for a spokesman.

Puerto Rico’s ability to get the lights back on—and get them to stay on—may determine the island’s future. People will not wait indefinitely for schools without electricity to reopen if they can afford flights to mainland America. Yarimar Bonilla, a Puerto Rican anthropologist at Rutgers University, asked thousands of residents how they felt about Puerto Rico’s territorial status. They told her that, historically, reliable government services like electricity, water and communications made them feel superior to their non-American neighbours like Dominicans and Cubans. The blackouts made people wonder.

The story of Puerto Rico’s power grid is the story of Puerto Rico

Show me the word "underground." SHOW ME
You continue to LIE! Nowhere in those links does it say: "Obama gave Puerto Rico millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies"
Did you see that Jim called you a liar....dang he is bent.....

RAMBUNCTIOUS continue to LIE! Nowhere in those links does it say: "Obama gave Puerto Rico millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies"
Rambunctious is a liar....Do not trust anything he posts....
Rambunctious is a liar....Do not trust anything he posts....
Rambunctious is a liar....Do not trust anything he posts....
Rambunctious is a liar....Do not trust anything he posts....
How disastrous will a war with Iran be if Trump can't even get needed equipment into the war zone in 6 months?
trump is the worst so called president this country has ever had. He is profitting off the office of the president as never before. He is thumbing his nose at the rule of law. I really think Putin wanted him in office so that trump could tear down the institutions of Democracy. He is constantly attacking the free media, the Justice Department, and even Congressmen that disagree with him. Putin loves him for making the US appear that it is being lead by a third world dictator.
trump is the worst so called president this country has ever had. He is profitting off the office of the president as never before. He is thumbing his nose at the rule of law. I really think Putin wanted him in office so that trump could tear down the institutions of Democracy. He is constantly attacking the free media, the Justice Department, and even Congressmen that disagree with him. Putin loves him for making the US appear that it is being lead by a third world dictator.
Its called fighting back and defending yourself....and its long over due and one more thing you had better get use to it....
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.
So you are saying "fuk 'em, let 'em die"?
Cold. Republicans are cold.
------------------------------------- NO , don't let them die , help them out but always remember that they are 'puerto ricans' or islanders similar to 'haitians' DeanRD .
Since they are brown and speak Spanish, they cannot possibly be Americans, correct? You are one evil bigot.

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