trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

The Worst Disaster of Trump’s Presidency May Have Already Happened

trump doesn't care are people in need....he cares about trump....
Yeah Trump hates Puerto Rico that's why he signed a bill for 16 Billion in aid. That kind of hate is uncalled for.
Puerto Rico says to receive $16 billion in federal disaster aid

You won't hear any of the pathetic lefties on this board touting that my friend. In fact they won't mention it.

You forgot to mention that Trumps solution to the Puerto Rican disaster was to toss them paper towels

And 16 Billion dollars.
Obama allowed 50 million barrels of oil to wash up on PR's shores. Not to mention the gulf states.

And another million barrels of toxic waste to go with the flow of the Animus River.

Let's talk disasters.
Puerto Rico is not on the Gulf
No oil spilled on it

Puerto Rico is on the water, Ocean water
The Worst Disaster of Trump’s Presidency May Have Already Happened

trump doesn't care are people in need....he cares about trump....
Yeah Trump hates Puerto Rico that's why he signed a bill for 16 Billion in aid. That kind of hate is uncalled for.
Puerto Rico says to receive $16 billion in federal disaster aid

You won't hear any of the pathetic lefties on this board touting that my friend. In fact they won't mention it.

You forgot to mention that Trumps solution to the Puerto Rican disaster was to toss them paper towels

And 16 Billion dollars.
That is a lot of paper towels
Obama allowed 50 million barrels of oil to wash up on PR's shores. Not to mention the gulf states.

And another million barrels of toxic waste to go with the flow of the Animus River.

Let's talk disasters.
Puerto Rico is not on the Gulf
No oil spilled on it

Puerto Rico is on the water, Ocean water
Read my post again. I didn't say PR is in the gulf states.

But we did notice you ignored the million barrels of toxic waste flowing into the Rio Animus.
I went through Hurricane Sandy and we lacked electricity for eight days. That was a Cat 1 hurricane
Puerto Rico went through two Cat 5 s in a ten day period. Nobody can prepare for that
Trump dropped the ball and made a half assed attempt at aid and patted himself on the back from day one. Gave himself an A plus for his performance
5000 died

Well I went through four hurricanes in one year down here in Florida and we took care of business.

PR didn't do enough for its citizens and to blame Trump is damned stupid.

Oh wait, I forgot. madam president isn't POTUS. Never mind.
You took care of business with no Government assistance?
Do tell?

We sure did. Unlike you we all know what we can and can't do. Hurricanes are a way of life down here.

Tell me. Did you shag your sorry ass to PR to help out since you are so concerned??

Nah. I didn't think so. Another big mouth with ideas that someone else should deal with.
The major damage was to their infrastructure....roads....bridges....
electrical grid. Thos. Issues cannot be "prepared for." trump blew it....bigger even than W did.


Congress had seven investigations of Benghazi and only four people were killed

Puerto Rico lost 5000 and Crooked Donnie gets a free pass?

This thread isn't about Benghazi. Of course you know that. Its just another jab and anybody you can take a jab at.

PR lost 5,000 because it was a hurricane numbnuts. They had plenty of warning and didn't do much. If blame can be assigned for a natural disaster then lay the blame where it belongs. On them.

Benghzi saw four deaths due to an unpreventable attack

Puerto Rico saw 5000 deaths due to Trump administration indifference and incompetence


Sorry. Benghazi was preventable. They had months of warnings and our State Department did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross pulled their people out of the area which is what our State Department should have done.

As for PR. They had warning but didn't do enough to help their citizens. What did you expect Trump to do??

You are pathetic.
Seven GOP investigations all concluded there was nothing they could do

Trump could have prevented 5000 deaths if he had given a shit

Sure there were investigations. Did you think that they would find fault with a Govt. agency?? Silly you.

They had months of warnings that others took seriously enough to remove their people from the area.

The anniversary of the 9-11 attack was coming up. Any dummy would have realized what a great time for an attack.

Our State Department did nothing and that nothing got our people killed.

And explain to all of us how Trump could have prevented a hurricane?? We'd all like to know. Also explain why PR did nothing to protect it citizens. Enquiring minds want to know.
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Obama allowed 50 million barrels of oil to wash up on PR's shores. Not to mention the gulf states.

And another million barrels of toxic waste to go with the flow of the Animus River.

Let's talk disasters.
Puerto Rico is not on the Gulf
No oil spilled on it

Puerto Rico is on the water, Ocean water
Read my post again. I didn't say PR is in the gulf states.

But we did notice you ignored the million barrels of toxic waste flowing into the Rio Animus.
Damn that Obama
Well I went through four hurricanes in one year down here in Florida and we took care of business.

PR didn't do enough for its citizens and to blame Trump is damned stupid.

Oh wait, I forgot. madam president isn't POTUS. Never mind.
You took care of business with no Government assistance?
Do tell?

We sure did. Unlike you we all know what we can and can't do. Hurricanes are a way of life down here.

Tell me. Did you shag your sorry ass to PR to help out since you are so concerned??

Nah. I didn't think so. Another big mouth with ideas that someone else should deal with.

Congress had seven investigations of Benghazi and only four people were killed

Puerto Rico lost 5000 and Crooked Donnie gets a free pass?

This thread isn't about Benghazi. Of course you know that. Its just another jab and anybody you can take a jab at.

PR lost 5,000 because it was a hurricane numbnuts. They had plenty of warning and didn't do much. If blame can be assigned for a natural disaster then lay the blame where it belongs. On them.

Benghzi saw four deaths due to an unpreventable attack

Puerto Rico saw 5000 deaths due to Trump administration indifference and incompetence


Sorry. Benghazi was preventable. They had months of warnings and our State Department did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross pulled their people out of the area which is what our State Department should have done.

As for PR. They had warning but didn't do enough to help their citizens. What did you expect Trump to do??

You are pathetic.
Seven GOP investigations all concluded there was nothing they could do

Trump could have prevented 5000 deaths if he had given a shit

Sure there were investigations. Did you think that they would find fault with a Govt. agency?? Silly you.

They had months of warnings that others took seriously enough to remove their people from the area.

The anniversary of the 9-11 attack was coming up. Any dummy would have realized what a great time for an attack.

Our State Department did nothing and that nothing got our people killed.

And explain to all of us how Trump could have prevented a hurricane?? We'd all like to know. Also explain why PR did nothing to protect it citizens. Enquiring minds want to know.


Investigate Trump killing 5000 Puerto Ricans
Obama allowed 50 million barrels of oil to wash up on PR's shores. Not to mention the gulf states.

And another million barrels of toxic waste to go with the flow of the Animus River.

Let's talk disasters.
Puerto Rico is not on the Gulf
No oil spilled on it

Puerto Rico is on the water, Ocean water
Read my post again. I didn't say PR is in the gulf states.

But we did notice you ignored the million barrels of toxic waste flowing into the Rio Animus.
Damn that Obama
Pointing fingers is a Loser's game. ;)
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.
So you are saying "fuk 'em, let 'em die"?
Cold. Republicans are cold.

No, I'm saying don't blame Republicans for a disaster largely of Puerto Rico's own making.
Wrong! - Republicans are squarely to blame for 5,000 dead Americans in Puerto Rico!!!

No one on the left even cared about PR until they discovered that there are a bunch of dead people who they think they can blame the GOP for.

Now it's all the rage. Funny thing, it isn't as if the left didn't know the disaster in PR had happened and was continuing to happen, yet the silence was deafening; until it became a political point for their side.

Where were all the cries for the past year to help PR from the left? Why hasn't there been a push, by the left, to make the public more aware of the plight of PR?

More importantly, why has there been no screaming from the rooftops about the deplorable way in which PR was allowed to be mismanaged to the point that they could not even help themselves after a disaster?

Your outrage is underwhelming at best.
We already paid for M60 AVLB rapid deploying bridges among other equipment that are just sitting out in storage lots around the world that will eventually be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. They should have been sent immediately to Puerto Rico.

Yup! - The military could have bridged this gap in 1 day, but Trump put politics above people, so it took 6 months to get life saving supplies & infrastructure equipment rolling over this road.
Trump thought paper towels would suffice until he got around to sending real aid
We already paid for M60 AVLB rapid deploying bridges among other equipment that are just sitting out in storage lots around the world that will eventually be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. They should have been sent immediately to Puerto Rico.

Yup! - The military could have bridged this gap in 1 day, but Trump put politics above people, so it took 6 months to get life saving supplies & infrastructure equipment rolling over this road.
It only takes a few hours if Trump would have sent the equipment. But instead we had soldiers standing around scratching their heads.
If you want to continue to bottle feed PR go ahead....I don't...time for them to get their shit together and help themselves and stop wasting time blaming Trump....
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.
So you are saying "fuk 'em, let 'em die"?
Cold. Republicans are cold.

No, I'm saying don't blame Republicans for a disaster largely of Puerto Rico's own making.
Wrong! - Republicans are squarely to blame for 5,000 dead Americans in Puerto Rico!!!

No one on the left even cared about PR until they discovered that there are a bunch of dead people who they think they can blame the GOP for.

Now it's all the rage. Funny thing, it isn't as if the left didn't know the disaster in PR had happened and was continuing to happen, yet the silence was deafening; until it became a political point for their side.

Where were all the cries for the past year to help PR from the left? Why hasn't there been a push, by the left, to make the public more aware of the plight of PR?

More importantly, why has there been no screaming from the rooftops about the deplorable way in which PR was allowed to be mismanaged to the point that they could not even help themselves after a disaster?

Your outrage is underwhelming at best.
More FAKE NEWS from you worthless political propagandist!

3.5 million US citizens are in dire straits in Puerto Rico. Trump finally acknowledges Puerto Rico is in trouble 21 days later by saying “Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble,” without offering any additional federal government assistance as our people are dying.
We already paid for M60 AVLB rapid deploying bridges among other equipment that are just sitting out in storage lots around the world that will eventually be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. They should have been sent immediately to Puerto Rico.

Yup! - The military could have bridged this gap in 1 day, but Trump put politics above people, so it took 6 months to get life saving supplies & infrastructure equipment rolling over this road.
We already paid for M60 AVLB rapid deploying bridges among other equipment that are just sitting out in storage lots around the world that will eventually be auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. They should have been sent immediately to Puerto Rico.

Yup! - The military could have bridged this gap in 1 day, but Trump put politics above people, so it took 6 months to get life saving supplies & infrastructure equipment rolling over this road.
Now with the morons tariffs we have Germany and all Europe Mexico and Canada looking for revenge How many Americans must get bloodied to satisfy the cowardly POS in our WH?
Yawn. Puerto Rico was a disaster long before the hurricane.
So you are saying "fuk 'em, let 'em die"?
Cold. Republicans are cold.

No, I'm saying don't blame Republicans for a disaster largely of Puerto Rico's own making.
Wrong! - Republicans are squarely to blame for 5,000 dead Americans in Puerto Rico!!!

No one on the left even cared about PR until they discovered that there are a bunch of dead people who they think they can blame the GOP for.

Now it's all the rage. Funny thing, it isn't as if the left didn't know the disaster in PR had happened and was continuing to happen, yet the silence was deafening; until it became a political point for their side.

Where were all the cries for the past year to help PR from the left? Why hasn't there been a push, by the left, to make the public more aware of the plight of PR?

More importantly, why has there been no screaming from the rooftops about the deplorable way in which PR was allowed to be mismanaged to the point that they could not even help themselves after a disaster?

Your outrage is underwhelming at best.
More FAKE NEWS from you worthless political propagandist!

3.5 million US citizens are in dire straits in Puerto Rico. Trump finally acknowledges Puerto Rico is in trouble 21 days later by saying “Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble,” without offering any additional federal government assistance as our people are dying.
So, you can't read. Figures.
If you want to continue to bottle feed PR go ahead....I don't...time for them to get their shit together and help themselves and stop wasting time blaming Trump....
You are just another worthless Trump apologist! Trump's #1 job is CIC of military to protect US! Trump failed 5,000 times!!!
If you want to continue to bottle feed PR go ahead....I don't...time for them to get their shit together and help themselves and stop wasting time blaming Trump....
Trump is their president

He is responsible for helping people who need medicine, clean water, health services

Paper Towels are not enough
They only needed 7 generators to supply the entire island with safe clean drinking water. But Trump Failed to send them for months!
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