trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

because he didn't show up in Linesmens boots , a hard hat with a pair of pliers Billy .
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.
We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

LMAO don't worry. He won't admit to finding anything.

He and the other lefties on this board thing people can stop a hurricane.

They also think its our responsibility to rebuild a territory. A territory that was a shithole before the Hurricane arrived. The Govt. of PR had plenty of warning and sure didn't do much to protect its citizens.

Of course you won't see any of them shagging ass to PR to help. They would much rather criticize Trump and spout their bullshit about how he didn't do enough.

It sure wasn't his responsibility to prepare PR for a hurricane. That was the PR Govts. responsibility and they failed.

Light a fucking candle and move the fuck on. LOL
They are US citizens. The same as you. They pay taxes. They deserve to get the same help in a disaster as the Red States did.

They are not the same as us. Read up of their level of citizenship. They are not a state. They do not pay income tax. They do not vote. They are represented by a resident commissioner who has all the power of Eleanore Holmes Norton.
no body abandoned ' pr ' , it was being helped and is still being helped and probably with my money Kiss .
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
Trump is their president

He is responsible for helping people who need medicine, clean water, health services

Paper Towels are not enough
The mainland states that were wiped out came back on line in hours....PR is an island nation..they were given millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies....and you want to blame Trump? a president in his second year? are you retarded or something?
I live in NJ
After Hurricane Sandy, our power was out for eight days and we are one of the wealthiest states in the US
Very few of our power lines outside the cities are below ground

Trump is in charge. If people are dying, you escalate the vast resources of our country to save them

That just shows you how fucked up PR's infrastructure was before the two storms hit.

The issue in PR is even the backbone systems, the transmission lines, the step down transformers, and the generating stations were in terrible shape before the storm. With Sandy the issue was the distribution system, not the transmission system, and even that, as you said, took 8 days, in a situation where it only took 2-3 days to send in repair crews from other States.

And those repair crews are not useful to fix transmission systems, which are more specialized crews, and work under rougher conditions.
So it was too difficult for your orange buddy?

Trump is a Transmission line repairman? he can fix transformer's and substations himself?


Trump has never served in the military so he can't be Commader in Chief? He casn't direct them?

Really Marty?

Trump has FAILED PR big time.
We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

LMAO don't worry. He won't admit to finding anything.

He and the other lefties on this board thing people can stop a hurricane.

They also think its our responsibility to rebuild a territory. A territory that was a shithole before the Hurricane arrived. The Govt. of PR had plenty of warning and sure didn't do much to protect its citizens.

Of course you won't see any of them shagging ass to PR to help. They would much rather criticize Trump and spout their bullshit about how he didn't do enough.

It sure wasn't his responsibility to prepare PR for a hurricane. That was the PR Govts. responsibility and they failed.

Light a fucking candle and move the fuck on. LOL

No one said the government was going to "stop" a hurricane. Instead...comparisons were made between the difference in response when a hurricane ravaged a predominantly white area and when it hit PR. called....president has forgotten about PR...

Trump did not forget about PR

He gave them paper towels
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
I get it, We are such a shit country & no one knows how to fix an electrical grid.

Do you really think the task was no doable?
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away
The mainland states that were wiped out came back on line in hours....PR is an island nation..they were given millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies....and you want to blame Trump? a president in his second year? are you retarded or something?
I live in NJ
After Hurricane Sandy, our power was out for eight days and we are one of the wealthiest states in the US
Very few of our power lines outside the cities are below ground

Trump is in charge. If people are dying, you escalate the vast resources of our country to save them

That just shows you how fucked up PR's infrastructure was before the two storms hit.

The issue in PR is even the backbone systems, the transmission lines, the step down transformers, and the generating stations were in terrible shape before the storm. With Sandy the issue was the distribution system, not the transmission system, and even that, as you said, took 8 days, in a situation where it only took 2-3 days to send in repair crews from other States.

And those repair crews are not useful to fix transmission systems, which are more specialized crews, and work under rougher conditions.
So it was too difficult for your orange buddy?

Trump is a Transmission line repairman? he can fix transformer's and substations himself?


Trump has never served in the military so he can't be Commader in Chief? He casn't direct them?

Really Marty?

Trump has FAILED PR big time.

They spent 3.8 billion so far fixing and upgrading the electrical grid down there.

The poor state of the original system slowed down the repair/replace work, not Trump.

Try again dippy.
We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

LMAO don't worry. He won't admit to finding anything.

He and the other lefties on this board thing people can stop a hurricane.

They also think its our responsibility to rebuild a territory. A territory that was a shithole before the Hurricane arrived. The Govt. of PR had plenty of warning and sure didn't do much to protect its citizens.

Of course you won't see any of them shagging ass to PR to help. They would much rather criticize Trump and spout their bullshit about how he didn't do enough.

It sure wasn't his responsibility to prepare PR for a hurricane. That was the PR Govts. responsibility and they failed.

Light a fucking candle and move the fuck on. LOL
They are US citizens. The same as you. They pay taxes. They deserve to get the same help in a disaster as the Red States did.

They are not the same as us. Read up of their level of citizenship. They are not a state. They do not pay income tax. They do not vote. They are represented by a resident commissioner who has all the power of Eleanore Holmes Norton.

We all know PR was corrupt....But you claimed they were offered money to underground utilities and didn't do it.
They took the loot Obama sent them that was designated for buying their power lines and their economy swallowed it up how dumb are you that you can't pull that from the story? go back and read the links again flatboy....

LMAO don't worry. He won't admit to finding anything.

He and the other lefties on this board thing people can stop a hurricane.

They also think its our responsibility to rebuild a territory. A territory that was a shithole before the Hurricane arrived. The Govt. of PR had plenty of warning and sure didn't do much to protect its citizens.

Of course you won't see any of them shagging ass to PR to help. They would much rather criticize Trump and spout their bullshit about how he didn't do enough.

It sure wasn't his responsibility to prepare PR for a hurricane. That was the PR Govts. responsibility and they failed.

Light a fucking candle and move the fuck on. LOL

No one said the government was going to "stop" a hurricane. Instead...comparisons were made between the difference in response when a hurricane ravaged a predominantly white area and when it hit PR. called....president has forgotten about PR...

Trump did not forget about PR

He gave them paper towels

I forgot....he probably saved a few lives right there....
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
I get it, We are such a shit country & no one knows how to fix an electrical grid.

Do you really think the task was no doable?

It is being done. but morons like you think things just happen overnight. A job of that scale takes time.
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.
When people are dying, you provide whatever resources are needed to prevent it. Food, clean water, temporary shelters, medical aid, evacuate the sick
These are Americans who were dying
You don’t just throw them some paper towels and walk away

Those were provided. You know that. the problem is even with those supplies the stress of the situation would probably lead to a higher mortality rate.

He didn't walk away. Aid was sent, money was spent. your assumption that everything will go back to normal right away if Trump just stayed on the island is a false one.
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.

I know the water management ask for 7 generators to restore clean safe drinking water to the entire island. Trump did not send any of those generators!

I know the US military can bridge gaps & rivers in a day, to transport tanks, trucks & equipment. Trump did not send any!
puerto ricos infrastructure was poor before the hurricane arrived
The 2 massive back to back hurricanes destroyed new & old infrastructure alike. It ripped 65,000 power poles out of the ground regardless of how old they were. We should have at least tried to get temporary bridges & generators for clean water in there within a week. So at least they could live & transport rebuilding equipment. We did none of that & it took over 6 months to get vital roads open again.

New burdensome government building codes need to be imposed to require new & rebuilt structures & systems withstand Cat-5 hurricanes. It will take a lifetime to get that implemented as long as a deregulation government does not get elected & remove those regs leaving them all vulnerable again.

You really have no clue what type of a massive undertaking you are trying to describe, or how it would take far longer to implement.

All the time spent sending temporary fixes is time not spent fixing the permanent systems.

What a fucking monday morning quarterback you are, one with zero knowledge of the work required to respond to something like this.

I know the water management ask for 7 generators to restore clean safe drinking water to the entire island. Trump did not send any of those generators!

I know the US military can bridge gaps & rivers in a day, to transport tanks, trucks & equipment. Trump did not send any!

So you got proof for all that?
The mainland states that were wiped out came back on line in hours....PR is an island nation..they were given millions of dollars specifically designated for infrastructure and burying their power lines...but they took the money and used it for welfare payments and food subsidies....and you want to blame Trump? a president in his second year? are you retarded or something?
I live in NJ
After Hurricane Sandy, our power was out for eight days and we are one of the wealthiest states in the US
Very few of our power lines outside the cities are below ground

Trump is in charge. If people are dying, you escalate the vast resources of our country to save them

That just shows you how fucked up PR's infrastructure was before the two storms hit.

The issue in PR is even the backbone systems, the transmission lines, the step down transformers, and the generating stations were in terrible shape before the storm. With Sandy the issue was the distribution system, not the transmission system, and even that, as you said, took 8 days, in a situation where it only took 2-3 days to send in repair crews from other States.

And those repair crews are not useful to fix transmission systems, which are more specialized crews, and work under rougher conditions.
So it was too difficult for your orange buddy?

Trump is a Transmission line repairman? he can fix transformer's and substations himself?


Trump has never served in the military so he can't be Commader in Chief? He casn't direct them?

Really Marty?

Trump has FAILED PR big time.
Really??? a president in his second year failed PR? storm killed off a whole island nation? one would have to be a moron to believe that...that island paradise has been failing its own citizens for generations and you pin their demise on a second year American president?...
Just more upset lib speak pissed off because the Trump witch hunt has turned up empty and Trump is here to serve his full must hate that....

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