Trump's promise to Evangelicals: I will destroy the Johnson amendment

All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

All good Communists know Gramsci by heart and know that turning people away from morals and principles and into gullible unprincipled amoral fashionistas is the easiest way to destroy opposition to taking over a country, and going after the religious people first is key.

How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.
You don't think preachers should endorse a political candidate? Talk about dictatorships..

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.

But, I have that view because of being in the military. We were told that we were never allowed to go to political rallies for particular candidates in uniform, because it could be seen by the public as that particular service being behind a certain candidate.
Preachers are civilians. That is an absolutely terrible analogy.
Preachers should be able to do say whatever they want. My gawd man, ever hear of the first amendment?

Ever hear of separation of church and state?
All good Communists know Gramsci by heart and know that turning people away from morals and principles and into gullible unprincipled amoral fashionistas is the easiest way to destroy opposition to taking over a country, and going after the religious people first is key.

How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.
You don't think preachers should endorse a political candidate? Talk about dictatorships..

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.

But, I have that view because of being in the military. We were told that we were never allowed to go to political rallies for particular candidates in uniform, because it could be seen by the public as that particular service being behind a certain candidate.
Preachers are civilians. That is an absolutely terrible analogy.
Preachers should be able to do say whatever they want. My gawd man, ever hear of the first amendment?

Ever hear of separation of church and state?
I suppose you want an actual response to that...?
The amendment seems like a reasonable measure in the context of balance of social powers.
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

rightwingnut religious freaks need to leave everyone else alone. isn't religious people forcing gays to bake pro-traditional marriage cakes.....

I'm not going to argue this with bigoted loons.... you can't run a business and not accommodate the public.

if you can't handle the work, don't do it.

you can let whomever you want into your home.... or not. open a business and you lose your 1st Amendment Right to freedom of does that work exactly?
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

Bad idea.

They should lose their tax exempt status then. reason to........why should they lose that when no one else does.....they have a right to express their view points on politics the same as everyone else....
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.
While I agree with some of what Trump is doing, this isn't one of them. The pulpit needs to stay out of the political arena. The last thing we need is to eventually slip into becoming some theocracy. That's a government I would literally take up arms against.
but why would he?

All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

All good Communists know Gramsci by heart and know that turning people away from morals and principles and into gullible unprincipled amoral fashionistas is the easiest way to destroy opposition to taking over a country, and going after the religious people first is key.

How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.
You don't think preachers should endorse a political candidate? Talk about dictatorships..

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.
Why is that for you to decide, Marxist? Or anyone else?
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

Bad idea.

They should lose their tax exempt status then. reason to........why should they lose that when no one else does.....they have a right to express their view points on politics the same as everyone else....
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.
He is pandering to the bible thumping retards

The only retards are ppl like you, oh wait your not a person your an indoctrinated rat ......haahah
but why would he?

All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.
Yeah, leftists sure don't try to control the ignorant masses. "Say this, don't say that. Do this, don't do that."
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View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

rightwingnut religious freaks need to leave everyone else alone.
Where was your faux outrage when Hillary campaigned in a Church?

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.
So you deny religious leaders full First Amendment rights..

And you wonder why you guys keep losing
No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.
So you deny religious leaders full First Amendment rights..

And you wonder why you guys keep losing

I didn't do it, Johnson did. And, why is it that just now religious leaders are squeaking about it? Why didn't they get rid of it back then?

This is just more pandering to the religious right.
No one should have political pandering if they are on the IRS tax-exempt rolls.

Pay the due if you want to be involved in politics.

Churches should not be tax exempt, period.

Ah the usual nonsense, based on the truly idiotic narrative that just because some pseudo-intellectual tards managed to peddle the fake nonsense their dysfunctional mental disorder and compulsive sex fetish is a 'political issue' that this somehow means ministers are suddenly supposed to shut up about it or something. Thanks for weighing in with the typical cognitively dissonant 'logic' used by you unprincipled amoral sociopaths and psychopaths, Jake; you're good for something after all, once in a while, anyway.
How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

Don't know what it is you're trying to say here, but for the record that Amendment doesn't in any way work the way the right wingers claim it does; it doesn't restrict a church's status re Federal law at all; churches are not exempt, a word that implies they need permission or approval from some Federal agency for their tax status. They aren't 'exempt' from Federal taxes, they are excepted from any control or coercion by the Feds, period. And then there is the fact that they don't have to incorporate at all; corporations are state entities, not Federal creations, for one, and two, there is nothing for the Feds to tax in the first place, only Congress can create Federal corporations, and three, ministers, church employees, etc, who are paid salaries or other income for their employment do pay income taxes and Social Security already, so it's a red herring argument from the start; I've had this discussion several times here already re the 501.3(c) myths. And, the Feds have no say over what ministers can speak out about, they have the same speech rights anybody else has; whether assorted gimps and pedoes like that or not is not a Federal issue.

And to repeat, churches are not required to incorporate, aren't required to file anything at all to the IRS, or any state agencies for that matter, and the IRS itself has very restrictive guidelines on investigating what they consider scammers using fake 'churches'; as fronts for other activities for the private enrichment of individuals attempting to commit fraud by avoiding paying income and capital gains taxes on said personal enrichment. Both 'sides' of this non-issue are full of shit. That's why you never see an AG, Fed or state, ever even try to press that nonsense in a Court, even Obama's AG's.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.

Well tough tootsies; the Feds have no power to stop them, and neither do states, under the 14th Amendment.
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All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

All good Communists know Gramsci by heart and know that turning people away from morals and principles and into gullible unprincipled amoral fashionistas is the easiest way to destroy opposition to taking over a country, and going after the religious people first is key.

How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.
You don't think preachers should endorse a political candidate? Talk about dictatorships..

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.

But, I have that view because of being in the military. We were told that we were never allowed to go to political rallies for particular candidates in uniform, because it could be seen by the public as that particular service being behind a certain candidate.
Preachers are civilians. That is an absolutely terrible analogy.
Preachers should be able to do say whatever they want. My gawd man, ever hear of the first amendment?

Well, he doesn't have a clue about the issue, so he just goes with what's fashionable with his fellow ignorant asses and their peer groupthink.
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

When will the deranged draw the line:

Fire someone for an email, maybe we should fire those who don't believe in God, oh wait lets fire someone because their God is this or that, wait lets act like other Countries and do as they do when you don't obey their dictator ship.
Here you are free to Pray or not Pray, you are free to be a Christian or not be one...............WTF is the problem

Man Fired for Invoking Christ’s Name in an Email

A security officer at a sex-offender rehabilitation facility says he was fired for having “in Christ” as part of his email signature. Michael Mial filed…
No one should have political pandering if they are on the IRS tax-exempt rolls.

Pay the due if you want to be involved in politics.

Churches should not be tax exempt, period.

Ah the usual nonsense, based on the truly idiotic narrative that just because some pseudo-intellectual tards managed to peddle the fake nonsense their dysfunctional mental disorder and compulsive sex fetish is a 'political issue' that this somehow means ministers are suddenly supposed to shut up about it or something. Thanks for weighing in with the typical cognitively dissonant 'logic' used by you unprincipled amoral sociopaths and psychopaths, Jake; you're good for something after all, once in a while, anyway.
You are an immoral person, Picaro, nothing more. You get to be your own type of Christian, but that means you don't get to tell anyone else they have to live their lives by the law according to your standards. When churches move beyond their private, religious arena into the public forum, then, yes, they are subject to law just like any other entity.
Ever hear of separation of church and state?

Ever bothered to educate yourself on what that means before trying to discuss it? That is a concept created by the Baptists, by the way; according to you, that means we should do away with it because of it's 'religious' origin, and a major key founding platform for a specific religious faith, an evul evangelical one at that ...
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