Tucker is darling of Putin and the Kremlin Security's Information and telecommunications Dept. to support war in Ukraine

And what are you using to determine that it was a lie?
The fact that you, Tucker Carlson, and FOX lying news, have not proven that it is a Bio weapons lab. Tucker Carlson invented that narrative. The women he depicted explaining what they had, never said a thing about a Bioweapons lab. Carlson is a piece of shit liar endangering the world. Are you going to show us he didn't say what he said? No! And are you going to try and change the words this woman said about the Bio research lab? NO, because that's what it is. You have no intelligent counter argument.

And you never will; I listened, and I saw. Carlson is the enabler for Putin. How do we know? Because, you will never construct an intelligent argument explaining how Carlson isn't an enabler for Putin.
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Why I have that stance? You aren't making any sense? What I hear from Tucker is 180 degrees from my stance.

Tucker Carlson got caught on live TV suggesting Ukraine had a Bio weapons lab. This is not what the woman said. The Lab is a Bio research lab.

But Carlson, being the idiot in the box that he is, has enabled Putin.

If you can't interpret what Carlson said, yes, you have cognitive issues.

He said bio labs.
So how is calling it a bio weapons lab enabling Putin exactly, what advantage does he get from that?

Tell us what all is developed at that lab?
You definitely are not cognitive. Explain this question;
So how is calling it a bio weapons lab enabling Putin exactly, what advantage does he get from that? You aren't that stupid right? Please tell all of us on this forum you aren't that dumb?
So how is calling it a bio weapons lab enabling Putin exactly, what advantage does he get from that?
That's Putin's FALSE justification for the invasion and possible justification for using chemical weapons
You couldn't be more wrong about Tucker if you wanted to be. Tucker, unlike others will state the facts from both sides. Sorry if that is inconvenient for you, but facts matter. Because he doesn't sugar coat the truth, the way you like, he is somehow an accomplice. Have you been without real facts for so long that you can not see the forest through the trees?
Oh, his style of putting out the point of view he wants you to hear is very refreshing, apparently to Vlad and the Kremlin intelligentsia, just exactly what Vlad wants the Russian citizens to hear.
That's Putin's FALSE justification for the invasion and possible justification for using chemical weapons
Thank you! The spinners on the chair don't seem to understand that; :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Oh another one that has probably never even listened to what Carlson said and is just lapping at the trough of 'mainstream media' mass lies and propaganda. Please enlighten us and explain the exact words and how they defer to Putin?
Literally not one word of the post you quoted is the poster's opinion of Carlson.

Shouldn't you be whining to Putin? He's the one who considers Carlson to be an asset.

Do you mostly watch Carlson on FOX, or on Russian State media?
That it was a WEAPONS lab?

No she did not

What is WRONG with you?

Why do you hate this country?
She said BIOLAB with dangerous pathogens. Defect. I hate you. I love this country. It would be better off without you in it, midget.
Literally not one word of the post you quoted is the poster's opinion of Carlson.

Shouldn't you be whining to Putin? He's the one who considers Carlson to be an asset.

Do you mostly watch Carlson on FOX, or on Russian State media?
Has to be just FOX. That would explain their gobbly goo on this forum. What is scary about these folks, is the fact that they are way beyond idiotic. They are dangerously idiotic in their support of these monsters they cheer for.
That it was a WEAPONS lab?

No she did not

What is WRONG with you?

Why do you hate this country?
Twist, twist, twist, and twist so more, is all they know, and all they can come up with.
You definitely are not cognitive. Explain this question;
So how is calling it a bio weapons lab enabling Putin exactly, what advantage does he get from that? You aren't that stupid right? Please tell all of us on this forum you aren't that dumb?

Well please explain it to my stupid self, it should be easy for you to do, right?

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