Tulsi Gabbard defends Steve Bannon…

Don’t tell me you believe the Seth Rich conspiracy too?

It was a Russian hack. Nothing has been blown out of the water.
ooooooooo - troll tactic #8 - when losing, divert to another topic and move the goalposts.

i took this class also, son. just because you can say shit like "critical thinking" doesn't mean you can. so far you're even thinking, just using pre-approved bulletpoints and tactics.

have a good life.
ooooooooo - troll tactic #8 - when losing, divert to another topic and move the goalposts.

i took this class also, son. just because you can say shit like "critical thinking" doesn't mean you can. so far you're even thinking, just using pre-approved bulletpoints and tactics.

have a good life.
I didn’t bring up Seth Rich and I didn’t claim the Russia narrative was blown out of the water.

That was you fine people
You have a childish view of how the country works and what the national committees are for. Notice how none of you actually can say what the DNC did. You just know they did something wrong.

It’s always the same with you guys. Something was bad, but you’re not sure what.

Russia hacked the DNC. We all know this. The people making up shit are those who are internet conspiracy crazies.
no. i have a childish view of YOU brought about by YOUR actions.
They lost. That's what happens when you run one of the most disliked, divisive candidates in history and it turns out you had to cheat to even do that.
even Bernie knows how the demofks cheat. He called them out until he got paid. Amazing what money can buy.
i never brought him up.

a critical thinker would know that.

now, kindly fuck off.
You accused me of playing “the Russia card” because I don’t believe the Seth Rich conspiracy.

Maybe if you actually believed anything, you’d have a point.
ooooooooo - troll tactic #8 - when losing, divert to another topic and move the goalposts.

i took this class also, son. just because you can say shit like "critical thinking" doesn't mean you can. so far you're even thinking, just using pre-approved bulletpoints and tactics.

have a good life.
he is a demofk. It's their training.
You accused me of playing “the Russia card” because I don’t believe the Seth Rich conspiracy.

Maybe if you actually believed anything, you’d have a point.
no i accused you of playing the russia card cause you did.

i didn't give a shit about anything else you had to say or why after that.

a critical thinker would know such things and stop the turd pushing.
so the old "im right and you're wrong neener neener"

how could i have been so wrong on the childish shit?
I never said you’re wrong. To be wrong, you’d first have to actually say something, but you don’t actually say anything. You just whine
no i accused you of playing the russia card cause you did.

i didn't give a shit about anything else you had to say or why after that.

a critical thinker would know such things and stop the turd pushing.
What’s wrong with playing the “Russia card”?
Does saying Russia trigger you? Is it against the rules? Is Russia the new Voldemort?

Blown out of the water my ass.
I just noted he did.
Not from Dems.

The point stands that the DNC was trying to win elections. That’s it. You can have an opinion that they made the wrong choice, but it wasn’t corruption.
Not from Dems.

The point stands that the DNC was trying to win elections. That’s it. You can have an opinion that they made the wrong choice, but it wasn’t corruption.

Cheating is always corrupt.

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