Ugly liberal greed on full display

think about WHY the right hates education in this country??

they dont want the people educated.

It's exactly the opposite. We do want people educated, not brainwashed. Government schools produce nothing but a constant stream of ignorant brainwashed drones.

Oh that's bullshit..especially coming from you..a person that wants a return to the Monarchy.

You folks want people stupid.

Last I checked, bripat isn't a Democrat and doesn't care for Obama.
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.

Furthermore, liberals always scream about sacrifice and the good of the whole. Well, you have a bloated $64,000 salary already - and you're not willing to "sacrifice" for the good of society and make sure our kids are well educated?

I hope this city provides one final offer to the teachers: cut your salaries in half - take it or leave it. Otherwise, we continue indefinitely with substitute teachers.

The hypocrisy of the liberal is deplorable. They care about nothing and no one except their greedy selves, but they scream "it's all about the good for all" because that's the easiest way they know to line their own greedy pockets.

Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller
Hedge fund managers make $37,000/HR, when are you going to bitch about them?

And how is that even remotely relevant considering it's not "Hedge Fund Managers" who scream about "shared sacrifice", the "good of society", and the "collective"?

Can you guys ever make a rational argument? :cuckoo:
$64,000 for the services a teacher provides is too much for Ohio.

But, $63,000 for a member of the Ohio Highway Patrol is fine. $60,000 for a member of the General Assembly, $128,000 for the Governor, $80 million for Joe Thomas, a tackle with the Cleveland Browns, $109,000 for the Ohio Secretary of State...those are OK too...right?

Uh, yeah stupid. Do you not realize why pro-athletes make the money they do?

You are truly such a monumentally ignorant socialist that you honestly don't understand why pro athletes make the money they make. That is fucking hilarious... :lmao:

(Hint - Joe Thomas is worth every penny he is paid. Now lets see if any of the liberal idiots can guess why they are worth that much). This ought to be a LOT of fun!
$64,000 for the services a teacher provides is too much for Ohio.

But, $63,000 for a member of the Ohio Highway Patrol is fine. $60,000 for a member of the General Assembly, $128,000 for the Governor, $80 million for Joe Thomas, a tackle with the Cleveland Browns, $109,000 for the Ohio Secretary of State...those are OK too...right?

I bet there are strippers in Ohio that make more than that

Yes, and not one of them with our tax dollars. Are you seriously this stupid, or do you just do this for fun?
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.

This is a joke, right? You cannot be so stupid as to actually mean this seriously. Please say this is a joke.

You're an ignorant liberal, which means you can't comprehend economics. The concept of revenue makes you go cross-eyed and get a headache.

Because you swallow propaganda like liberals swallow loads, you believe that if you open your eyes in the morning, you're entitled to a six-figure salary, regardless of what service you provide.
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.
Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

if you think that $64,000 is a bloated salary (let alone for someone with 6+ years of college) this just tells me that you have fallen for right-wing class warfare. Well it tells me other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to say...
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.

This is a joke, right? You cannot be so stupid as to actually mean this seriously. Please say this is a joke.

You're an ignorant liberal, which means you can't comprehend economics. The concept of revenue makes you go cross-eyed and get a headache.

Because you swallow propaganda like liberals swallow loads, you believe that if you open your eyes in the morning, you're entitled to a six-figure salary, regardless of what service you provide.

You do know that the dollar sign doesn't count as one of the figures, right?
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.

Furthermore, liberals always scream about sacrifice and the good of the whole. Well, you have a bloated $64,000 salary already - and you're not willing to "sacrifice" for the good of society and make sure our kids are well educated?

I hope this city provides one final offer to the teachers: cut your salaries in half - take it or leave it. Otherwise, we continue indefinitely with substitute teachers.

The hypocrisy of the liberal is deplorable. They care about nothing and no one except their greedy selves, but they scream "it's all about the good for all" because that's the easiest way they know to line their own greedy pockets.

Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

$64000 is a lot of money in your world?

Wow, I'm sorry.

Says the acne covered 23 year old who works the counter at McDonalds... :lmao:

Conjure the dark lord! I command thee....! :lmao:

$64k is a shit load of money for a government worker providing that particular service.
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.
Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

if you think that $64,000 is a bloated salary (let alone for someone with 6+ years of college) this just tells me that you have fallen for right-wing class warfare. Well it tells me other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to say...

funny you should post that, just heard 50% of americans couldnt come up with a lousy 2 grand with in a month if the need be a rise. what is that 64k paying for? if you dont think its a decent amount of money?
Now if you believe our children are OUR future then you dont want to pay for the future to be good

1.) What is taught beyond elementary in public school is as useless as you and your liberal pals. Nobody dissects frogs in the real world. The future is built in quite a few places - but junior high and high school is not some of them.

2.) The student themselves and their family are exponentially more important to the equation than the actual teacher. That's not to say that a good teacher brings a lot to the table - because they do. But I don't known of a good student who did not easily over come a bad teacher. We've all had them - and here we sit today successful as ever.

3.) Since when does more money automatically mean quality? I mean, I've sat here and listened to you radical wing-nut liberals scream about how CEO's have been paid millions and have collapsed companies. You idiot liberals have spent more (unconstitutionally mind you) on education than any point in history, and we are seeing some of the worst results in any point in history.

Those facts are a bitch, uh....
The taxpayers don't pay the salaries of hedge fund managers. You're free not to pay them a cent.
Alright, the war in Iraq cost us $6 trillion and we got nothing in return, when are you going to bitch about that?

I've yet to meet a conservative who doesn't bitch about that every day. Removing Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do - and everyone knows it. But we also should have handed the Iraqi's a bill and demanded a percentage of their oil for "x" amount of years for services rendered.

Bush and his administration botched the entire post-Saddam Iraq. So what's your point? I swear, you've been so thoroughly defeated on the battle field of idea's, all you wing-nuts can yell is "what about Bush"?!?!

All of that being said though - you did get something huge in return for the operations in Iraq. You got a madman out of power - bringing more peace to the world (and the U.S.). You don't have to admit it, we all know it's true (and we all know that you know it's true).
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.
Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

if you think that $64,000 is a bloated salary (let alone for someone with 6+ years of college) this just tells me that you have fallen for right-wing class warfare. Well it tells me other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to say...

Since when does your years partying in school dictate your worth?

You liberals are seriously so insanely fucking stupid, you really don't know what determines worth. This equal parts unbelievable and hysterical. I'm loving watching you idiots expose your stupidity!
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.
Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

if you think that $64,000 is a bloated salary (let alone for someone with 6+ years of college) this just tells me that you have fallen for right-wing class warfare. Well it tells me other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to say...

Since when does your years partying in school dictate your worth?

You liberals are seriously so insanely fucking stupid, you really don't know what determines worth. This equal parts unbelievable and hysterical. I'm loving watching you idiots expose your stupidity!

I understand that you've been traumatized by some mean teachers and dunce caps, but that doesn't give you any expertise into determining worth.
How unbelievable is it that not liberal here understands how compensation works. I knew liberals were dumber than farm animals, but this is so crazy, even I'm blown away by this.

They've tried to claim that we need to pay because (and I quote here) "our children is our future" - LiesMatters (can you believe that one?!?)

They've tried to claim that we need to pay them that much because strippers or athletes make more :)lmao:)

These people seriously don't understand compensation on even the most basic level. No wonder they are such die-hard marxists!
if you think that $64,000 is a bloated salary (let alone for someone with 6+ years of college) this just tells me that you have fallen for right-wing class warfare. Well it tells me other things too, but it wouldn't be polite to say...

Since when does your years partying in school dictate your worth?

You liberals are seriously so insanely fucking stupid, you really don't know what determines worth. This equal parts unbelievable and hysterical. I'm loving watching you idiots expose your stupidity!

I understand that you've been traumatized by some mean teachers and dunce caps, but that doesn't give you any expertise into determining worth.

I've laid down a challenge to you idiot liberals and I'm still waiting.

How is worth determined?

Come on Agit8r - step here. Afraid to expose your ignorance?
Over $64,000 is an obnoxious salary for a teacher. They generate no revenue, they work less than 8 hour days, and they work less than 8 months per year.

Furthermore, liberals always scream about sacrifice and the good of the whole. Well, you have a bloated $64,000 salary already - and you're not willing to "sacrifice" for the good of society and make sure our kids are well educated?

I hope this city provides one final offer to the teachers: cut your salaries in half - take it or leave it. Otherwise, we continue indefinitely with substitute teachers.

The hypocrisy of the liberal is deplorable. They care about nothing and no one except their greedy selves, but they scream "it's all about the good for all" because that's the easiest way they know to line their own greedy pockets.

Striking teachers scream insults at substitute teachers | The Daily Caller

$64000 is a lot of money in your world?

Wow, I'm sorry.

Says the acne covered 23 year old who works the counter at McDonalds... :lmao:

Conjure the dark lord! I command thee....! :lmao:

$64k is a shit load of money for a government worker providing that particular service.

Dude, if you think $64000 is a lot of money, I really feel for you.

No wonder you're so angry all the time, you're fucking poor. :lol:

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