Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

What blue bar?

Licenses are nearly identical, where illegal DL has small mark "federal limits apply".

If you don't look for it, you wont notice it.
They're still not gonna be registered to vote, ya putz. Even if someone misses the warning on the license that it can't be used for voting .... before they hand them a ballot, they have to find the person on the voter's roll. Since illegals can't register to vote, their name won't be found. The worst that can happen is such an illegal alien can vote using a provisional ballot -- which will never count since they were never registered to vote.
Unless they live in California, New York, New Jersey, etc....

No, not there either.
They are registered automatically, without party preference.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


All 50 states allow non citizens to get drivers licenses.

"Immigrants in the country illegally cannot produce the necessary documents (like a social security card) to obtain a driver’s license under state laws. Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 12 states and DC have changed their laws to allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses."
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."
They're still not gonna be registered to vote, ya putz. Even if someone misses the warning on the license that it can't be used for voting .... before they hand them a ballot, they have to find the person on the voter's roll. Since illegals can't register to vote, their name won't be found. The worst that can happen is such an illegal alien can vote using a provisional ballot -- which will never count since they were never registered to vote.
Unless they live in California, New York, New Jersey, etc....

No, not there either.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


All 50 states allow non citizens to get drivers licenses.

"Immigrants in the country illegally cannot produce the necessary documents (like a social security card) to obtain a driver’s license under state laws. Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 12 states and DC have changed their laws to allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses."
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."

Illegal immigration, not illegal voting? You should change your thread title.

Thousands of Russians here on Visas voted illegally for Trump, obviously..
Would ya look at this...?

In just a few months, PoliticalHack goes from telling the forum there are 40 million illegal aliens in the U.S....
Real studies put the number at close to 40 million illegal aliens in the nation.....and there goes Hillary's 'popular vote victory.
... to over 50 million ...
Probably more than 50 million illegal aliens living here.... Let's use mathematics to show that:
Where were those additional 10+ million illegal aliens hiding? Under your bed?


And see that, PoliticalHack? This is what happens when you make up numbers. You lose consistency and credibility.
Unless they live in California, New York, New Jersey, etc....

No, not there either.
Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


All 50 states allow non citizens to get drivers licenses.

"Immigrants in the country illegally cannot produce the necessary documents (like a social security card) to obtain a driver’s license under state laws. Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 12 states and DC have changed their laws to allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses."
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."

Illegal immigration, not illegal voting? You should change your thread title.

Thousands of Russians here on Visas voted illegally for Trump, obviously..

No, you moron, I'm pointing out how you attempted to lie in your two posts.
Lets look at the dots.

California had the lowest percentage for Trump.

Trump ran on an anti illegal immigrant platform.

California has more illegals than Carter has Liver Pills.

California has lax voter ID requirement.

Most of the large voting districts are run by Democrat politicians.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to connect those dots, does it?.
If it's so easy - why can't you prove jack-shit?

It would be easy if those who suppose to prevent the fraud are not the same one who are doing it.

Compare data of illegal alien driver licenses with voter registration data, than compare the same with list of people that voted. Would California allow it?

I'm afraid not. For the same reason that California refuse request from DHS to have different design for driver licenses of illegals.

The filthy Moon Bats will do their normal Libtard denial but I think we all know the real reason the Democrat politicians gave Driver's Licenses to Illegals so they can can show up on election day and cast their vote for the Democrats. We saw this big time in illegal rich California, didn't we?


Certainly not to benefit America.

1. For Democrats, their power is more important than the health and safety of this nation.

2. Toward that end, Democrats are willing to remove border security, steal from the taxpayer fisc, and turn a blind eye to criminality.

3. Pretending to honor the American birthright, the election of our leaders, Democrats make bogus 'identification' available to so as to allow illegal aliens, who they support via stealing said taxpaid finances, voting privileges.

4. As there are upwards of 50 million illegal aliens residing here, due to Democrat negligence, even a small portion of same following Obama's instructions, and illegally voting, account for what Democrats claim is a popular vote victory.

5. Dunces tacitly admit that Democrat controlled states and voting precincts allow this illegal voting, in refusing to guess how many places that provide bogus 'identification provided a margin of victory to the Democrat candidate.

6. As polls prove that Democrats admit that that want illegal aliens to vote, lying sacks of offal...i.e., you,....pretend that this is not the case.


It is a terrible policy to allow the Illegals to flood into this country. Why would anybody be that stupid?

The Democrats may be idiots when it comes to most policies but they were smart enough to see what happen in California. The state use to be Conservative but changed to Liberal when all the Illegals flooded in.

Their goal is to Californiacate the entire country.

They know without the Illegal vote and the inner city welfare queen Blacks they would never win another election. That is why they promote illegal immigration and lax voter requirements. They will screw this country in order to stay in power and that is despicable.

Of course it is not just the Democrats. Some weak minded Republicans (like Bush) think they can somehow get more votes by kissing the ass of the Illegals.
Illegals get driver's licenses that say no voting.....


I say Democrat's who work the polls ignore that blue bar and simply look at the name on the driver's license.

What blue bar?

Licenses are nearly identical, where illegal DL has small mark "federal limits apply".

If you don't look for it, you wont notice it.
They're still not gonna be registered to vote, ya putz. Even if someone misses the warning on the license that it can't be used for voting .... before they hand them a ballot, they have to find the person on the voter's roll. Since illegals can't register to vote, their name won't be found. The worst that can happen is such an illegal alien can vote using a provisional ballot -- which will never count since they were never registered to vote.
Unless they live in California, New York, New Jersey, etc....

No, not there either.
Who knows WTF you're talking about? Even you don't. In California, even if an illegal alien shows up at a DMV to get a driver's license with an ID, fake name and address, they're still not registered to vote.

They are registered automatically, without party preference.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


All 50 states allow non citizens to get drivers licenses.

And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

And who is "they"?

Your own source tells us...

Here's how California's new voter registration law will work

What about people in the country illegally who are able to obtain driver's licenses in California under a law passed in 2013?

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."​

Now stop lying.
No, not there either.
All 50 states allow non citizens to get drivers licenses.

"Immigrants in the country illegally cannot produce the necessary documents (like a social security card) to obtain a driver’s license under state laws. Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 12 states and DC have changed their laws to allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses."
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."

Illegal immigration, not illegal voting? You should change your thread title.

Thousands of Russians here on Visas voted illegally for Trump, obviously..

No, you moron, I'm pointing out how you attempted to lie in your two posts.

Right, 'cause you just want to talk about "illegals" voting. You don't care if a bunch of Russians on Visas voted for Trump, you only care if people here illegally are voting. There is equal evidence of both. :lol:
Who knows WTF you're talking about? Even you don't. In California, even if an illegal alien shows up at a DMV to get a driver's license with an ID, fake name and address, they're still not registered to vote.

They are registered automatically, without party preference.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As you've been shown repeatedly and from your own source, "they" refers only to U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens. And not only are you s liar, you're a proven liar as you've been shown over and over where your own source states this.

Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:

Illegals get driver's licenses that say no voting.....


I say Democrat's who work the polls ignore that blue bar and simply look at the name on the driver's license.

What blue bar?

Licenses are nearly identical, where illegal DL has small mark "federal limits apply".

If you don't look for it, you wont notice it.
They're still not gonna be registered to vote, ya putz. Even if someone misses the warning on the license that it can't be used for voting .... before they hand them a ballot, they have to find the person on the voter's roll. Since illegals can't register to vote, their name won't be found. The worst that can happen is such an illegal alien can vote using a provisional ballot -- which will never count since they were never registered to vote.
Unless they live in California, New York, New Jersey, etc....
Still waiting for your proof of your claim. Don't you have any?

Need help?
You have not shown causation. If the states that allow illegals to get licenses chose Clinton, perhaps it is simply because they are more liberal-leaning states. Wouldn't that make sense in states that allow illegals to vote? That certainly seems to fit more closely with the Democrat/liberal positions on illegal immigrants than on the Republican/conservative positions.

Looking at the list in your oft-linked article about the states which allow illegals to get a license, it seems that all of them other than Utah lean somewhat or heavily Democrat.

Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia

State of the States: Political Party Affiliation

"You have not shown causation."

I've made a far stronger case than the claims of Trump colluding with the Russians, or that he in any way obstructed justice by firing Comey.

It was my aim, and it was eminently successful.

Your ire proves that.
Mr. Trump openly asked the Russians for help in that regard. It was in the public domain.

Nope, he did not.
Yes, he did.

If you were not leftist, I would take your word for it.

This is the part where you post the link to transcript or to video.

Quote his words, not your interpretation of his words.
where is your link? i am practicing not resorting to fallacies.
"Immigrants in the country illegally cannot produce the necessary documents (like a social security card) to obtain a driver’s license under state laws. Beginning in 1993 with Washington state, 12 states and DC have changed their laws to allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses."
12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."

Illegal immigration, not illegal voting? You should change your thread title.

Thousands of Russians here on Visas voted illegally for Trump, obviously..

No, you moron, I'm pointing out how you attempted to lie in your two posts.

Right, 'cause you just want to talk about "illegals" voting. You don't care if a bunch of Russians on Visas voted for Trump, you only care if people here illegally are voting. There is equal evidence of both. :lol:

How about we get the illegal aliens out first.

"You don't care if a bunch of Russians on Visas voted for Trump,..."
You can't really be this stupid...

...I guess you can.
They are registered automatically, without party preference.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As you've been shown repeatedly and from your own source, "they" refers only to U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens. And not only are you s liar, you're a proven liar as you've been shown over and over where your own source states this.

Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:


"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

That's true.


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

All 50 states.

Non-U.S. Citizen Driver’s License Guide : DefensiveDriving.org

Russians on Visas voted by the thousands, illegally, for Trump.

"....for legal immigrants’ licenses.

The issue is illegal aliens!!!!

Twelve states and the District of Columbia enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain a driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, a foreign passport, or a consular card and evidence of current residency in the state. Oregon enacted S833 that provided driver’s licenses for unauthorized immigrants in 2013, but the following year voters approved ballot Measure 88 that suspended the law by 67 to 33 percent."

Illegal immigration, not illegal voting? You should change your thread title.

Thousands of Russians here on Visas voted illegally for Trump, obviously..

No, you moron, I'm pointing out how you attempted to lie in your two posts.

Right, 'cause you just want to talk about "illegals" voting. You don't care if a bunch of Russians on Visas voted for Trump, you only care if people here illegally are voting. There is equal evidence of both. :lol:

How about we get the illegal aliens out first.

"You don't care if a bunch of Russians on Visas voted for Trump,..."
You can't really be this stupid...

...I guess you can.

Go ahead. They aren't voting either way.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As you've been shown repeatedly and from your own source, "they" refers only to U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens. And not only are you s liar, you're a proven liar as you've been shown over and over where your own source states this.

Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:


"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

That's true.


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


It's true that U.S. citizens will be registered to vote, not illegal aliens. You've been shown this repeatedly yet you still lie.
illegals, non-living and multiple voters make up 80% of the Democrat vote
Oh, hor$e$hit...



To prove that your point is credible... else... I call Bull$hit... so... go ahead... prove me wrong... link?

I'm protecting my sources
That's fine... then we'll just call your claim Bull$hit, that Illegals make up 80% of the Democratic vote... you lose... but Bull$hit carries its own penalties.

You can't prove that it's BS. In fact, I have another uninformed source that just corroborated.
Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

As you've been shown repeatedly and from your own source, "they" refers only to U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens. And not only are you s liar, you're a proven liar as you've been shown over and over where your own source states this.

Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:


"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

That's true.


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


It's true that U.S. citizens will be registered to vote, not illegal aliens. You've been shown this repeatedly yet you still lie.

1. Here is the house organ of California Democrats/Liberals verifying what I just said.....
from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Are they lying, Ugly?

Why would they do that?

The truth is they are telling the truth because they know there will be no complaints about illegal aliens voting from the Democrat leadership in California.

2. Nationwide, Democrats admit their hatred of America here:
Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."
As you've been shown repeatedly and from your own source, "they" refers only to U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens. And not only are you s liar, you're a proven liar as you've been shown over and over where your own source states this.

Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:


"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

That's true.


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


It's true that U.S. citizens will be registered to vote, not illegal aliens. You've been shown this repeatedly yet you still lie.

1. Here is the house organ of California Democrats/Liberals verifying what I just said.....
from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Are they lying, Ugly?

Why would they do that?

The truth is they are telling the truth because they know there will be no complaints about illegal aliens voting from the Democrat leadership in California.

2. Nationwide, Democrats admit their hatred of America here:
Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."

Of course they're not lying. They're saying U.S. citizens are automatically registered to vote. The liar is you, by falsely claiming the L.A. Times is saying illegal aliens are automatically registered to vote.

You've proven to be a sick pup who just can't stop lying, even after being shown numerous times where the L.A. Times clearly states this.

And despite all that rhetoric, to date, only one illegal alien was found to have actually voted in the election.

What, he forgot the ID, the fake name and address he provided when getting the DL?
Who knows WTF you're talking about? Even you don't. In California, even if an illegal alien shows up at a DMV to get a driver's license with an ID, fake name and address, they're still not registered to vote.

They are registered automatically, without party preference.
No, they're not.

Actually, they are.
And....from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


Why do you post the same lie after lie? Please read your link again. You are dumber than I thought.
I thought this was already debunked 6 days ago.

They just have their new DL -------- Since when these illegals can RENEW their new DL?
I just renewed my DL and I can tell you are lying big time.
Of course it doesn't.

That 30 seconds is his appeal to illegal aliens.

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Barack Obama disrespect for the laws of our country, and for the Constitution.

So you're saying your own source, the L.A. Times, is lying??? :ack-1:


"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

That's true.


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???


It's true that U.S. citizens will be registered to vote, not illegal aliens. You've been shown this repeatedly yet you still lie.

1. Here is the house organ of California Democrats/Liberals verifying what I just said.....
from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Are they lying, Ugly?

Why would they do that?

The truth is they are telling the truth because they know there will be no complaints about illegal aliens voting from the Democrat leadership in California.

2. Nationwide, Democrats admit their hatred of America here:
Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."

Of course they're not lying. They're saying U.S. citizens are automatically registered to vote. The liar is you, by falsely claiming the L.A. Times is saying illegal aliens are automatically registered to vote.

You've proven to be a sick pup who just can't stop lying, even after being shown numerous times where the L.A. Times clearly states this.

"Of course they're not lying. They're saying U.S. citizens are automatically registered to vote. The liar is you, by falsely claiming the L.A. Times is saying illegal aliens are automatically registered to vote."



Here is the house organ of California Democrats/Liberals verifying what I just said.....
from the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

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