USMB Coffee Shop IV

Itā€™s was a nightmare driving back home from work, the sun goes down at 4:15pm
Fog and ice on the roads, i noticed black ice this morning. 25 miles of roads like this :(

YIKES!!!!!! Black ice is something I have had bad memories with. I thought I was being careful, but....NOT! Down with a bang that hurt and was black and blue for days. The taller a woman is the chances of them breaking something if they fall as our center of gravity is higher than the average woman's which is 5'4". I am 5'7" but because I am slender my chances of breaking something increase even more so. Need more fat but like fashion and health too much to eat those foods I love. Which is why I love to read Ringel05's, Foxfyre's and others' recipes they put up here. They cook the way I used to. :crybaby: lol
I gotta tell you, I make the best Mexican chilli con carne in the Uk ... Iā€™m not kidding. :)
4 pigs.... 7-14-2019--12-3-2019 ....862 lbs hang weight....maybe a few sacks of finish feed....all restaurant /supermarket waste. ~S~
Foxfyre is right! We Do need a WOW button here. lol
Iā€™m just wondering how my bitch top dog would react to us keeping pigs :)
Another "YIKES" for you, Roy! What a hearty-looking specimen. Would not EVEN want to tangle with that beaut!
Sheā€™s the perfect house dog, nothing would harm the wifey with her guarding the house, my furry boy is the sleeping giant, only when the bitch is threatened does he put his arse kicking teeth in.

this is Mr B

What kind of dogs are they, Roy? They look pretty solid.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a British breed of short-haired terrier of medium size. It originated in the city of Birmingham and in the Black Country of Staffordshire from cross-breeding between the Bulldog and the Black and Tan Terrier. Wikipedia

Hypoallergenic: No
Life expectancy: 12 ā€“ 14 years
Colors: Black, White, Brindle, Fawn, Brindle & White, Black & White, Blue, Fawn & White, Red & White, Red, Blue & White
Temperament: Fearless, Reliable, Intelligent, Affectionate, Bold, Loyal, Courageous

You and your wife have great taste in everything, Roy. You value quality and loyalty. ;)

Staffies are the result of breeding Bull mastiffs with Terriers.


Bull mastiff ^^^
Mr B although a softy can look after himself when given no other choice. He would be the only dog out of the 2 of my dogs Iā€™d allow to play with my grandchildren under my supervision.

Mr B as a puppy
image post host
I love bullies. I had a wonderful Bullmastiff and would have another in a heartbeat. What a mellow, couch-potato dog.'s almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.

Hugss up, Gracie. All the best I can send your way is already there. Luvs ya!
Hi all. The wife had her first round of this chemo yesterday which meant six hours at the cancer center most of which was waiting. First blood draw then an hour later meeting with the doc to make sure all was good to start the chemo and discuss possible side effects and precautions then an hour later for the infusion, waiting for the drug to be mixed then an hour administering it via infusion pump. When we left at 6PM she decided she wanted Dominos Pizza after we got home. We quickly decided that was a mistake and will never do that again, back to Dion's......... Their pizza is a thousand times better.
The chemo is Doxorubicin commonly referred to as the Red Devil, she can have eight cycles only over a lifetime, it's that toxic. Part of what the doc covered was dealing with bodily fluids for the first 48 hours after the drug being administered. Close the toilet lid when flushing and flush twice, handle any possible cleanup with rubber gloves and if she sweats profusely wash all affected clothing and bedding separately in hot water. Barring any possible new trials that might pop up this is the last treatment they have available.
In the meantime I'm starting to convert over to all natural, organic foods and no hormone, grass feed meats, eggs and poultry, something I should have done a year ago.
That's all for now. Hope all of you are doing well.
Goodness, Ringel, that treatment seems pretty intense. I sure hope this gets to and eliminates the beast plaguing Mrs. R. How is she holding up?
That time of year. Spent last night having dinner and spending money at the Butler Institute of American Art. Last night was the preview show for their annual Christmas Arts and Crafts show. Over 75 vendors and last night was by invitation only. They will be open to the public today and tomorrow. Anyway my good friend Maureen was once again my dinner date. Loads of fun.
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You make an attractive pair, Ollie. Be good to one another and enjoy the season.
That time of year. Spent last night having dinner and spending money at the Butler Institute of American Art. Last night was the preview show for their annual Christmas Arts and Crafts show. Over 75 vendors and last night was by invitation only. They will be open to the public today and tomorrow. Anyway my good friend Maureen was once again my dinner date. Loads of fun.
View attachment 293701
You make an attractive pair, Ollie. Be good to one another and enjoy the season.
Well, I just went through one of the worst incidents in my life, one that will be ongoing for a while. Given all the pain and suffering I've missed here, I will refrain from being a whiner. This, too, shall pass and may be all for the best, eventually.
We're going through another bout of rain and melting. It's hovering around freezing here so every time it rains things freeze and become treacherous. I hope the partner made it back to town safely.
All my best out for Gracie, Mrs R, and all my other CS friends who are in need.
Foxy, please make sure my partner is on the "list". He will need all the help and best he can find to help him overcome his current situation.
Thank you.
Hi all. The wife had her first round of this chemo yesterday which meant six hours at the cancer center most of which was waiting. First blood draw then an hour later meeting with the doc to make sure all was good to start the chemo and discuss possible side effects and precautions then an hour later for the infusion, waiting for the drug to be mixed then an hour administering it via infusion pump. When we left at 6PM she decided she wanted Dominos Pizza after we got home. We quickly decided that was a mistake and will never do that again, back to Dion's......... Their pizza is a thousand times better.
The chemo is Doxorubicin commonly referred to as the Red Devil, she can have eight cycles only over a lifetime, it's that toxic. Part of what the doc covered was dealing with bodily fluids for the first 48 hours after the drug being administered. Close the toilet lid when flushing and flush twice, handle any possible cleanup with rubber gloves and if she sweats profusely wash all affected clothing and bedding separately in hot water. Barring any possible new trials that might pop up this is the last treatment they have available.
In the meantime I'm starting to convert over to all natural, organic foods and no hormone, grass feed meats, eggs and poultry, something I should have done a year ago.
That's all for now. Hope all of you are doing well.
Goodness, Ringel, that treatment seems pretty intense. I sure hope this gets to and eliminates the beast plaguing Mrs. R. How is she holding up?
Already having nausea but so far no other side effects but this is the first round.
Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.
Dang, gallantwarrior ..when it rains it pours for you too! You are one strong dude, buddy. Don't let anyone...or YOU...tell you different. Don't know what the "worst thing ever" is, but it must be bad. My prayers are up for ya, hon.

And now..I am off to bed. Doc appt tomorrow (regular doc), to see what to do about my high blood pressure. Docs and nurses at the hospital said I am a walking time bomb for a stroke. I damn sure don't want one of those and survive it. I'd rather kick than wake up a vegetable with the need to depend on MrGracie. I adore him, but he would NOT be a good caregiver. Nope. I'd be fucked 3 ways to sunday if I had to rely on him.
Anyway..I put off the stop smoking until I can see my doc. BP will skyrocket worse going thru withdrawals, so I want to try to get this under control, then start the patch. Whether I can get it down or not doesn't matter. I have 4 packs left. Once those are gone..that's it. My patches patiently await me.

Throat still sore too. Not as bad, but still....he fucked it up something fierce. I gotta ask him tomorrow when I swing by to see my reg Doc just what the hell he did and did it fuck up my thyroid cuz it feels like I wanna puke all the time from being poked in the throat..but nobody is poking it, so he did a number on the INSIDE is my guess and I wanna know how long this feeling will last. Talked ot Sister In Laws brother and he saidhe had it done too a month or so ago and it took 2 weeks for his throat to heal and yes...he felt like puking and a throat poking too. Said they SHOVE that thing down your throat and devil take the hindmost so I presume they did the same thing to me. Nether region is doing just fine so far. No problems. Everything "normal" if you get my drift. So...I wanna see what he did, any biopsies, results of those if he did that, and in He told me some stuff but I was still comig out of anesthesia and have no clue what he said.

Anyway....bedtime. See yall tomorrow! Will let ya know what both docs say.

Ringel05 regards to you and the wife. Will be praying for you both.

Still sending lots of prayers and positive vibes your way Gracie.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogoā€™s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities.
Gracie for wellness and good solutions.
Did we miss anybody? Jog my memory please.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Shoulder taking ages. But I have much to be thankful for, when I look around me.

Visited a friend with cancer yesterday. She's a shadow of her former self, despite the disease being "managed". I can't believe, just a few years ago, we were running around, doing all sorts of things.

It's a dreary time of the year, gloomy and drizzling.

I'm off to the warmth and the sunshine in a week. :113:
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?
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Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?

I hope your test results show it's a minor, easily rectified issue!
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?

I hope your test results show it's a minor, easily rectified issue!
They're working on it! Thanks!
Well, I just went through one of the worst incidents in my life, one that will be ongoing for a while. Given all the pain and suffering I've missed here, I will refrain from being a whiner. This, too, shall pass and may be all for the best, eventually.
We're going through another bout of rain and melting. It's hovering around freezing here so every time it rains things freeze and become treacherous. I hope the partner made it back to town safely.
All my best out for Gracie, Mrs R, and all my other CS friends who are in need.
Foxy, please make sure my partner is on the "list". He will need all the help and best he can find to help him overcome his current situation.
Thank you.

He's there with you GW. So wish there was more to do to help though.
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?

Wow Nosmo. So was there a diagnosis or you were just poked, prodded, needled, starved, and terrified for nothing? Though of course nothing is the best outcome for these things though it would be nice to know what brought them on so you could sort of avoid them?

My last medical incident a few weeks ago that resulted in my colonoscopy and endoscopy resulted in a clean bill of health from both but absolutely no explanation for the alarming symptoms that prompted me having them. The symptoms did not reoccur. So I am reassured but still wondering.

I'm still longing for a medical system like they had on the Starship Enterprise.

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