USMB Coffee Shop IV

Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!

Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!

Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)

It's Gracie's fault... She invited him... :thup:
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!

Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)

Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!

Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)

It's Gracie's fault... She invited him... :thup:

Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!

Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)

It's Gracie's fault... She invited him... :thup:
I found him overe in the new members intro thread. Can we keep him? :D
Its Flamin hot down under ,

But we had a HEAP of Rain today and for the next 4 days heaps more predicted

all over the East Coast of Australia !

thank you all for your prayers !!

we LOVE the USA and all our Brothers and Sisters there , you have one Amazing POTUS now !

don't stuff it up !! KAG - : )

You needed the rain I think and hope it helps with the fires. We've been watching that over here. Do take note though that we are of many different religious and political leanings in the Coffee Shop so we steer clear of theology and politics and such that can be controversial and just enjoy each other. And I think we will enjoy your company a LOT!

Much Love thank you FoxFyre - : D

I think we're going to get along just fine with you. So happy you found us. :)

It's Gracie's fault... She invited him... :thup:
I found him overe in the new members intro thread. Can we keep him? :D

Well it's really a lot to ask, but I can't say no. :)
Meanwhile...MrG took himself to the ER because he was concerned about some symptoms he is not comfy with. Feet swelling, legs swelling, hard to breathe when laying down. He claimed its because he has gained weight. I claimed its because he does nothing except lay in the bed and watch tv all day. Well....the hospital called and said they are concerned because they think its a heart issue and want to keep him and he doesn't want to stay but told them to call me to see what I think. Well duh. I ain't a doctor and said to keep his ass there and fix him. So...I guess he is going to spend the night at the hospital and he will call me tomorrow to say when I can come see what the heck is going on.

I'll holler when I know more.
Meanwhile...MrG took himself to the ER because he was concerned about some symptoms he is not comfy with. Feet swelling, legs swelling, hard to breathe when laying down. He claimed its because he has gained weight. I claimed its because he does nothing except lay in the bed and watch tv all day. Well....the hospital called and said they are concerned because they think its a heart issue and want to keep him and he doesn't want to stay but told them to call me to see what I think. Well duh. I ain't a doctor and said to keep his ass there and fix him. So...I guess he is going to spend the night at the hospital and he will call me tomorrow to say when I can come see what the heck is going on.

I'll holler when I know more.

Fingers crossed it's minor, Gracie. You two have gone through enough of late.
I must confess summat. I got off the bus at the first stop with a pub on the outskirts of Melbourne. It was a great pub, inside I remember it had most Scottish surnames on the walls inside “McCloud” “McNeil” “McTavish” etc etc clan names of every description.
The bus dropped me off and off it went into Melbourne in the distance.
So there I was early in the morning in a bar with only one bloke sat on a bar stool. We started talking, he was easy to chat to, he was unemployed and telling me everything about the state of the Oz car industry and why it was failing.
The dinner time crowd came in, I was introduced, as I was only 24 then the local talent totty checked me out.
As I was an oddity (Brit) I was introduced to everyone and everyone bought me a midi.
The dinner time crowd left and a bit later the afternoon crowd came in, of course I was shown off like a pet pony by my new mates, the midi’s were still being chucked down my neck, a great time had by all. A red headed barmaid felt sorry for me and gave me her full attention.
So! a barman asked “what time is youy bus Roy?” I didn’t know, a guy was despatched to find out. By this time I was for a word “bolloxed” so they carried me out of the bar a leg and a wing style and stopped the bus and gently put me in a seat. Everyone in the bar came out to wave me off.
The trip back to the ship I can’t remember, but somehow I got back on the ship without the white caps (ship security) giving me grief.
My cabin mate told me I’d been in bed 3 days and the ship was still at sea. He told me I’d vomited up a lake of ale and was told he had to stay with me until I awoke. “It was a legendary beer fest I must admit”
So here is the rub! I wonder to this day what was the name of that pub?

(there is a part to this tale I cannot tell, I was sick on the bus..... don’t ask)
Ok..only spoke to him briefly...seems he has a sleep apnea issue. So he was right...he's too damn fat, lol. Pretty sure he's going to hate wearing that mask, so...its exercise time. Hard for either of us to do with our rickety painful joints, but he can walk up and down the alley like I do, just to get some motion going. And lay off the cherry pies, eggos, hershey bars, hot chocolate drinks. Meanwhile, they are doing more tests to find out whats going on with his heart too, and he will call me later.

Thats all I know for now. He seemed in pretty good spirits, so....
Ok..only spoke to him briefly...seems he has a sleep apnea issue. So he was right...he's too damn fat, lol. Pretty sure he's going to hate wearing that mask, so...its exercise time. Hard for either of us to do with our rickety painful joints, but he can walk up and down the alley like I do, just to get some motion going. And lay off the cherry pies, eggos, hershey bars, hot chocolate drinks. Meanwhile, they are doing more tests to find out whats going on with his heart too, and he will call me later.

Thats all I know for now. He seemed in pretty good spirits, so....

Hombre has had a CPAP for many years now and if he forgets to use it, he sleeps miserably. He doesn't mind it at all. They have perfected and developed systems now that don't require a mask but use apparatus that is more like using oxygen. Those who need them sleep better, feel better, and have much more energy.
This gets so close to home, it almost isn't funny. I would study for tests and think I had everything down pat, and they would throw me a question that just didn't compute in my not-so-mathematical brain:

Well, communication is not the best there at the hospital but I did finally get a bit of info. He is being kept another night and will be released tomorrow after all the tests are done. Swelling in legs and feet is down and he is on IVs of some kind to remove the excess fluids. Sleeping better too. they will put him on the cpap tonight and he will test it out. He seems in good spirits so he is being well taken care of. He called and said he is doing fine and will see me tomorrow sometime and I said take it easy and get what needs done, done.

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