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I was in my barber shop the other day and so many people are riding Lebrons jock hard, man I pray to god the Spurs can pull this off.
No surprise. The company men call two bogus fouls on Duncan in the first quarter. Meanwhile, Parker drives to the hoop with James draped all over him and no call.
I have to admit I am jealous of the Spurs, I wish that Garnett, Pierce, Rondo and Doc Rivers could be in the same shape as this Spurs team with a great supporting cast.
I could only shake my head when the Heat goal tended Splitter's shot at one end and then James went down and barreled his shoulder into the defender and scored at the other end to make the score 50-44. They actually showed that play on the lead-out of the game.

And despite that, James still only went 5-18.
The announcers were mysteriously mum after Ginobili got swatted in the face by Haslem as he went to dunk the ball. Instead, they were just saying how he didn't hop like he used to.
Funny top comment to this ESPN article:

"Gotta love how the media's analysis revolves around the Heat not living up to their potential (injuries, Bosh and Wade not contributing which is, Lebron not being aggressive, more, fatigue) rather than the Spurs outplaying them. Good lord, ESPN media analysis is a freakshow of sycophantic unabashed fanboyism. As if the Spurs of all teams are (ever or now) 100% healthy or hit on all cylinders in game one dropping 41/30% from the floor and getting outrebounded by the worst team in the NBA at that facet. Do you any of you realize how ridiculous you look patronizing a team as decorated and proven as the Spurs? Buy a freaking clue."

2013 NBA playoffs -- LeBron shows effects of long season, tough East finals - ESPN

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