Vaccines are about politics not science


Nobody is listening to you. It's kind of pathetic that you don't see that.
I see when provided by a study that provides provable and proven scientific facts, including sources, conclusions and peer-review you go like this?

Israeli Researchers:​

Study: Natural immunity 'stronger, longer' than vaccine immunity​

I had COVID-19 in March 2020. I donated platelets on nine occasions to help those afflicted with COVID-19. Per the American Red Cross, that helped save 50+ lives. In June 2021 the Red Cross ended the program and I then got the vaccine. But before that the leftists who didn't do shit except for hide in their basement tried to shame me?! Amazing.

Natural immunity helps. Yet Fauci never differentiates. CDC never differentiates. Why? All about politics and putting money into big pharma.

Perhaps if the CDC and Biden were honest and admitted that those with natural immunity are safer than those who never had the virus but should still get the vaccine as a booster, more would trust them. But they won't. They will use shame and ridicule as their tools.

Truth over Facts

Vaccines are about politics not science​

Only to the tards. Good job.:thup:
"Vaccines are about politics, not science"

I am hard-pressed to think of anything that has not been politicized. Science is all about finding truth, while politics is all about grabbing and keeping power. Both are now more concerned with perception than reality.
The timing of the so-called virus is just too precious,
I see when provided by a study that provides provable and proven scientific facts, including sources, conclusions and peer-review you go like this?
View attachment 550131
Not me. Show me when I have ever gone like that.

You "vaccine" nazis are just pissed because there are so many of us that you can not intimidate into taking the injections.

You all are the ones doing this.

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Again click the damn link provided in the original article. The fifth word to be exact. This will lead you to the study I provided in the link I just wrote.
They are wrong. And that was BEFORE the Israeli study. Provide a link where one person has died from having COVID after recovering from it the first. Time. Or even having a serious reaction to COVID. Thx
Not me. Show me when I have ever gone like that.

You "vaccine" nazis are just pissed because there are so many of us that you can not intimidate into taking the injections.

You all are the ones doing this.

View attachment 550140
Well when colfax gave a link to a study by the CDC, that was peer-reviewed looking at the effectiveness of natural immunity vs vaccines the reply you gave was.

Nobody is listening to you. It's kind of pathetic that you don't see that.
That to me seems like tearing your hair out when facts that mesh with what your notion of truth is.
Well when colfax gave a link to a study by the CDC, that was peer-reviewed looking at the effectiveness of natural immunity vs vaccines the reply you gave was.

That to me seems like tearing your hair out when facts that mesh with what your notion of truth is.
Whatever. The crux is that you can not intimidate me into taking the poison. And there are many, many, many others. We are untouchable, and that rips your control freak will into shreds.

And my notion of truth comes from a trusted professional I've known for two thirds of my life, who is eminently qualified to advise me, and not from someone whose only qualification is being able to say "I may not be a scientist but I've played a scientist on the internet."
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-OH look. The CDC does differentiate between people with natural immunity because of previous infection and those that haven't been previously infected.

These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

Studies were done.

This is Fauci acknowledging infection does bring with it certain immunity. By the way A YEAR AGO.

So when you say they don't differentiate what do you mean?

-Your premise falls flat in another way.

The idea that someone who's willing to forego getting vaccinated will all of a sudden be convinced to do so on the condition that the CDC acknowledges that natural immunity is a thing (which they don't deny) is naive, plain dumb, or a bad faith argument.

Guess what? Someone who's willing to look for an Israeli non-peer-reviewed study and ignores those from the CDC, is not looking for the CDC to convince them. They're looking for a justification to not get jabbed. Any justification at all.

They didn’t differentiate in terms of vaccine mandates. Try again, leftist. So now you’re saying Israel is wrong? I provided a subsequent link too. The Israeli study was after the one the CDC published so it’s more recent.
-OH look. The CDC does differentiate between people with natural immunity because of previous infection and those that haven't been previously infected.

These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

Studies were done.

This is Fauci acknowledging infection does bring with it certain immunity. By the way A YEAR AGO.

So when you say they don't differentiate what do you mean?

-Your premise falls flat in another way.

The idea that someone who's willing to forego getting vaccinated will all of a sudden be convinced to do so on the condition that the CDC acknowledges that natural immunity is a thing (which they don't deny) is naive, plain dumb, or a bad faith argument.

Guess what? Someone who's willing to look for an Israeli non-peer-reviewed study and ignores those from the CDC, is not looking for the CDC to convince them. They're looking for a justification to not get jabbed. Any justification at all.

Checkmate, leftist. Studied and confirmed

Checkmate, leftist. Studied and confirmed
You think?

Your article leads here. Israeli Case Study Shows Natural Immunity 27x More Effective than Vax - Headline USA Not exactly a medical journal.
Being the good sport that I am. I looked for the link that would lead me to that study and confirmation. The only link was to that same Israeli study. Still being a good sport I looked for the name of that Harvard professor. Led me here. Those who penned Great Barrington Declaration a year after it sparked worldwide firestorm: 'This is our crucible'
Low and behold he was one of those people that advocated for the "herd immunity approach" to the pandemic. The same approach has been rejected by nearly all countries.

So your "checkmate" consists of a Twitter statement, linked by a clearly biased news site. By a professor previously on record arguing against vaccinations, that provides no additional information besides the original study itself.

For the record, this is not how scientists peer-review.

As a checkmate, I find it kind of flimsy. In fact, I find it laughable.
You think?

Your article leads here. Israeli Case Study Shows Natural Immunity 27x More Effective than Vax - Headline USA Not exactly a medical journal.
Being the good sport that I am. I looked for the link that would lead me to that study and confirmation. The only link was to that same Israeli study. Still being a good sport I looked for the name of that Harvard professor. Led me here. Those who penned Great Barrington Declaration a year after it sparked worldwide firestorm: 'This is our crucible'
Low and behold he was one of those people that advocated for the "herd immunity approach" to the pandemic. The same approach has been rejected by nearly all countries.

So your "checkmate" consists of a Twitter statement, linked by a clearly biased news site. By a professor previously on record arguing against vaccinations, that provides no additional information besides the original study itself.

For the record, this is not how scientists peer-review.

As a checkmate, I find it kind of flimsy. In fact, I find it laughable.
Yale and Harvard confirmed it. How about that, sport?
If that’s the case why not admit that those with natural immunity are better protected than those who never had the virus? Simple question that an antisemite like you refuses to answer. Talk about stupid…
Better protected still with both natural immunity and vaccination. Your point is meaningless. Many would die or suffer long term or permanent incapacity if infected.
Dr. Fauci on 10/9/2021:

'When you have a lot of infection in the community, even though you're vaccinated, when you are not home but outside in congregate settings in the public, wearing masks, I think would be very prudent,'

Yet people still think that the vaccines are working great. So great, that they must even be mandated, and those who wish to refuse the concoction should have no right to work, go to a restaurant, gym or theater.

As soon as the CDC announced the vaccinated should put their masks back on, any with a brain should have realized the vaccines were broken. They were protective against the Alpha spike protein, but Delta mutated the spike.

Interview with Greta Van Susteren will be aired today.

President Biden, of "the Party of Science" on 9/9/2021:
"we need to protect vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated."

No vaccine is 100% protection, dope. None.
If you are exposed to enough of any virus , it will breakthrough your antibody defenses and you will become infected.
simply get the vaccine, at little cost and risk and just make sure you have the best possible protection.
When someone is sellling their product, and they have zero liability for it, the buyer takes the risk.
Get damaged by their Vax krap and you get to pay the over priced doctors that simply want to suck money out of you, and prescribe expensive medicines that do more harm than good.
No, a single epidemiologist associated with Harvard linked the Israeli study in his Twitter feed. At least that's the information that can be gleaned from your link.
So now Israel, Yale and Harvard are lying? LOL

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